var jersey_home_old = ''; var jersey_road_old = ''; var stats_action = new Array; stats_action[38] = new Array; stats_action[38]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[38]['team'] = 1; stats_action[38]['shot1'] = 22944570; stats_action[38]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[38]['goalie'] = 22150211; stats_action[123] = new Array; stats_action[123]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[123]['team'] = 2; stats_action[123]['player_id'] = 22410343; stats_action[130] = new Array; stats_action[130]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[130]['team'] = 2; stats_action[130]['shot1'] = 22721371; stats_action[130]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[130]['goalie'] = 22643130; stats_action[176] = new Array; stats_action[176]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[176]['team'] = 1; stats_action[176]['goal'] = 22956341; stats_action[176]['assist1'] = 0; stats_action[176]['assist2'] = 0; stats_action[176]['goalie'] = 22150211; stats_action[212] = new Array; stats_action[212]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[212]['team'] = 1; stats_action[212]['goal'] = 22968897; stats_action[212]['assist1'] = 22606027; stats_action[212]['assist2'] = 22872740; stats_action[212]['goalie'] = 22150211; stats_action[282] = new Array; stats_action[282]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[282]['team'] = 1; stats_action[282]['shot1'] = 22606027; stats_action[282]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[282]['goalie'] = 22150211; stats_action[397] = new Array; stats_action[397]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[397]['team'] = 1; stats_action[397]['shot1'] = 22872740; stats_action[397]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[397]['goalie'] = 22150211; stats_action[402] = new Array; stats_action[402]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[402]['team'] = 2; stats_action[402]['player_id'] = 20958044; stats_action[410] = new Array; stats_action[410]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[410]['team'] = 2; stats_action[410]['goal'] = 22721371; stats_action[410]['assist1'] = 22871114; stats_action[410]['assist2'] = 22815281; stats_action[410]['goalie'] = 22643130; stats_action[432] = new Array; stats_action[432]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[432]['team'] = 1; stats_action[432]['shot1'] = 22802356; stats_action[432]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[432]['goalie'] = 22150211; stats_action[438] = new Array; stats_action[438]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[438]['team'] = 1; stats_action[438]['goal'] = 22899447; stats_action[438]['assist1'] = 22512664; stats_action[438]['assist2'] = 22802356; stats_action[438]['goalie'] = 22150211; stats_action[448] = new Array; stats_action[448]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[448]['team'] = 1; stats_action[448]['shot1'] = 22944570; stats_action[448]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[448]['goalie'] = 22150211; stats_action[660] = new Array; stats_action[660]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[660]['team'] = 1; stats_action[660]['shot1'] = 22979095; stats_action[660]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[660]['goalie'] = 22150211; stats_action[741] = new Array; stats_action[741]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[741]['team'] = 1; stats_action[741]['shot1'] = 22899447; stats_action[741]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[741]['goalie'] = 22150211; stats_action[756] = new Array; stats_action[756]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[756]['team'] = 1; stats_action[756]['shot1'] = 22899447; stats_action[756]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[756]['goalie'] = 22150211; stats_action[777] = new Array; stats_action[777]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[777]['team'] = 1; stats_action[777]['shot1'] = 22512664; stats_action[777]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[777]['goalie'] = 22150211; stats_action[855] = new Array; stats_action[855]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[855]['team'] = 1; stats_action[855]['shot1'] = 22944570; stats_action[855]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[855]['goalie'] = 22150211; stats_action[951] = new Array; stats_action[951]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[951]['team'] = 1; stats_action[951]['player_id'] = 22512664; stats_action[1050] = new Array; stats_action[1050]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1050]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1050]['goal'] = 21606186; stats_action[1050]['assist1'] = 22410343; stats_action[1050]['assist2'] = 20848715; stats_action[1050]['goalie'] = 22643130; stats_action[1143] = new Array; stats_action[1143]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1143]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1143]['shot1'] = 22964663; stats_action[1143]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1143]['goalie'] = 22150211; stats_action[1164] = new Array; stats_action[1164]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1164]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1164]['shot1'] = 22606027; stats_action[1164]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1164]['goalie'] = 22150211; stats_action[1188] = new