var jersey_home_old = ''; var jersey_road_old = ''; var stats_action = new Array; stats_action[15] = new Array; stats_action[15]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[15]['team'] = 2; stats_action[15]['shot1'] = 23645142; stats_action[15]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[15]['goalie'] = 20184200; stats_action[37] = new Array; stats_action[37]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[37]['team'] = 1; stats_action[37]['goal'] = 21983140; stats_action[37]['assist1'] = 22426553; stats_action[37]['assist2'] = 22304724; stats_action[37]['goalie'] = 23631522; stats_action[44] = new Array; stats_action[44]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[44]['team'] = 2; stats_action[44]['player_id'] = 23633638; stats_action[50] = new Array; stats_action[50]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[50]['team'] = 1; stats_action[50]['shot1'] = 21852866; stats_action[50]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[50]['goalie'] = 23631522; stats_action[79] = new Array; stats_action[79]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[79]['team'] = 2; stats_action[79]['shot1'] = 23633675; 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stats_action[2837]['goalie'] = 23631522; stats_action[2855] = new Array; stats_action[2855]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2855]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2855]['shot1'] = 21852866; stats_action[2855]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2855]['goalie'] = 23631522; stats_action[2884] = new Array; stats_action[2884]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2884]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2884]['shot1'] = 23641535; stats_action[2884]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2884]['goalie'] = 23061782; stats_action[2897] = new Array; stats_action[2897]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2897]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2897]['shot1'] = 22476673; stats_action[2897]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2897]['goalie'] = 23631522; stats_action[2914] = new Array; stats_action[2914]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[2914]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2914]['player_id'] = 22608171; stats_action[2929] = new Array; stats_action[2929]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2929]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2929]['shot1'] = 21576327; stats_action[2929]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2929]['goalie'] = 23631522; stats_action[3018] = new Array; stats_action[3018]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3018]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3018]['shot1'] = 23632770; stats_action[3018]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3018]['goalie'] = 23061782; stats_action[3048] = new Array; stats_action[3048]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3048]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3048]['shot1'] = 22899581; stats_action[3048]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3048]['goalie'] = 23631522; stats_action[3058] = new Array; stats_action[3058]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[3058]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3058]['goal'] = 22715558; stats_action[3058]['assist1'] = 20857356; stats_action[3058]['assist2'] = 20965627; stats_action[3058]['goalie'] = 23631522; stats_action[3128] = new Array; stats_action[3128]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[3128]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3128]['player_id'] = 23637307; stats_action[3195] = new Array; stats_action[3195]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3195]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3195]['shot1'] = 23633675; stats_action[3195]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3195]['goalie'] = 23061782; stats_action[3211] = new Array; stats_action[3211]['type'] = 'GOAL2'; stats_action[3211]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3211]['goal'] = 21852866; stats_action[3211]['assist1'] = 22715558; stats_action[3211]['assist2'] = 22948936; stats_action[3211]['goalie'] = 23631522; stats_action[3224] = new Array; stats_action[3224]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3224]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3224]['shot1'] = 22715558; stats_action[3224]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3224]['goalie'] = 23631522; stats_action[3236] = new Array; stats_action[3236]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3236]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3236]['shot1'] = 23647810; stats_action[3236]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3236]['goalie'] = 23061782; stats_action[3312] = new Array; stats_action[3312]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3312]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3312]['shot1'] = 