var jersey_home_old = ''; var jersey_road_old = ''; var stats_action = new Array; stats_action[10] = new Array; stats_action[10]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[10]['team'] = 2; stats_action[10]['shot1'] = 19689855; stats_action[10]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[10]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[79] = new Array; stats_action[79]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[79]['team'] = 2; stats_action[79]['shot1'] = 19689846; stats_action[79]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[79]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[92] = new Array; stats_action[92]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[92]['team'] = 1; stats_action[92]['shot1'] = 19284239; stats_action[92]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[92]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[143] = new Array; stats_action[143]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[143]['team'] = 2; stats_action[143]['shot1'] = 19689862; stats_action[143]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[143]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[279] = new Array; stats_action[279]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[279]['team'] = 2; stats_action[279]['player_id'] = 19689846; stats_action[323] = new Array; stats_action[323]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[323]['team'] = 2; stats_action[323]['shot1'] = 19689853; stats_action[323]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[323]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[388] = new Array; stats_action[388]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[388]['team'] = 1; stats_action[388]['shot1'] = 19284257; stats_action[388]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[388]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[475] = new Array; stats_action[475]['type'] = 'SHOT2'; stats_action[475]['team'] = 1; stats_action[475]['shot1'] = 19284254; stats_action[475]['shot2'] = 19284239; stats_action[475]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[537] = new Array; stats_action[537]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[537]['team'] = 1; stats_action[537]['shot1'] = 19284258; stats_action[537]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[537]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[570] = new Array; stats_action[570]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[570]['team'] = 2; stats_action[570]['shot1'] = 19689859; stats_action[570]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[570]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[592] = new Array; stats_action[592]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[592]['team'] = 1; stats_action[592]['shot1'] = 19284254; stats_action[592]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[592]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[649] = new Array; stats_action[649]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[649]['team'] = 1; stats_action[649]['shot1'] = 19284245; stats_action[649]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[649]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[668] = new Array; stats_action[668]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[668]['team'] = 2; stats_action[668]['goal'] = 19689839; stats_action[668]['assist1'] = 19689855; stats_action[668]['assist2'] = 19689854; stats_action[668]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[698] = new Array; stats_action[698]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[698]['team'] = 1; stats_action[698]['goal'] = 19284237; stats_action[698]['assist1'] = 19284257; stats_action[698]['assist2'] = 19284242; stats_action[698]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[807] = new Array; stats_action[807]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[807]['team'] = 2; stats_action[807]['player_id'] = 19689859; stats_action[867] = new Array; stats_action[867]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[867]['team'] = 2; stats_action[867]['player_id'] = 19689837; stats_action[911] = new Array; stats_action[911]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[911]['team'] = 1; stats_action[911]['goal'] = 19284242; stats_action[911]['assist1'] = 19284245; stats_action[911]['assist2'] = 19284237; stats_action[911]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[1069] = new Array; stats_action[1069]['type'] = 'SHOT2'; stats_action[1069]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1069]['shot1'] = 19689857; stats_action[1069]['shot2'] = 19689864; stats_action[1069]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[1138] = new Array; stats_action[1138]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1138]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1138]['shot1'] = 19689837; stats_action[1138]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1138]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[1267] = new Array; stats_action[1267]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1267]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1267]['shot1'] = 19689854; stats_action[1267]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1267]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[1296] = new Array; stats_action[1296]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1296]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1296]['goal'] = 