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Kanāda Brampton Capitals† - The Capitals Live to Play Another Day

Monday November 9, 2009 was d-day for the Brampton Capitals.
A loss to Actus and the Capitals would be out of the playoffs. A sell-out crowd came to the Powerade Centre to cheer on their hometown team and they would not be disappointed as the Capitals took the game 5 to 1.
Goaie Tomas Stiener saved 25 shots and the Capitals got goals from Antoine Menard, Wes Burnett, Julian Parkinson, Aviv Sokolov and, Jean-Guy Cadette.

When asked to comment on his team's play head coach Bob Petit said: "We needed to step up to the plate tonight. If we lost, we were done. It wouldn't be acceptable to loose this game in front of our fans, 800 strong came out, not a single seat left. The boys knew this was the situation and responded big time."

This means the Capitals will be facing off against Actus one more time, to decide the winner of the series on Wednesday the 11th back at Belleville arena. But the Capitals have another test before they face off in playoff action. This time they head to Cape Breton's Eagles Arena to face off against the team who has the same nickname as the Capitals once used, the Screaming Eagles.

Lasījumu skaits: 3
Izdevuma reitings: Vāji - Normāli - Lieliski
Komanda Kanāda Brampton Capitals† atbildēja uz šo rakstu: UPDATE