22304724; stats_action[3312]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3312]['goalie'] = 23631522; stats_action[3422] = new Array; stats_action[3422]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3422]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3422]['shot1'] = 22608171; stats_action[3422]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3422]['goalie'] = 23631522; stats_action[3435] = new Array; stats_action[3435]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3435]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3435]['shot1'] = 22948936; stats_action[3435]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3435]['goalie'] = 23631522; stats_action[3449] = new Array; stats_action[3449]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3449]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3449]['shot1'] = 21983140; stats_action[3449]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3449]['goalie'] = 23631522; stats_action[3462] = new Array; stats_action[3462]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3462]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3462]['shot1'] = 20965627; stats_action[3462]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3462]['goalie'] = 23631522; stats_action[3502] = new Array; stats_action[3502]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3502]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3502]['shot1'] = 23633675; stats_action[3502]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3502]['goalie'] = 23061782; stats_action[3549] = new Array; stats_action[3549]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3549]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3549]['shot1'] = 23630187; stats_action[3549]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3549]['goalie'] = 23061782; var show_action = new Array; show_action[-100] = new Array; show_action[-100][0] = new Array; show_action[-100][0]['text'] = "NorwayRussia の試合にようこそ。"; show_action[-100][0]['show_all'] = 1; show_action[-80] = new Array; show_action[-80][0] = new Array; show_action[-80][0]['text'] = "Vidar Kaland がホームチームとしてネット裏からスタート。 Leo Golubev は反対側のパイプにいます。"; show_action[-80][0]['mask'] = 'show'; show_action[-80][0]['mask_g1'] = 20184200; show_action[-80][0]['mask_g2'] = 23631522; show_action[-80][0]['show_all'] = 1; show_action[0] = new Array; show_action[0][0] = new Array; show_action[0][0]['text'] = "パックが落とされ試合開始。"; show_action[0][0]['mask'] = 'hide'; show_action[0][0]['img_1'] = "13"; show_action[37] = new Array; show_action[37][0] = new Array; show_action[37][0]['text'] = "There is traffic in front of the net of Russia. Torstein Rødal goes down low, wraparound shot hits the outside of the net. Loose puck in front, backhander by Sture Ådland goes upstairs, *and beats Leo Golubev! Karl Hessen is also credited with an assist."; show_action[37][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[37][0]['img_2'] = "1"; show_action[44] = new Array; show_action[44][0] = new Array; show_action[44][0]['text'] = "Sture Ådland wins the puck at the boards in the defensive zone. He makes a blind pass across the zone. Right on the stick of Knud Stokkan. A risky pass, but it worked. Knud Stokkan finds a way to the offensive zone along the boards but he gets wallpapered by Valeriy Komissarov. The official doesn\'t like it *and he indicates a boarding penalty."; show_action[44][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[44][0]['img_2'] = "13"; show_action[234] = new Array; show_action[234][0] = new Array; show_action[234][0]['text'] = "Russia cycle the puck in the offensive zone and they are putting their opponents under a lot of pressure. A backhander by Yaroslav Efimov goes upstairs and over the net. However, he *draws a penalty from Marius Moen who gets called for hooking. Russia will have a man advantage."; show_action[234][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[234][0]['img_2'] = "11"; show_action[304] = new Array; show_action[304][0] = new Array; show_action[304][0]['text'] = "Russia moving forward. Arseniy Rozhnov with the puck, lead pass for Artur Sadkov who breaks in. Nice move to get past Sander Bakkeli. He is up against Vidar Kaland, he holds and he is checked by Sander Bakkeli. *But he had his elbow too high and the referee calls the penalty."; show_action[304][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[304][0]['img_2'] = "13"; show_action[397] = new Array; /* SPE PP 2 */ show_action[397][0] = new Array; show_action[397][0]['text'] = "Arseniy Rozhnov dumps the puck to the back boards. Vidar Kaland plays the puck and feeds it to his teammate Håvard \"Havri\" Hoseth. He hesitates and he gets hammered by an opponent. Maxim Habarov picks up the loose puck, snaps it and the puck is deflected by one of the defensemen right on the tape of Anton Lukyanenko. He fakes a shot