19689845; stats_action[1296]['assist1'] = 19689857; stats_action[1296]['assist2'] = 19689837; stats_action[1296]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[1382] = new Array; stats_action[1382]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1382]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1382]['goal'] = 19689845; stats_action[1382]['assist1'] = 19689864; stats_action[1382]['assist2'] = 0; stats_action[1382]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[1414] = new Array; stats_action[1414]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1414]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1414]['shot1'] = 19284259; stats_action[1414]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1414]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[1583] = new Array; stats_action[1583]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1583]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1583]['shot1'] = 19284246; stats_action[1583]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1583]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[1687] = new Array; stats_action[1687]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1687]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1687]['goal'] = 19284264; stats_action[1687]['assist1'] = 19284245; stats_action[1687]['assist2'] = 19284257; stats_action[1687]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[1776] = new Array; stats_action[1776]['type'] = 'SHOT2'; stats_action[1776]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1776]['shot1'] = 19284258; stats_action[1776]['shot2'] = 19284246; stats_action[1776]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[1943] = new Array; stats_action[1943]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1943]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1943]['shot1'] = 19689845; stats_action[1943]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1943]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[2147] = new Array; stats_action[2147]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[2147]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2147]['goal'] = 19689845; stats_action[2147]['assist1'] = 19689864; stats_action[2147]['assist2'] = 19689837; stats_action[2147]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[2187] = new Array; stats_action[2187]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2187]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2187]['shot1'] = 19284246; stats_action[2187]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2187]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[2199] = new Array; stats_action[2199]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2199]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2199]['shot1'] = 19689858; stats_action[2199]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2199]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[2418] = new Array; stats_action[2418]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2418]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2418]['shot1'] = 19284258; stats_action[2418]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2418]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[2463] = new Array; stats_action[2463]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2463]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2463]['shot1'] = 19689854; stats_action[2463]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2463]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[2581] = new Array; stats_action[2581]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2581]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2581]['shot1'] = 19689854; stats_action[2581]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2581]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[2643] = new Array; stats_action[2643]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[2643]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2643]['goal'] = 19284258; stats_action[2643]['assist1'] = 19284262; stats_action[2643]['assist2'] = 0; stats_action[2643]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[2653] = new Array; stats_action[2653]['type'] = 'SHOT2'; stats_action[2653]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2653]['shot1'] = 19689845; stats_action[2653]['shot2'] = 19689837; stats_action[2653]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[2685] = new Array; stats_action[2685]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2685]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2685]['shot1'] = 19284255; stats_action[2685]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2685]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[2769] = new Array; stats_action[2769]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2769]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2769]['shot1'] = 19284254; stats_action[2769]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2769]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[2827] = new Array; stats_action[2827]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2827]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2827]['shot1'] = 19689858; stats_action[2827]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2827]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[2855] = new