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Ten komunikat prasowy został opublikowany w odpowiedzi na komunikat prasowy drużyny Wielka Brytania Craigshill Beasts†: Craigshill's Beast News Paper

Wielka Brytania Craigshill Beasts† - Craigshill's beasts news paper

Craigshill beasts are last at the moment,we got very important game today against one of the best teams in the league,but beasts have been training all month very hard and seems like they are gettin better every day, injured is teams best player iisac :(, but we hope its gonna be ok without him, craigshill is ready to take all 3 points. And get back to leaderplaces

Wyświetleń: 6
Ocena ogłoszenia prasowego: Kiepski - Normalny - Doskonały
Drużyna Wielka Brytania Craigshill Beasts† odpowiedziała na to ogłoszenie prasowe: Craigshill's beasts news paper