Espoo Spartans† - Loukkaantumiset vaivaavat edelleen - Injuries keeps on bothering Spartans
Jälleen lisää luokkaantumishuolia Spartans:ille. Puolustaja Olavi Tyynelä ja 3. ketjun keskushyökkääjä Leo Wiberg loukkaantuivat aamu jäillä. Wiberg on poissa 17 päivää murtuneen ranteen vuoksi, häntä tuuraa näissä otteluissa Eino Laasonen. Tyynelän vamma oli lievempi ja hän on pelikelpoinen heti seuraavassa ottelussa.
More injured players to Espoo Spartans. Defenceman Olavi Tyynelä and 3rd line center Leo Wiberg were injured during morning skate. Wiberg broke his wrist and will be sidelined for 17 days. During his absence he is replaced by Eino Laasonen. Defenceman Tyynelä's injury was so minor that he is eligible to play if needed.
Injuries has concerned team management during most of the season and it's still open whether that problem will lead to not making to the playoffs.
More injured players to Espoo Spartans. Defenceman Olavi Tyynelä and 3rd line center Leo Wiberg were injured during morning skate. Wiberg broke his wrist and will be sidelined for 17 days. During his absence he is replaced by Eino Laasonen. Defenceman Tyynelä's injury was so minor that he is eligible to play if needed.
Injuries has concerned team management during most of the season and it's still open whether that problem will lead to not making to the playoffs.
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