Array; stats_action[2855]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2855]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2855]['shot1'] = 19689855; stats_action[2855]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2855]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[2916] = new Array; stats_action[2916]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2916]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2916]['shot1'] = 19284258; stats_action[2916]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2916]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[2990] = new Array; stats_action[2990]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[2990]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2990]['goal'] = 19689845; stats_action[2990]['assist1'] = 19689864; stats_action[2990]['assist2'] = 19689837; stats_action[2990]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[3025] = new Array; stats_action[3025]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3025]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3025]['shot1'] = 19689843; stats_action[3025]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3025]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[3166] = new Array; stats_action[3166]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[3166]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3166]['goal'] = 19689843; stats_action[3166]['assist1'] = 19689862; stats_action[3166]['assist2'] = 0; stats_action[3166]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[3328] = new Array; stats_action[3328]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3328]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3328]['shot1'] = 19284237; stats_action[3328]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3328]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[3354] = new Array; stats_action[3354]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3354]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3354]['shot1'] = 19284242; stats_action[3354]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3354]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[3383] = new Array; stats_action[3383]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3383]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3383]['shot1'] = 19689859; stats_action[3383]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3383]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[3500] = new Array; stats_action[3500]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[3500]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3500]['goal'] = 19689858; stats_action[3500]['assist1'] = 19689862; stats_action[3500]['assist2'] = 19689859; stats_action[3500]['goalie'] = 19284256; stats_action[3534] = new Array; stats_action[3534]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3534]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3534]['shot1'] = 19284264; stats_action[3534]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3534]['goalie'] = 19689856; stats_action[3548] = new Array; stats_action[3548]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3548]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3548]['shot1'] = 19689854; stats_action[3548]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3548]['goalie'] = 19284256; var show_action = new Array; show_action[-100] = new Array; show_action[-100][0] = new Array; show_action[-100][0]['text'] = "Velkommen til kampen mellom Team noname 106798 og Team noname 109087"; show_action[-100][0]['show_all'] = 1; show_action[-80] = new Array; show_action[-80][0] = new Array; show_action[-80][0]['text'] = "Samuel Hooper starter i mål for hjemmelaget. Billy Jessop starter mellom stengene på motsatt side."; show_action[-80][0]['mask'] = 'show'; show_action[-80][0]['mask_g1'] = 19284256; show_action[-80][0]['mask_g2'] = 19689856; show_action[-80][0]['show_all'] = 1; show_action[0] = new Array; show_action[0][0] = new Array; show_action[0][0]['text'] = "Pucken er droppet og kampen har begynt."; show_action[0][0]['mask'] = 'hide'; show_action[0][0]['img_1'] = "13"; show_action[79] = new Array; show_action[79][0] = new Array; show_action[79][0]['text'] = "Delroy Aarons controls the puck behind his net. He sends a perfect feed to Micky Leaning who gets into a breakaway. Micky Leaning makes some fancy moves and forces Samuel Hooper to go down on the ice and he hits the pipe! The rebound gets back to Micky Leaning and he *is robbed by Samuel Hooper who makes a spectacular stick save and freezes the puck under his glove!"; show_action[79][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[79][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[211] = new Array; /* SPE 1 */ show_action[211][0] = new Array; show_action[211][0]['text'] = "Big collision in front of the Team noname 106798 bench. Daniel Rankin and Owen Moore are the two players involved. Daniel Rankin gets the better of that hit and feeds Karl Webb streaking along the boards. But the Team noname 106798 forward *was ahead of the play. Offside."; show_action[211][0]['img_1'] = "12"; show_action[211][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[279] = new Array; show_action[279][0] = new Array; show_action[279][0]['text'] = "Team noname 106798 busting into the zone. Andy Midgley is leading the rush. He gets support from Lionel Jobson and Joseph Mustafa. Andy Midgley