Array; stats_action[1188]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1188]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1188]['shot1'] = 22815281; stats_action[1188]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1188]['goalie'] = 22643130; stats_action[1218] = new Array; stats_action[1218]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1218]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1218]['shot1'] = 22801857; stats_action[1218]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1218]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[1254] = new Array; stats_action[1254]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[1254]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1254]['player_id'] = 22410343; stats_action[1292] = new Array; stats_action[1292]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[1292]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1292]['player_id'] = 21606186; stats_action[1296] = new Array; stats_action[1296]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1296]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1296]['shot1'] = 22801857; stats_action[1296]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1296]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[1359] = new Array; stats_action[1359]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1359]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1359]['goal'] = 22944570; stats_action[1359]['assist1'] = 22956341; stats_action[1359]['assist2'] = 22964663; stats_action[1359]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[1378] = new Array; stats_action[1378]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1378]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1378]['shot1'] = 22944570; stats_action[1378]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1378]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[1417] = new Array; stats_action[1417]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1417]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1417]['shot1'] = 23034242; stats_action[1417]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1417]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[1432] = new Array; stats_action[1432]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[1432]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1432]['player_id'] = 22277059; stats_action[1486] = new Array; stats_action[1486]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1486]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1486]['goal'] = 22979095; stats_action[1486]['assist1'] = 22944570; stats_action[1486]['assist2'] = 22801857; stats_action[1486]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[1495] = new Array; stats_action[1495]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1495]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1495]['shot1'] = 22871114; stats_action[1495]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1495]['goalie'] = 22643130; stats_action[1541] = new Array; stats_action[1541]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1541]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1541]['shot1'] = 22968897; stats_action[1541]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1541]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[1643] = new Array; stats_action[1643]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1643]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1643]['shot1'] = 22956341; stats_action[1643]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1643]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[1657] = new Array; stats_action[1657]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1657]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1657]['shot1'] = 22821494; stats_action[1657]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1657]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[1677] = new Array; stats_action[1677]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1677]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1677]['shot1'] = 22979095; stats_action[1677]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1677]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[1686] = new Array; stats_action[1686]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[1686]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1686]['player_id'] = 23034242; stats_action[1721] = new Array; stats_action[1721]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1721]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1721]['shot1'] = 20958044; stats_action[1721]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1721]['goalie'] = 22643130; stats_action[1817] = new Array; stats_action[1817]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1817]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1817]['shot1'] = 22968897; stats_action[1817]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1817]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[1842] = new Array; stats_action[1842]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1842]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1842]['shot1'] = 22606027; stats_action[1842]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1842]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[1871] = new Array; stats_action[1871]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1871]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1871]['shot1'] = 