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Канада Dunnville Mudcats - Unfortunate Behaviour

(AP) Known for his off-colour comments and disturbing behaviour, Dunnville Mudcat GM and President Paul Roedb is back in the news after a rather embarrassing and forgettable incident this past weekend. In attendance for the summer-ending Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada fundraiser, Roedb capped off the gala event by receiving an honorary award for his contribution to the game of hockey in Canada. Appearing intoxicated and disheveled, Roedb accepted his plaque after struggling with the stage stairs, repeatedly stumbling while trying to mount the three steps. Then, while delivering a few words in accepting the award, Roedb inexplicably began to criticize and insult the childrens' advocacy group, bemoaning organizations that "freeload", that are "closet pinko socialists" and who "encourage children not to work". As the Mudcat boss railed at the altruistic work of the organization, clearly distraught and shocked organizers looked on.

Унікальныя прагляды: 5
Прэс-рэліз рэйтынг: Дрэнна - Звычайны - Цудоўна