feeds Lionel Jobson who is stripped of the puck by Micky Leaning. *But he gets called for hooking and that\'s a good call by the referee."; show_action[279][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[279][0]['img_2'] = "11"; show_action[388] = new Array; show_action[388][0] = new Array; show_action[388][0]['text'] = "Martin Yates waits for his teammates to complete the line change and skates the puck out of his zone. He dishes it to the streaking Phil Parnham who gains entry as he flies by Vincent Booth. Phil Parnham with the puck, he drives towards the net and passes it to Owen Davis who cycles to the point and sets up Seth Tuckley with a cross-rink feed... his bomb *is snared by Billy Jessop! That was a great glove save on a redirect by Phil Parnham."; show_action[388][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[388][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[592] = new Array; show_action[592][0] = new Array; show_action[592][0]['text'] = "Kenneth Caulfield har pucken i hjørnet. Han sender en pasning. Den finner Vincent Booth som kommer inn fra blålinja og han sender i vei et slagskudd. Men skuddet misser og pucken blir styrt til Ben Walling som sender pucken langs vantet ut i den nøytrale sonen, til Karl Webb som enkelt krysser blålinja. Han ser Peter Beagrie som kommer i fart på andre siden, finner ham med en pasning, han skyter et kjapt skudd. *Billy Jessop redder enkelt."; show_action[592][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[592][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[668] = new Array; show_action[668][0] = new Array; show_action[668][0]['text'] = "Kenneth Caulfield wins the battle for the puck in the corner and clears it out to the neutral zone. Connor Drake gobbles up the puck and walks into the offensive zone. He fakes a shot and Andy Midgley throws himself down on the ice to block it. Connor Drake walks around him and he makes a drop pass for Christopher Pethick skating close behind. Christopher Pethick fires at Samuel Hooper who gets a piece of it. The puck goes through and the goalie covers it right on the goal line. The red light flashes for a moment and the referee says he will call the videojudge. There is absolute silence in the arena. The phonecall is over and the referee *points at center ice. It\'s a goal. The puck has crossed the line and Team noname 109087 bench celebrates. Christopher Pethick gir laget sitt ledelsen 0:1."; show_action[668][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[668][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[698] = new Array; show_action[698][0] = new Array; show_action[698][0]['text'] = "Daniel Le Saux breaks into the offensive zone along the boards. He makes a blind cross-ice pass to Lee Elkington but it is intercepted by Martin Yates who clears it out to the neutral zone where it is picked up by Phil Parnham. He walks around one opponent and crosses the offensive blue line. He sets up Seth Tuckley who fires it and *gjør stillingen til 1:1! That was a quick and deadly counterattack."; show_action[698][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[698][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[807] = new Array; show_action[807][0] = new Array; show_action[807][0]['text'] = "Andy Midgley breaks in along the boards. He dangles around Aaron Lowndes but he is crushed by *his elbow. Aaron Lowndes takes the penalty."; show_action[807][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[807][0]['img_2'] = "13"; show_action[867] = new Array; show_action[867][0] = new Array; show_action[867][0]['text'] = "Phil Parnham carries the puck along the boards into the neutral zone. He tries to ignite this power play, but he is checked by Christian Vianney. Phil Parnham is able to feather a pass to Seth Tuckley and goes off for a change. Daniel Le Saux with a steal and *the play is whistled down. Christian Vianney gets the gate for roughing. He reluctantly joins his teammate in the sin bin."; show_action[867][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[867][0]['img_2'] = "12"; show_action[911] = new Array; show_action[911][0] = new Array; show_action[911][0]['text'] = "Seth Tuckley wins the battle for the puck in the corner and clears it out to the neutral zone. Owen Davis gobbles up the puck and walks into the offensive zone. He fakes a shot and Lee Elkington throws himself down on the ice to block it. Owen Davis walks around him and he makes a drop pass for Martin Yates skating close behind. Martin Yates fires at Billy Jessop *and scores!"; show_action[911][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[911][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[990] = new Array; /* SPE 2 */ show_action[990][0] = new Array; show_action[990][0]['text'] = "Team noname 109087 attack with numbers. It\'s a three-on-one! Aaron Lowndes carries it over the blue line while Andy Midgley tries to take away the passing lanes, but he\'s in a tough spot. Aaron Lowndes to Delroy Aarons to Riley Higman, *but that pass is behind him and they don\'t even get a shot on goal."; show_action[990][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[990][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[1138] = new Array; show_action[1138][0] = new Array; show_action[1138][0]['text'] = "Team noname 109087 are not letting their opponent break out of the zone. The deflected puck gets to Daniel Le