22721371; stats_action[1871]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1871]['goalie'] = 22643130; stats_action[1877] = new Array; stats_action[1877]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[1877]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1877]['player_id'] = 22607181; stats_action[1932] = new Array; stats_action[1932]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1932]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1932]['shot1'] = 22801857; stats_action[1932]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1932]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2015] = new Array; stats_action[2015]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[2015]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2015]['goal'] = 22821494; stats_action[2015]['assist1'] = 22899447; stats_action[2015]['assist2'] = 22802356; stats_action[2015]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2056] = new Array; stats_action[2056]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[2056]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2056]['goal'] = 22821494; stats_action[2056]['assist1'] = 22899447; stats_action[2056]['assist2'] = 22512664; stats_action[2056]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2092] = new Array; stats_action[2092]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[2092]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2092]['player_id'] = 20958044; stats_action[2131] = new Array; stats_action[2131]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2131]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2131]['shot1'] = 22977919; stats_action[2131]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2131]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2137] = new Array; stats_action[2137]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2137]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2137]['shot1'] = 22802356; stats_action[2137]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2137]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2288] = new Array; stats_action[2288]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2288]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2288]['shot1'] = 22872740; stats_action[2288]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2288]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2424] = new Array; stats_action[2424]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2424]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2424]['shot1'] = 22821494; stats_action[2424]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2424]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2471] = new Array; stats_action[2471]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2471]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2471]['shot1'] = 22821494; stats_action[2471]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2471]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2508] = new Array; stats_action[2508]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2508]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2508]['shot1'] = 22899447; stats_action[2508]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2508]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2527] = new Array; stats_action[2527]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2527]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2527]['shot1'] = 22899447; stats_action[2527]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2527]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2553] = new Array; stats_action[2553]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2553]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2553]['shot1'] = 22899447; stats_action[2553]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2553]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2568] = new Array; stats_action[2568]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[2568]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2568]['player_id'] = 21606186; stats_action[2629] = new Array; stats_action[2629]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2629]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2629]['shot1'] = 22821494; stats_action[2629]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2629]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2655] = new Array; stats_action[2655]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2655]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2655]['shot1'] = 22821494; stats_action[2655]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2655]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2744] = new Array; stats_action[2744]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2744]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2744]['shot1'] = 22977919; stats_action[2744]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2744]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2792] = new Array; stats_action[2792]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2792]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2792]['shot1'] = 22956341; stats_action[2792]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2792]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2803] = new