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Valsts: Līga:

Somija Bellhill Trashers† - Kadochnikov found dead!

The Russian player Kirill Kadochnikov was today found dead in his appartment in Maalahti near to Vaasa.
Kadochnikov was traded to Bellhill Trashers from the IV leage team Russian tribe just two weeks ago.

He was ment to be the new leader among the defenders that Trashers so badly need, but Kadochnikov didn´t correspond to the expectations. He was more known for having drinking problems and his wild nigthlife.

The police i maalahti are not eliminating the possibility that Kradnochnikov was brought to death.

In todays game the Trashers players will wear black bandage.

Mr Heikki Pippa, Sports Manager, Bellhill Trashers

Lasījumu skaits: 31
Izdevuma reitings: Vāji - Normāli - Lieliski
Komanda Somija Malax Vikings† atbildēja uz šo rakstu: Rumours