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 بيانات صحفية: III.11 (المملكة المتحدة)

الدولة: الدوري:
المملكة المتحدة Paradise City Rockstars† - Rockstars unveil their new jerseys
The Paradise city franchise came up with their newly designed jerseys for both home a road games.The new set replaces the traditional black/red and white striped jerseys which the team have been using...

المملكة المتحدة theasassins† - I lost
Today the Badgers lost 7:4 to the paradise city rockers in a match that Badger fans say that shook the team. Half of the badgers were 'annihilated' by the opposition way before they got a chance to pl...

المملكة المتحدة MAN DEVILS† - last game......
joke..joke..joke.... :))))))))

المملكة المتحدة MAN DEVILS† - LAST GAME
By the way.....ill or injured player is better likes fit???????DO not kidding me!!!!!!

المملكة المتحدة MAN DEVILS† - LAST GAME-MESAGE FOR ADMIN>>>>>>>>>>
What's the bluff it has been last game?????I don't know exactly how this game is working ,but it was really joke-bullshit.....I will never ever prolonge my credits....i have not seen any benefit...JU...

المملكة المتحدة MAN DEVILS† - re-Cribber of dundee
after consultation with the manager of dundee demons i can let u all know with pleasure,that we worked off to agreement soon...i hope so... :)

المملكة المتحدة MAN DEVILS† - Cribber of dundee
Today-16.2.2011 has been stolen my teamlogo...MAN DEVILS...WHY????

المملكة المتحدة Milbergs United† - Why is it still up
why is it still up. its feb 2011 not april 2010

المملكة المتحدة HKM Humenne Wings† - Conferencia
Tak mame tu niekolko novych sprav ohladom nasho tymu. Manazer sa dneska rozhodol ze kupi novu posilu do tymu. Tak vitame v tyme Mohammeda Woodcocka ktory dufame ze bude jednym z tahunou muzstva ktory ...

المملكة المتحدة HKM Humenne Wings† - KOtuciky :D :D
tote tvoje lamy cz 120 to su jednicky co strielaju kotuciky ti powem

المملكة المتحدة HKM Humenne Wings† - The best player awards!
Vitame vas na The best player awards.Tym HKM Humenne Wings vsietil mnoho golov tak sme vybrali najvacsich lidrov tohto tymu a vyzrebovanie vitazov bude na konci sezony pred zacatim playoff. Najleps...

المملكة المتحدة HKM Humenne Wings† - Verime v postup do II. ligy !!!
Tak predsa prisla sezona v ktorej ma tym HKM Humenne Wings stale blizsie a blizsie k II. lige. Vedenie tymu dufa v postup do II. ligy bud z preveho miesta alebo z baraze. Ine priecky v playoff su v te...