Array; stats_action[2803]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2803]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2803]['shot1'] = 22815281; stats_action[2803]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2803]['goalie'] = 22643130; stats_action[2842] = new Array; stats_action[2842]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2842]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2842]['shot1'] = 22944570; stats_action[2842]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2842]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2851] = new Array; stats_action[2851]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[2851]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2851]['goal'] = 22815281; stats_action[2851]['assist1'] = 22808976; stats_action[2851]['assist2'] = 21777967; stats_action[2851]['goalie'] = 22643130; stats_action[2880] = new Array; stats_action[2880]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2880]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2880]['shot1'] = 22802356; stats_action[2880]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2880]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[2943] = new Array; stats_action[2943]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2943]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2943]['shot1'] = 22944878; stats_action[2943]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2943]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[3048] = new Array; stats_action[3048]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[3048]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3048]['player_id'] = 22118783; stats_action[3064] = new Array; stats_action[3064]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3064]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3064]['shot1'] = 22977919; stats_action[3064]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3064]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[3091] = new Array; stats_action[3091]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3091]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3091]['shot1'] = 21606186; stats_action[3091]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3091]['goalie'] = 22643130; stats_action[3118] = new Array; stats_action[3118]['type'] = 'SHOT2'; stats_action[3118]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3118]['shot1'] = 22977919; stats_action[3118]['shot2'] = 22512664; stats_action[3118]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[3262] = new Array; stats_action[3262]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3262]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3262]['shot1'] = 22968897; stats_action[3262]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3262]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[3273] = new Array; stats_action[3273]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3273]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3273]['shot1'] = 22872740; stats_action[3273]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3273]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[3295] = new Array; stats_action[3295]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3295]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3295]['shot1'] = 22944570; stats_action[3295]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3295]['goalie'] = 22395055; stats_action[3451] = new Array; stats_action[3451]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3451]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3451]['shot1'] = 22606027; stats_action[3451]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3451]['goalie'] = 22395055; var show_action = new Array; show_action[-100] = new Array; show_action[-100][0] = new Array; show_action[-100][0]['text'] = "DododosHC Ivan IV の試合にようこそ。"; show_action[-100][0]['show_all'] = 1; show_action[-80] = new Array; show_action[-80][0] = new Array; show_action[-80][0]['text'] = "Marcel Harezník がホームチームとしてネット裏からスタート。 Dimitri Strobbe は反対側のパイプにいます。"; show_action[-80][0]['mask'] = 'show'; show_action[-80][0]['mask_g1'] = 22643130; show_action[-80][0]['mask_g2'] = 22150211; show_action[-80][0]['show_all'] = 1; show_action[0] = new Array; show_action[0][0] = new Array; show_action[0][0]['text'] = "パックが落とされ試合開始。"; show_action[0][0]['mask'] = 'hide'; show_action[0][0]['img_1'] = "13"; show_action[123] = new Array; show_action[123][0] = new Array; show_action[123][0]['text'] = "Dionýz Otruba carries the puck into the offensive zone. His pass finds Beňadik Souček who goes behind the net. He goes around Iosif Lavrentyev who hooks him slightly and the referee signals a penalty. Beňadik Souček tries a wraparound and *he loses control of the puck and it ends up on the outside of the net. We have a stoppage and Iosif Lavrentyev skates to the penalty box."; show_action[123][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[123][0]['img_2'] = "11"; show_action[176] = new Array; show_action[176][0] = new Array; show_action[176][0]['text'] = "Huge pile up in front of the HC Ivan IV goal. Through the maze the puck gets onto the stick of Dionýz Otruba, who jams it past the goalie. But at the same time the net is knocked loose and the goal has to be approved by the video judge, who *does so and HC Ivan IV players are not overjoyed. They couldn\'t kill off that