and finds the open Taras Batischev, but the puck bounces over his stick and *Russia lose the zone as the puck crosses the blue line. Anton Lukyanenko probably should have taken a shot when he had the chance."; show_action[397][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[397][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[554] = new Array; show_action[554][0] = new Array; show_action[554][0]['text'] = "Artur Sadkov behind his own net waiting for his teammates to complete the change. Artur Sadkov now skates it up the ice, rink-wide pass for Taras Batischev who breaks into the offensive zone. He is double teamed and there is a collision. Taras Batischev in an attempt to avoid Vegard Lyngmo stuck out his knee and *he will take a seat in the penalty box. Vegard Lyngmo has a hard time getting up but he seems to be OK."; show_action[554][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[554][0]['img_2'] = "14"; show_action[645] = new Array; show_action[645][0] = new Array; show_action[645][0]['text'] = "Maxim Habarov clears the puck all the way to the other end of the rink and the penalty killers can make a line change. Karl Hessen gathers it behind the goal. Long lead to Knud Stokkan who was cherry-picking at the blue line. That was a great tape-to-tape pass by Karl Hessen. Leo Golubev is the last line of defense. Knud Stokkan shoots and *he roofs it! What a snipe! The Russia netminder was just unable to react to that laser beam as Norway power play clicks."; show_action[645][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[645][0]['img_2'] = "4"; show_action[726] = new Array; show_action[726][0] = new Array; show_action[726][0]['text'] = "Russia dump the puck into the corner to instigate a dump-and-chase play. Erik Bergheim is first on the puck. Stas Elizarov delivers a big hit on him and Boris Bredihin retrieves the puck. Erik Bergheim *trips the opponent in frustration and stops the developing play."; show_action[726][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[726][0]['img_2'] = "14"; show_action[802] = new Array; /* SPE SH 1 */ show_action[802][0] = new Array; show_action[802][0]['text'] = "Norway have been controlling the play in this shift. Ronny Heggdal gobbles up the puck behind the net of Leo Golubev. He skates out in front. But he is knocked off the puck by Denis Lozinskiy. Loose puck taken by Torstein Kryger and he fires it *just wide!"; show_action[802][0]['img_1'] = "9"; show_action[802][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[942] = new Array; show_action[942][0] = new Array; show_action[942][0]['text'] = "Sander Bakkeli breaks in along the boards. He dangles around Arseniy Rozhnov but he is crushed by *his elbow. Arseniy Rozhnov takes the penalty."; show_action[942][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[942][0]['img_2'] = "13"; show_action[1015] = new Array; show_action[1015][0] = new Array; show_action[1015][0]['text'] = "Denis Lozinskiy breaks into the offensive zone along the boards. He makes a blind cross-ice pass to Stas Elizarov who sends a centering feed picked up by the streaking Yaroslav Efimov. Wrist shot goes wide. The puck comes back off the end boards. It\'s loose in front of the crease and Alexander Ådland seizes it and plays it forward. The puck goes from Alexander Ådland, through Bror Telle, to Kåre Skjelstad who fires a quick shot *and scores top shelf! That was a superb shot and the Russia goalie had no chance to react."; show_action[1015][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[1015][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[1147] = new Array; show_action[1147][0] = new Array; show_action[1147][0]['text'] = "Erling Salvesen waits for his teammates to complete the line change and skates the puck out of his zone. He dishes it to the streaking Marius Moen who gains entry as he flies by Mikhail Brezhnev. A delayed penalty is being signaled, power play coming up for Norway unless they can score here. Marius Moen with the puck, he drives towards the net and passes it to Hans Aksdal who cycles to the point and sets up Wiggo Anda with a cross-rink feed... his bomb *finds the back of the net! I am pretty sure that was redirected in front by Marius Moen. He drew the penalty and then he negated it with a goal! Ramil Malyarov would rather sit this one out in the box."; show_action[1147][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[1147][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[1200] = new Array; show_action[1200][0] = new Array; show_action[1200][0]['text'] = "ホーンが鳴り第1ピリオドが終了。"; show_action[1200][0]['img_1'] = "15"; show_action[1200][1] = new Array; show_action[1200][1]['text'] = "第2ピリオド開始。 チームNorwayがゴーリー交代。Tron Framnesが引き継ぎます。 アリーナでは 20000 人の観客が試合を観戦しています。"