Saux in the high slot, he slaps it hard. That shot is blocked by Owen Davis, Christian Vianney gobbles up the loose puck, but hits the deck. He shoots from his knees, *but that\'s an easy save for Samuel Hooper. It was on his backhand, so he couldn\'t get much pace on it. Team noname 109087 will at least remain in the zone."; show_action[1138][0]['img_1'] = "12"; show_action[1138][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[1200] = new Array; show_action[1200][0] = new Array; show_action[1200][0]['text'] = "Hornet lyder og første periode er over."; show_action[1200][0]['img_1'] = "15"; show_action[1200][1] = new Array; show_action[1200][1]['text'] = "Start av andre periode. Denne kampen blir sett av 400 tilskuere på arenaen."; show_action[1200][1]['img_1'] = "13"; show_action[1267] = new Array; show_action[1267][0] = new Array; show_action[1267][0]['text'] = "Team noname 109087 quickly move the puck up ice. Owen Moore sends it along the boards. Kenneth Caulfield chases it and enters the offensive zone. Samuel Hooper braces himself for a potential pass across to the other side. Kenneth Caulfield releases a quick wrist shot, turned away by Samuel Hooper. He leaves a big rebound, Connor Drake drives for the net, hits the puck from the air and finds the back of the net. But this will go upstairs to the video judge because it may have been a high stick. *No goal is the final judgement, the stick of Connor Drake hit the puck above the crossbar."; show_action[1267][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[1267][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[1296] = new Array; show_action[1296][0] = new Array; show_action[1296][0]['text'] = "Team noname 109087 have been controlling the play in this shift. Lee Elkington gobbles up the puck behind the net of Samuel Hooper. He skates out in front. But he is knocked off the puck by Martin Yates. Loose puck taken by Richard Adams and he fires it *past the Team noname 106798 goalie! Christian Vianney who dumped the puck will also get credited with the helper."; show_action[1296][0]['img_1'] = "9"; show_action[1296][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[1382] = new Array; show_action[1382][0] = new Array; show_action[1382][0]['text'] = "Team noname 109087 are looking to break out. At long last Daniel Le Saux is able to gain possession, lead pass for Richard Adams creates a breakaway! He fakes a move with his shoulder, Samuel Hooper goes for a poke-check, Richard Adams to the backhand and he *gir laget sitt ledelsen 2:3! Great hands!"; show_action[1382][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[1382][0]['img_2'] = "5"; show_action[1414] = new Array; show_action[1414][0] = new Array; show_action[1414][0]['text'] = "Andy Midgley takes the puck deflected from the battle of two other players at the blue line of Team noname 106798. He dumps the puck in from the neutral zone and skates off to the bench. *The shot is easily handled by Billy Jessop who makes the easiest save of the night. No problem whatsoever."; show_action[1414][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[1414][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[1499] = new Array; /* SPE 1 */ show_action[1499][0] = new Array; show_action[1499][0]['text'] = "Samuel Hooper has to keep his head on a swivel here. Lee Elkington takes the puck to the corner, he centers it for Daniel Le Saux who dishes it to Richard Adams. He whiffs on the shot and *Ian Wilkinson will ice it the length of the rink."; show_action[1499][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[1499][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[1687] = new Array; show_action[1687][0] = new Array; show_action[1687][0]['text'] = "Jack Freeman breaks into the offensive zone along the boards. He makes a blind cross-ice pass to Micky Leaning who sends a centering feed picked up by the streaking Delroy Aarons. Wrist shot goes wide. The puck comes back off the end boards. It\'s loose in front of the crease and Phil Parnham seizes it and plays it forward. The puck goes from Phil Parnham, through Owen Davis, to Ian Wilkinson who fires a quick shot *and scores top shelf! That was a superb shot and the Team noname 109087 goalie had no chance to react."; show_action[1687][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[1687][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[1776] = new Array; show_action[1776][0] = new Array; show_action[1776][0]['text'] = "Team noname 109087 are under pressure in their defensive zone. Philip Kydd exchanges the puck with Andy Midgley who sends it into the corner where it is received by Ross Bates. He tries to create something but he is marked by Lee Elkington. Ross Bates sends it back to Andy Midgley who feeds Philip Kydd for a onetimer and Billy Jessop makes the glove save but he can\'t hold on to the puck. Ross Bates has a follow-up chance *but he is stopped by the left pad of Billy Jessop."; show_action[1776][0]['img_1'] = "12"; show_action[1776][0]['img_2'] = "8"; show_action[1943] = new Array; show_action[1943][0] = new Array; show_action[1943][0]['text'] = "Owen Davis dumps the puck to the back boards. Billy Jessop plays the puck and feeds it to his teammate Connor Evan. He hesitates and he gets hammered by an opponent. Connor Evan manages to send the puck to Richard Adams, who makes a drop pass for the streaking Christian Vianney. He walks into the