penalty."; show_action[176][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[176][0]['img_2'] = "1"; show_action[212] = new Array; show_action[212][0] = new Array; show_action[212][0]['text'] = "Peter Cetény breaks out and carries the puck to center. He drops it for Izidor Floryan who skates it into the offensive zone. A great stutter step move to shake off Vladislav Verhoturov, he walks into the slot, waits and passes it to Eduard Ruzsa who\'s driving hard to the net, a shot and *he scores! Great patience and vision by Izidor Floryan to set up his team-mate with an easy tap-in as he リードを2:0に広げる."; show_action[212][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[212][0]['img_2'] = "3"; show_action[402] = new Array; show_action[402][0] = new Array; show_action[402][0]['text'] = "Dionýz Otruba dumps the puck to the back boards. Dimitri Strobbe plays the puck and feeds it to his teammate Nickolas Barker. He hesitates and he gets hammered by an opponent. Gustáv Ilavský picks up the loose puck, snaps it and the puck is deflected by one of the defensemen into a crowd of bodies in front of the goal of HC Ivan IV. The play is stopped *and the referee points at Jacek Bisak, who will have to serve a two minute minor for crosschecking."; show_action[402][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[402][0]['img_2'] = "12"; show_action[410] = new Array; show_action[410][0] = new Array; show_action[410][0]['text'] = "HC Ivan IV are under pressure in their defensive zone. Metod Čombor exchanges the puck with Valér Gibala who sends it into the corner where it is received by Dionýz Otruba. He tries to create something but he is marked by Ensio Sandt who takes the puck away from him and clears it out to the neutral zone where it is picked up by Nickolas Barker. He sprints forward and trades the puck with Maxim Rozhkov. Nickolas Barker fires a wrist shot and *scores! Marcel Harezník is beaten and Nickolas Barker 点差を2:1に縮める. That was a huge lapse by Dododos."; show_action[410][0]['img_1'] = "12"; show_action[410][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[432] = new Array; show_action[432][0] = new Array; show_action[432][0]['text'] = "Dododos moving forward. Pankrác Garguš with the puck, lead pass for Ján Labuda who breaks in. Nice move to get past Vladislav Verhoturov. He is up against Dimitri Strobbe, he holds, sets up Viliam Pallo, onetimer, *glove save by Dimitri Strobbe! That\'s absolute robbery by the goalie!"; show_action[432][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[432][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[438] = new Array; show_action[438][0] = new Array; show_action[438][0]['text'] = "Viliam Pallo wins the puck at the boards in the defensive zone. He makes a blind pass across the zone. Right on the stick of Ivan Masarik. A risky pass, but it worked. Ivan Masarik moves to the neutral zone and passes it to Pankrác Garguš, who finds a way to the offensive zone along the boards. He makes a dandy move on a defenseman, fires a wrist shot from the slot *and scores."; show_action[438][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[438][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[554] = new Array; /* SPE 2 */ show_action[554][0] = new Array; show_action[554][0]['text'] = "Eduard Ruzsa gathers the loose puck in his zone and passes it. But it is a dreadful pass. He sends it right on the stick of the opponent Joel Bartlett, who passes it quickly to Nickolas Barker. He shoots... and *it is stopped by Štefan Bartoš who covers the puck with his body."; show_action[554][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[554][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[951] = new Array; show_action[951][0] = new Array; show_action[951][0]['text'] = "Jaroslav Šebo skates into the attacking zone. He makes a cross-ice pass to Vít Švábenský. Great opportunity. *But it is marred. Ivan Masarik as a lumberjack slashes the hand of Vít Švábenský, who drops his stick. A clear two-minute penalty. The injured forward has some ice applied to the wounded hand on his bench."; show_action[951][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[951][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[1001] = new Array; /* SPE SH 1 */ show_action[1001][0] = new Array; show_action[1001][0]['text'] = "Dododos start an attack by a long pass from their zone. Metod Čombor is the author. Dionýz Otruba redirects it at the offensive blue line to Beňadik Souček, who is skating at Dimitri Strobbe, tries a deke *but doesn\'t score. He was just a little bit too fast to finish that deke and he misses the net."; show_action[1001][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[1001][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[1050] = new Array; show_action[1050][0] = new Array; show_action[1050][0]['text'] = "Both teams change on the fly. HC Ivan IV control the puck. Vít Švábenský carries it through the neutral zone, he feeds Iosif Lavrentyev streaking on the wing. He avoids Dionýz Otruba on the blue line and enters the zone. He sets up Vladislav Verhoturov for a onetimer and he *SCORES! HC Ivan IV cash in on the power play after a beautiful passing play."; show_action[1050][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[1050][0]['img_2'] = "3"; show_action[1188] = new Array; show_action[1188][0] = new Array; show_action[1188][0]['text'] = "Maxim Rozhkov wins the battle for the puck in the corner and clears it out to the neutral zone. Ensio Sandt gobbles up the puck and walks into the offensive zone. He fakes a shot and Valér Gibala throws himself down on the ice to block it. Ensio Sandt walks around him and he has a teammate skating close behind. Ensio Sandt fires at Marcel Harezník *and a big save by the goalie."; show_action[1188][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[1188][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[1200] = new Array; show_action[1200][0] = new Array; show_action[1200][0]['text'] = "ホーンが鳴り第1ピリオドが終了。"