; show_action[1200][1]['img_1'] = "13"; show_action[1232] = new Array; show_action[1232][0] = new Array; show_action[1232][0]['text'] = "Russia having a good spell in the offensive zone. Boris Bredihin cycles the puck with Danila Sizov, centering feed to Stas Elizarov who fires a onetimer from point blank range but it\'s blocked by a Norway player. Tron Framnes reaches for the loose puck *and he gets slashed by Danila Sizov. The whistle blows and a penalty is called."; show_action[1232][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[1232][0]['img_2'] = "14"; show_action[1297] = new Array; show_action[1297][0] = new Array; show_action[1297][0]['text'] = "Norway with a potential scoring chance. Vegard Lyngmo moves the puck along the boards to Kåre Skjelstad. Short wind up and a drive, off the iron! Lucky break for Russia but Alexander Ådland *bangs it home and リードを5:0に広げる!"; show_action[1297][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[1297][0]['img_2'] = "1"; show_action[1403] = new Array; /* SPE 2 */ show_action[1403][0] = new Array; show_action[1403][0]['text'] = "The puck is behind the net of Russia as both teams change on the fly. Taras Batischev has the puck, lead pass for Anton Lukyanenko broken up by Kåre Skjelstad. He walks in with Håvard \"Havri\" Hoseth. Kåre Skjelstad elects to shoot, Taras Batischev tries to block it and *he does. The puck is underneath the body of Taras Batischev who fixes his own blunder."; show_action[1403][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[1403][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[1538] = new Array; show_action[1538][0] = new Array; show_action[1538][0]['text'] = "Anton Lukyanenko controls the puck behind the opponents\' net. He looks for a passing lane. Finally he dishes it to Artur Sadkov, who sends a weak shot deflected off the skate of a defender. The defenseman bats it ahead, right on the tape of Ronny Heggdal, who turns on the afterburners. Ronny Heggdal comes in all alone towards Leo Golubev. He winds up for a big slap shot and *scores! Torstein Kryger was the defenseman who started the whole play in his own zone and turned defense into offense."; show_action[1538][0]['img_1'] = "9"; show_action[1538][0]['img_2'] = "4"; show_action[1647] = new Array; show_action[1647][0] = new Array; show_action[1647][0]['text'] = "Russia cycle the puck in the offensive zone and they are putting their opponents under a lot of pressure. A backhander by Mikhail Brezhnev goes upstairs and over the net. Håvard \"Havri\" Hoseth gobbles up the loose puck and finds Kåre Skjelstad who breaks out and hits the afterburners. He is in the offensive zone, winds up but can\'t get the shot away. He was tripped up by Alexander Shevelev *and a penalty is called."; show_action[1647][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[1647][0]['img_2'] = "14"; show_action[1705] = new Array; show_action[1705][0] = new Array; show_action[1705][0]['text'] = "Norway have locked their opponents in the offensive zone on the power play. Bror Telle and Vegard Lyngmo quickly exchange the puck. Vegard Lyngmo now sends the puck to the unmarked Alexander Ådland on the doorstep. Alexander Ådland shoots and *scores!!! The puck somehow found its way underneath the goalie\'s arm. That was a good looking power play combination."; show_action[1705][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[1705][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[1735] = new Array; show_action[1735][0] = new Array; show_action[1735][0]['text'] = "Alexander Ådland waits for his teammates to complete the line change and skates the puck out of his zone. He dishes it to the streaking Kåre Skjelstad who gains entry as he flies by Mikhail Brezhnev. A delayed penalty is being signaled, power play coming up for Norway unless they can score here. Kåre Skjelstad with the puck, he drives towards the net and passes it to Bror Telle who cycles to the point and sets up Håvard \"Havri\" Hoseth with a cross-rink feed... his bomb *finds the back of the net! I am pretty sure that was redirected in front by Kåre Skjelstad. He drew the penalty and then he negated it with a goal! Ramil Malyarov would rather sit this one out in the box."; show_action[1735][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[1735][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[1811] = new Array; show_action[1811][0] = new Array; show_action[1811][0]['text'] = "Russia on the offensive. Taras Batischev feeds Anton Lukyanenko who breaks in with speed, tries to beat Tron Framnes with a forehand deke, *doesn\'t get the shot away but he draws a penalty. Vegard Lyngmo gets the gate for holding."; show_action[1811][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[1811][0]['img_2'] = "13"; show_action[1930] = new Array; /* SPE SH 1 */ show_action[1930][0] = new Array; show_action[1930][0]['text'] = "Russia players get left behind in the neutral zone. Håvard \"Havri\" Hoseth and Sander Bakkeli get into an odd man rush against Denis Lozinskiy. Sander Bakkeli gets into the offensive zone just a bit *sooner than his