offensive zone, passes it around the defenseman back to Richard Adams. Onetimer and Samuel Hooper *flashes the quick glove."; show_action[1943][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[1943][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[2045] = new Array; /* SPE 1 */ show_action[2045][0] = new Array; show_action[2045][0]['text'] = "Team noname 106798 are under pressure in their defensive zone. Lee Elkington exchanges the puck with Connor Evan who sends it into the corner where it is received by Christian Vianney. He tries to create something but he is marked by Phil Parnham who takes the puck away from him and clears it out to the neutral zone where it is picked up by Ian Wilkinson. He sprints forward and trades the puck with Seth Tuckley but Ian Wilkinson *mishandles the return pass and the opportunity is wasted."; show_action[2045][0]['img_1'] = "12"; show_action[2045][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[2147] = new Array; show_action[2147][0] = new Array; show_action[2147][0]['text'] = "The puck is behind the net of Team noname 109087 as both teams change on the fly. Christian Vianney has the puck, lead pass for Daniel Le Saux who carries it into the offensive zone. He is checked by Daniel Rankin and Daniel Le Saux sends a drop pass for Richard Adams, who onetimes it and that shot goes *in! That was a long range shot and Samuel Hooper would like to have that back."; show_action[2147][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[2147][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[2187] = new Array; show_action[2187][0] = new Array; show_action[2187][0]['text'] = "Team noname 106798 have possession behind their goal. Andy Midgley takes the puck and carries it out with speed. He makes a great move through the legs of Riley Higman at center ice and keeps going. He gains entry into the offensive zone and dishes a pass to Philip Kydd, who takes it behind the goal and feeds it to the slot. Ross Bates takes the pass on his backhand, changes to his forehand, pulls the trigger and *the goalie makes a pad save. Delroy Aarons was used as a screen there by the shooter. Delroy Aarons is relieved that his goalie was able to make the save."; show_action[2187][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[2187][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[2199] = new Array; show_action[2199][0] = new Array; show_action[2199][0]['text'] = "A quick offensive by Team noname 109087. Aaron Lowndes won the battle at the boards and found the streaking Micky Leaning. It\'s Micky Leaning versus Samuel Hooper. Big slap shot misses the net. Micky Leaning gets to the loose puck, centers it, finds Jack Freeman, onetimer, *pad save by Samuel Hooper!"; show_action[2199][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[2199][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[2400] = new Array; show_action[2400][0] = new Array; show_action[2400][0]['text'] = "Den andre perioden er over."; show_action[2400][0]['img_1'] = "15"; show_action[2400][1] = new Array; show_action[2400][1]['text'] = "Start av tredje periode. Om bare få minutter vil vi vite hvordan denne kampen ender. "; show_action[2400][1]['img_1'] = "13"; show_action[2463] = new Array; show_action[2463][0] = new Array; show_action[2463][0]['text'] = "Vincent Booth behind his own net waiting for his teammates to complete the change. Vincent Booth now skates it up the ice, feeds it to Christopher Pethick at center ice who dekes around Owen Davis and breaks in. He fakes a shot and sends a saucer pass for Kenneth Caulfield and his shot is *stopped by the pad of Samuel Hooper."; show_action[2463][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[2463][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[2522] = new Array; /* SPE 2 */ show_action[2522][0] = new Array; show_action[2522][0]['text'] = "Team noname 109087 dump the puck into the corner where it\'s being fought for by several players. It\'s taking a long time so the referee *stops play and the puck will be dropped in the nearest faceoff circle."; show_action[2522][0]['img_1'] = "12"; show_action[2522][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[2643] = new Array; show_action[2643][0] = new Array; show_action[2643][0]['text'] = "Lionel Jobson busting in on the wing. He makes a move into the slot. Drop pass between his legs to Philip Kydd, a shot through the screen, he *scores. Billy Jessop couldn\'t see much. Lionel Jobson and Philip Kydd connect for a highlight reel goal."; show_action[2643][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[2643][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[2685] = new Array; show_action[2685][0] = new Array; show_action[2685][0]['text'] = "Ryan Flash tries to walk into the slot from the half-boards, but he is knocked off the puck by Owen Moore. Karl Webb gobbles up the loose puck, lets a shot go *that\'s kicked aside by Billy Jessop."; show_action[2685][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[2685][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[2827] = new Array; show_action[2827][0] = new Array; show_action[2827][0]['text'] = "Team noname 106798 have pressure in the offensive zone. Daniel Rankin is manning the point, he receives a pass from Karl Webb. His shot is blocked by Delroy Aarons who starts an attack the other way. Cross ice pass to Micky Leaning who breaks in along the