; show_action[1200][0]['img_1'] = "15"; show_action[1200][1] = new Array; show_action[1200][1]['text'] = "第2ピリオド開始。 チームHC Ivan IVがゴーリー交代。Thomas Imsが引き継ぎます。 アリーナでは 20000 人の観客が試合を観戦しています。"; show_action[1200][1]['img_1'] = "13"; show_action[1254] = new Array; show_action[1254][0] = new Array; show_action[1254][0]['text'] = "Nickolas Barker gathers the loose puck in his zone and passes it. But it is a dreadful pass. He sends it right on the stick of the opponent Dionýz Otruba, who passes it quickly to Beňadik Souček. He is closed down by Iosif Lavrentyev who attacks him heavily. *That was a textbook crosschecking penalty. Beňadik Souček goes down on the ice while Iosif Lavrentyev argues with the referee that his play was legal. But the call is clear and he is penalized for two minutes."; show_action[1254][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[1254][0]['img_2'] = "12"; show_action[1292] = new Array; show_action[1292][0] = new Array; show_action[1292][0]['text'] = "HC Ivan IV have pressure in the offensive zone. Maxim Rozhkov is manning the point, he receives a pass from Ensio Sandt. His shot is blocked by Valér Gibala who starts an attack the other way. Cross ice pass to Dionýz Otruba who breaks in along the boards, moves to the slot, snaps it past Thomas Ims and hits the goalpost! He reaches for the loose puck and he is *slashed repeatedly by Vladislav Verhoturov. They don\'t score but they will have a great opportunity with a two-man advantage."; show_action[1292][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[1292][0]['img_2'] = "13"; show_action[1359] = new Array; show_action[1359][0] = new Array; show_action[1359][0]['text'] = "Metod Čombor gobbles up the loose puck in his own zone. Headman pass to Gustáv Ilavský at the red line. He can\'t get through Nickolas Barker so he dumps it in. Dionýz Otruba chases it down and beats the opposition to it. He carries it down low into Gretzky\'s office and backhands a pass to the front of the net... shot by Beňadik Souček and *they score on a bang-bang play! Not much Thomas Ims could do other than hope the puck hits him. Beňadik Souček リードを4:2に広げる and HC Ivan IV are back to full strength."; show_action[1359][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[1359][0]['img_2'] = "3"; show_action[1432] = new Array; show_action[1432][0] = new Array; show_action[1432][0]['text'] = "Dododos attack with numbers. It\'s a three-on-one! Patrik Polanecký carries it over the blue line while Jaroslav Šebo tries to take away the passing lanes, but he\'s in a tough spot. Patrik Polanecký to Ivan Masarik to Pankrác Garguš, *Jaroslav Šebo swipes at the puck, but he trips Pankrác Garguš instead just as he was getting ready to shoot it and that will result in a two minute minor."; show_action[1432][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[1432][0]['img_2'] = "14"; show_action[1486] = new Array; show_action[1486][0] = new Array; show_action[1486][0]['text'] = "Dododos with a potential scoring chance. Valér Gibala moves the puck along the boards to Beňadik Souček. Short wind up and a drive, off the iron! Lucky break for HC Ivan IV but Metod Čombor *bangs it home and リードを5:2に広げる!"; show_action[1486][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[1486][0]['img_2'] = "1"; show_action[1592] = new Array; /* SPE 2 */ show_action[1592][0] = new Array; show_action[1592][0]['text'] = "A quick offensive by HC Ivan IV. Jacek Bisak won the battle at the boards and found the streaking Joel Bartlett. But Joel Bartlett was too fast and *offside is the call."; show_action[1592][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[1592][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[1686] = new Array; show_action[1686][0] = new Array; show_action[1686][0]['text'] = "A breakout pass from Richard Grimek is received by László Éder. He stickhandles through two players in the neutral zone and gains entry into the attacking zone. He is forced to the outside so he carries it down low and behind the net. He dishes a pass to the front of Marcel Harezník\'s net as he gets leveled by Štefan Bartoš. A shot by Vít Švábenský does not find the mark and *there is a stoppage of play. An elbowing call goes against Štefan Bartoš."; show_action[1686][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[1686][0]['img_2'] = "13"; show_action[1877] = new Array; show_action[1877][0] = new Array; show_action[1877][0]['text'] = "Nickolas Barker dumps the puck to the back boards. Marcel Harezník plays the puck and feeds it to his teammate Ivan Otras. He hesitates and he gets hammered by Vojtech Serafín. Ivan Otras goes down, hits the boards and can\'t get up. *And this will be a two minute minor for boarding."; show_action[1877][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[1877][0]['img_2'] = "14"; show_action[2015] = new Array; show_action[2015][0] = new