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 Notas de imprensa

2 456 760 179
País: Liga:

EUA Hellcats† - Hellcats Crushed Velvet Llamas

In a game the Hellcats under control from the very beginning, they took their foe down to gain sole possession of 5th place in the standings. The game was dominated by the 'Cats top line, led by John Ratcliff with 2 goals, and Kristopher Yeager who added 3 assists.

When questioned about their performance, Coach Joca Cleveland said, "We have really started to roll this year. We keep improving every day. I really believe this team is maybe a year away from taking the league championship. I'd like to say we have a chance this year but there are some great teams ahead of us."

Team Owner Eric McLellan verified, "Coach Cleveland is absolutely right about the path this team seems to be taking. I have be ecstatic with the progress this team has made. The fans have really started to come out to support our Cats as well."

When asked about his plans for the future, McLellan said, "I hope to expand the arena and take advantage of these great fans and make room for all to come to the games. We also help to keep developing the Farm system to keep bringing great players in."

We asked what could be expected as far as player acquisitions, the owner made it clear, "I'm very happy with the players that represent this team. Sure we are always looking to add a few high quality pieces, but I plan to let our farm team do the job."

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