teammate. Offside."; show_action[1930][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[1930][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[2032] = new Array; show_action[2032][0] = new Array; show_action[2032][0]['text'] = "Karl Hessen wins the battle for the puck down low and circles around the opponent\'s goal. He goes all the way to the faceoff dot… and he gets upended by Yaroslav Efimov who clears the puck all the way down the ice. *He\'s going to get called for kneeing on that play. Those kind of plays often cause season-ending injuries."; show_action[2032][0]['img_1'] = "9"; show_action[2032][0]['img_2'] = "14"; show_action[2105] = new Array; show_action[2105][0] = new Array; show_action[2105][0]['text'] = "Torstein Kryger carries the puck along the boards into the neutral zone. He tries to ignite this power play, but he is checked by Stas Elizarov. Torstein Kryger is able to feather a pass to Bror Telle and goes off for a change. Bror Telle is on side as he enters the zone, drops it off for Alexander Ådland. A shot through traffic *and they score! The power play clicks while Torstein Kryger applies ice to a part of his face on the bench. Apparently he got hurt on that play."; show_action[2105][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[2105][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[2380] = new Array; show_action[2380][0] = new Array; show_action[2380][0]['text'] = "Torstein Kryger controls the puck behind the opponents\' net. He looks for a passing lane. Finally he dishes it to Sander Bakkeli, who sends a weak shot deflected off the skate of a defender. Ronny Heggdal finds the loose puck and *he scores! That was a lucky bounce."; show_action[2380][0]['img_1'] = "9"; show_action[2380][0]['img_2'] = "3"; show_action[2400] = new Array; show_action[2400][0] = new Array; show_action[2400][0]['text'] = "第2ピリオド終了。"; show_action[2400][0]['img_1'] = "15"; show_action[2400][1] = new Array; show_action[2400][1]['text'] = "第3ピリオドの開始。我々はもうすぐこの試合の結末を知ることができます。 "; show_action[2400][1]['img_1'] = "13"; show_action[2468] = new Array; show_action[2468][0] = new Array; show_action[2468][0]['text'] = "There is a lot of traffic in front of the Russia net. Sture Ådland takes a shot from the point, it is blocked and it never gets to Leo Golubev. It\'s stuck in the maze of bodies, they battle for it. Knud Stokkan drops on the ice after a crosscheck from Valeriy Komissarov and *he won\'t get away with that. He will serve a 2 minute minor."; show_action[2468][0]['img_1'] = "10"; show_action[2468][0]['img_2'] = "12"; show_action[2571] = new Array; /* SPE SH 2 */ show_action[2571][0] = new Array; show_action[2571][0]['text'] = "Taras Batischev receives a pass at the offensive blue line. He walks in but he is outnumbered *and the play is stopped. The referee says Taras Batischev was ahead of the play. Offside."; show_action[2571][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[2571][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[2706] = new Array; show_action[2706][0] = new Array; show_action[2706][0]['text'] = "Norway get a 3-on-1 situation after a turnover by Danila Sizov. Denis Lozinskiy is the only player back trying to take away the passing lane between Hans Aksdal and Wiggo Anda. Hans Aksdal feeds Gunnar Berntzen who is trailing on the play a little bit, fake shot forces Leo Golubev to make a move, now a one-touch pass from Gunnar Berntzen to Wiggo Anda. Leo Golubev is quick to react to that, but Wiggo Anda sets up Hans Aksdal on the other side *and that\'s a gimmie into the yawning net! What a great passing play by this Norway line, a real thing of beauty."; show_action[2706][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[2706][0]['img_2'] = "3"; show_action[2732] = new Array; show_action[2732][0] = new Array; show_action[2732][0]['text'] = "They battle for it near the bench of Norway. Carsten Skar comes up with the puck. Semyon Ustinov tries to check him but Carsten Skar avoids him nicely. He dumps it in. It is chased by Ronny Heggdal, who gobbles it up and dangles around Alexander Shevelev. He centers it towards Torstein Kryger. A shot from the doorstep and he *gets robbed by the goalie! Torstein Kryger looks skyward, he can\'t believe it. That was an absolute larceny by Leo Golubev."; show_action[2732][0]['img_1'] = "12"; show_action[2732][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[2779] = new Array; show_action[2779][0] = new Array; show_action[2779][0]['text'] = "Norway with a potential scoring chance. Ronny Heggdal centers the puck from the corner, finds Torstein Kryger, the shot is blocked by Yaroslav Efimov, Sander Bakkeli gobbles it up *and scores underneath the goalie!"; show_action[2779][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[2779][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[2914] = new Array; show_action[2914][0] = new Array; show_action[2914][0]['text'] = "Danila