Array; show_action[2015][0]['text'] = "Dododos win the faceoff in their defensive zone and they are looking to break out. Viliam Pallo skates the puck from behind his net all the way to the center, drops it for Pankrác Garguš who has a bit of room. Ján Labuda receives a hard tape-to-tape from him and gains entry into the zone. He goes inside-outside on Joel Bartlett and Iosif Lavrentyev can\'t stop him either. He shoots it five-hole *and he scores!!! That was a wicked move by Ján Labuda who undressed two players and then finished the play with a quick shot that beat the goaltender through the wickets."; show_action[2015][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[2015][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[2056] = new Array; show_action[2056][0] = new Array; show_action[2056][0]['text'] = "Ensio Sandt dumps the puck to the back boards. Marcel Harezník plays the puck and feeds it to his teammate Ivan Masarik. He hesitates and he gets hammered by an opponent. Ivan Masarik manages to send the puck to Ján Labuda, who makes a drop pass for the streaking Pankrác Garguš. He walks into the offensive zone, passes it around the defenseman back to Ján Labuda. Onetimer and *he scores! What a great shot. There was nothing Thomas Ims could do about that."; show_action[2056][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[2056][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[2092] = new Array; show_action[2092][0] = new Array; show_action[2092][0]['text'] = "HC Ivan IV win the faceoff in their defensive zone and they are looking to break out. Joel Bartlett skates the puck from behind his net all the way to the center, drops it for Nickolas Barker who has a bit of room. Look out! Patrik Polanecký picks the pocket of Nickolas Barker and dishes the puck to Pankrác Garguš who is in all alone against Thomas Ims. *But he can\'t finish that play because he was held by Jacek Bisak. He had no other choice but to take this penalty."; show_action[2092][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[2092][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[2213] = new Array; /* SPE 1 */ show_action[2213][0] = new Array; show_action[2213][0]['text'] = "Izidor Floryan controls the puck behind his net. He sends a perfect feed to Peter Cetény who is cherry-picking at the red line but he can\'t get a wood on it *and icing will be called."; show_action[2213][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[2213][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[2400] = new Array; show_action[2400][0] = new Array; show_action[2400][0]['text'] = "第2ピリオド終了。"; show_action[2400][0]['img_1'] = "15"; show_action[2400][1] = new Array; show_action[2400][1]['text'] = "第3ピリオドの開始。我々はもうすぐこの試合の結末を知ることができます。 "; show_action[2400][1]['img_1'] = "13"; show_action[2471] = new Array; show_action[2471][0] = new Array; show_action[2471][0]['text'] = "The puck is dropped in the HC Ivan IV defensive zone. Pankrác Garguš wins the faceoff. Viliam Pallo receives the puck and sends it along the blue line to Patrik Polanecký who fires a onetimer. That was a howitzer but it goes wide. The puck ricochets in front of the net and Ján Labuda is *robbed by Thomas Ims. That was a very lucky save by the HC Ivan IV goalie. The puck hit the top of his pad and it just stayed out of the net."; show_action[2471][0]['img_1'] = "4"; show_action[2471][0]['img_2'] = "6"; show_action[2553] = new Array; show_action[2553][0] = new Array; show_action[2553][0]['text'] = "HC Ivan IV have pressure in the offensive zone. Vladislav Verhoturov is manning the point, he receives a pass from Árpád Somogyi. His shot is blocked by Viliam Pallo who starts an attack the other way. Cross ice pass to Ján Labuda who breaks in along the boards. He passes it across to Pankrác Garguš, big slap shot, tipped in front by Csaba Pogány and *stopped by Thomas Ims. An unlucky deflection but the goalie was ready."; show_action[2553][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[2553][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[2568] = new Array; show_action[2568][0] = new Array; show_action[2568][0]['text'] = "A breakout pass from Valér Gibala is received by Beňadik Souček. He stickhandles through two players in the neutral zone and gains entry into the attacking zone. He is forced to the outside so he carries it down low and behind the net. He dishes a pass to the front of Thomas Ims\'s net as he gets leveled by Vladislav Verhoturov. A shot by Gustáv Ilavský does not find the mark and *there is a stoppage of play. An elbowing call goes against Vladislav Verhoturov."; show_action[2568][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[2568][0]['img_2'] = "13"; show_action[2700] = new Array; /* SPE 2 */ show_action[2700][0] = new Array; show_action[2700][0]['text'] = "A huge defensive blunder by Dododos. Vít Švábenský is left all alone on top of the crease, he gets the pass from Richard Grimek, but the puck slides off his stick at a critical time and his attempt at a shot *misses the net."; show_action[2700][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[2700][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[2744] = new Array; show_action[2744][0] = new Array; show_action[2744][0]['text'] = "Viliam Pallo sets up a quick counter-attack. He feeds Patrik Polanecký, who barges his way through the right side, right up to the net. He