boards. He passes it across to Jack Freeman, big slap shot, tipped in front by Ryan Flash and *stopped by Samuel Hooper. An unlucky deflection but the goalie was ready."; show_action[2827][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[2827][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[2990] = new Array; show_action[2990][0] = new Array; show_action[2990][0]['text'] = "Team noname 106798 have possession behind their goal. Ryan Flash takes the puck and carries it out with speed. He makes a great move through the legs of Daniel Le Saux at center ice and keeps going. He gets flattened by Christian Vianney. What a hit. Christian Vianney gobbles up the puck and sends it ahead to Daniel Le Saux. Two on one developing with Richard Adams. The saucer pass goes over the stick of Ben Walling who took the passing lane away and Richard Adams *scores! This all started with that big hit. Richard Adams gir laget sitt ledelsen 4:5."; show_action[2990][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[2990][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[3025] = new Array; show_action[3025][0] = new Array; show_action[3025][0]['text'] = "Team noname 109087 busting into the zone. Micky Leaning is leading the rush. He gets support from Jack Freeman and Delroy Aarons. Micky Leaning feeds Jack Freeman, who steers it towards Delroy Aarons, backhander goes upstairs, *robbery by Samuel Hooper! How did that stay out? Can you believe that glove save?"; show_action[3025][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[3025][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[3166] = new Array; show_action[3166][0] = new Array; show_action[3166][0]['text'] = "The puck is loose behind the Team noname 109087 goal. Riley Higman gobbles it up and head-mans it to Delroy Aarons, who carries it to the neutral zone. He shakes off a little hook by Phil Parnham at center ice and continues on. Delroy Aarons fires it in from neutral zone *and scores?! Samuel Hooper can\'t believe what just transpired. Somehow the puck eluded him and ended up in the back of the net."; show_action[3166][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[3166][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[3247] = new Array; /* SPE 1 */ show_action[3247][0] = new Array; show_action[3247][0]['text'] = "The faceoff is to the left of Samuel Hooper. Christopher Pethick wins the draw, shot through traffic by Owen Moore goes wide and hits the end boards. Daniel Rankin picks up the loose puck in the corner, quick feed to Karl Webb *but he can\'t handle it and the icing will come back to the Team noname 106798 zone."; show_action[3247][0]['img_1'] = "4"; show_action[3247][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[3383] = new Array; show_action[3383][0] = new Array; show_action[3383][0]['text'] = "Owen Davis dumps the puck into the offensive zone. Riley Higman gathers it behind the goal. Long lead to Aaron Lowndes who was cherry-picking at the blue line. That was a great tape-to-tape pass by Riley Higman. Samuel Hooper is the last line of defense. Aaron Lowndes shoots and *Samuel Hooper holds the fort! The shooter was aiming for the five-hole, but that was well covered by the goalie."; show_action[3383][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[3383][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[3500] = new Array; show_action[3500][0] = new Array; show_action[3500][0]['text'] = "Riley Higman carries the puck into the offensive zone. His pass finds Jack Freeman who goes behind the net. He goes around Andy Midgley, tries a wraparound and *scores! Samuel Hooper could not get to other side in time and Jack Freeman had no problem finding the gap between his pad and the goalpost. Aaron Lowndes will also get an assist on this goal."; show_action[3500][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[3500][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[3548] = new Array; show_action[3548][0] = new Array; show_action[3548][0]['text'] = "Vincent Booth dumps the puck to the back boards. Samuel Hooper plays the puck and feeds it to his teammate Karl Webb. He hesitates and he gets hammered by an opponent. Kenneth Caulfield picks up the loose puck, snaps it and *Samuel Hooper makes the save. The puck hit one of the defensemen and changed direction. The goalie got a little lucky that the deflection hit him."; show_action[3548][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[3548][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[3600] = new Array; show_action[3600][0] = new Array; show_action[3600][0]['text'] = "Kampslutt."; show_action[3600][0]['img_1'] = "16"; var match_end = 3600; var hash = '21121212121211212121'; SetRoadDir(''); SetRoadDirControl(''); SetRoadDirSound(''); PreloadImages(); MatchLive = 0; MatchTime = -120; MatchSpeed = 100; document.getElementById('live_panel').style.display='none'; control_panel_status = ''; var Shootouts = 0; var instantChallenge = 0; //if (document.getElementById('control_panel') != null){ // control_panel_status = document.getElementById('control_panel').style.display; //} if (video_length[1] != ''){ var t=setTimeout('run_match()', (parseInt(video_length[1]) + 4000)); // 31500 } else { DoMatch(); } function run_match() { if (document.getElementById('control_panel') != null && control_panel_status == ''){ document.getElementById('control_panel').style.display = ''; } DoMatch(); }