Sizov collects the puck in his defensive zone. He moves through the left into the offensive zone, where his effort is wasted by Vegard Lyngmo, who gets *called for boarding. An ugly hit. Danila Sizov struggles to get up from the ice. Vegard Lyngmo sends his team on a penalty kill."; show_action[2914][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[2914][0]['img_2'] = "14"; show_action[3058] = new Array; show_action[3058][0] = new Array; show_action[3058][0]['text'] = "Håvard \"Havri\" Hoseth wins the battle for the puck in the corner and clears it out to the neutral zone. Erik Bergheim gobbles up the puck and walks into the offensive zone. He fakes a shot and Denis Lozinskiy throws himself down on the ice to block it. Erik Bergheim walks around him and he makes a drop pass for Kåre Skjelstad skating close behind. Kåre Skjelstad fires at Leo Golubev *and scores!"; show_action[3058][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[3058][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[3128] = new Array; show_action[3128][0] = new Array; show_action[3128][0]['text'] = "Sture Ådland carries the puck along the boards into the neutral zone. He is checked by Ramil Malyarov. That looked like a high stick and the official signals a delayed penalty. Karl Hessen corrals the puck and gains entry into the zone. He dishes the puck to Knud Stokkan, a shot from the faceoff circle *misses the mark and the play is stopped as the other team gains possession. Ramil Malyarov is on his way to the penalty box for high sticking."; show_action[3128][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[3128][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[3195] = new Array; show_action[3195][0] = new Array; show_action[3195][0]['text'] = "The puck is dropped in the Norway defensive zone. Boris Bredihin wins the faceoff. Denis Lozinskiy receives the puck and sends it along the blue line to Yaroslav Efimov who fires a onetimer. That was a howitzer, but it goes wide. The puck ricochets in front of the net and Stas Elizarov beats Tron Framnes, but it *stays out. The goalie managed to get enough of that shot before laying on his back and covering up for a faceoff."; show_action[3195][0]['img_1'] = "4"; show_action[3195][0]['img_2'] = "6"; show_action[3211] = new Array; show_action[3211][0] = new Array; show_action[3211][0]['text'] = "There is a battle for the puck at the boards in the neutral zone. Norway emerge with the puck. Alexander Ådland makes a return pass for Kåre Skjelstad. He chips it forward and finds Bror Telle. He is one on one with Yaroslav Efimov. Bror Telle dangles around him, Leo Golubev skates out of the net. Bror Telle fires, pad save, another shot *and scores!"; show_action[3211][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[3211][0]['img_2'] = "3"; show_action[3367] = new Array; /* SPE 2 */ show_action[3367][0] = new Array; show_action[3367][0]['text'] = "A bad turnover by Norway at their own blue line. Alexander Ådland has his pocket picked by Taras Batischev. Taras Batischev moves towards the Norway net. The defenseman can\'t stop him. Taras Batischev sets up Artur Sadkov in front, Tron Framnes tries to poke it away, no success, Artur Sadkov moves around him and *he misses the net! Can you believe that?"; show_action[3367][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[3367][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[3502] = new Array; show_action[3502][0] = new Array; show_action[3502][0]['text'] = "Boris Bredihin has the puck behind the net and waits for his linemates to complete the change. He carries the puck all the way to center and passes it to Danila Sizov who gains entry into the offensive zone despite a check from an opponent. He puts the brakes on and goes between the legs of Gunnar Berntzen, pass right into Stas Elizarov\'s wheelhouse *and Tron Framnes waffleboards that away! That\'s great hockey all around."; show_action[3502][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[3502][0]['img_2'] = "8"; show_action[3600] = new Array; show_action[3600][0] = new Array; show_action[3600][0]['text'] = "試合終了"; show_action[3600][0]['img_1'] = "16"; var match_end = 3600; var hash = '21111121111211111211'; SetRoadDir(''); SetRoadDirControl(''); SetRoadDirSound(''); PreloadImages(); MatchLive = 0; MatchTime = -120; MatchSpeed = 100; document.getElementById('live_panel').style.display='none'; control_panel_status = ''; var Shootouts = 0; var instantChallenge = 0; //if (document.getElementById('control_panel') != null){ // control_panel_status = document.getElementById('control_panel').style.display; //} if (video_length[1] != ''){ var t=setTimeout('run_match()', (parseInt(video_length[1]) + 4000)); // 31500 } else { DoMatch(); } function run_match() { if (document.getElementById('control_panel') != null && control_panel_status == ''){ document.getElementById('control_panel').style.display = ''; } DoMatch(); }