manages to take a shot under pressure, *but to no effect. The shot was rather weak and Thomas Ims easily disposed of it."; show_action[2744][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[2744][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[2842] = new Array; show_action[2842][0] = new Array; show_action[2842][0]['text'] = "HC Ivan IV make a mess of things in their own zone. Thomas Ims now faces Beňadik Souček and Dionýz Otruba. The former is a little bit selfish and takes a shot. *Only hits the well-positioned goalie. What a way to blow a huge opportunity! Part of the crowd just made a disappointed groan."; show_action[2842][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[2842][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[2851] = new Array; show_action[2851][0] = new Array; show_action[2851][0]['text'] = "HC Ivan IV win the faceoff in their defensive zone and they are looking to break out. Árpád Somogyi skates the puck from behind his net all the way to the center, drops it for Csaba Pogány who has a bit of room. Ensio Sandt receives a hard tape-to-tape from him and gains entry into the zone. He goes inside-outside on Ivan Masarik and Viliam Pallo can\'t stop him either. He shoots it five-hole *and he scores!!! That was a wicked move by Ensio Sandt who undressed two players and then finished the play with a quick shot that beat the goaltender through the wickets."; show_action[2851][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[2851][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[3048] = new Array; show_action[3048][0] = new Array; show_action[3048][0]['text'] = "Dionýz Otruba wins the puck at the boards in the defensive zone. He makes a blind pass across the zone. Right on the stick of Beňadik Souček. A risky pass, but it worked. Beňadik Souček moves to the neutral zone and passes it to Gustáv Ilavský, who finds a way to the offensive zone along the boards but he gets wallpapered by Timon Lang. The official doesn\'t like it *and he indicates a boarding penalty."; show_action[3048][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[3048][0]['img_2'] = "13"; show_action[3064] = new Array; show_action[3064][0] = new Array; show_action[3064][0]['text'] = "Viliam Pallo wins the battle for the puck in the corner and clears it out to the neutral zone. Pankrác Garguš gobbles up the puck and walks into the offensive zone. He fakes a shot and Vladislav Verhoturov throws himself down on the ice to block it. Pankrác Garguš walks around him and he makes a drop pass for Patrik Polanecký skating close behind. Patrik Polanecký fires at Thomas Ims who gets a piece of it. The puck goes through and the goalie covers it right on the goal line. The red light flashes for a moment and the referee says he will call the videojudge. There is absolute silence in the arena. The phonecall is over and the referee *spreads his arms. No goal. The puck didn\'t cross the line. That is a disappointment for the Dododos bench."; show_action[3064][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[3064][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[3262] = new Array; show_action[3262][0] = new Array; show_action[3262][0]['text'] = "Thomas Ims goes out to play the puck behind the net. He moves it along the boards but he turns it over and Dododos gain possession thanks to Peter Cetény. He centers it to Eduard Ruzsa but it\'s not a very good pass and he can\'t shoot straightaway. Thomas Ims is back in the net and *stops the incoming shot. He recovers well but the coach won\'t be happy with the way he played that."; show_action[3262][0]['img_1'] = "1"; show_action[3262][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[3373] = new Array; /* SPE 1 */ show_action[3373][0] = new Array; show_action[3373][0]['text'] = "Ivan Masarik controls the puck in the offensive zone. He finds Pankrác Garguš in front of the net, who takes a hard shot *and misses."; show_action[3373][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[3373][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[3451] = new Array; show_action[3451][0] = new Array; show_action[3451][0]['text'] = "Iosif Lavrentyev makes a blunder at the offensive blue line. Ivan Otras takes advantage and serves a great pass for Izidor Floryan. But he doesn\'t capitalize. He only shoots towards the *center of the net. Thomas Ims has no problems dealing with it."; show_action[3451][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[3451][0]['img_2'] = "9"; show_action[3600] = new Array; show_action[3600][0] = new Array; show_action[3600][0]['text'] = "試合終了"; show_action[3600][0]['img_1'] = "16"; var match_end = 3600; var hash = '21121211212112121211'; SetRoadDir(''); SetRoadDirControl(''); SetRoadDirSound(''); PreloadImages(); MatchLive = 0; MatchTime = -120; MatchSpeed = 100; document.getElementById('live_panel').style.display='none'; control_panel_status = ''; var Shootouts = 0; var instantChallenge = 0; //if (document.getElementById('control_panel') != null){ // control_panel_status = document.getElementById('control_panel').style.display; //} if (video_length[1] != ''){ var t=setTimeout('run_match()', (parseInt(video_length[1]) + 4000)); // 31500 } else { DoMatch(); } function run_match() { if (document.getElementById('control_panel') != null && control_panel_status == ''){ document.getElementById('control_panel').style.display = ''; } DoMatch(); }