var jersey_home_old = ''; var jersey_road_old = ''; var stats_action = new Array; stats_action[47] = new Array; stats_action[47]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[47]['team'] = 2; stats_action[47]['shot1'] = 21965193; stats_action[47]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[47]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[68] = new Array; stats_action[68]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[68]['team'] = 2; stats_action[68]['shot1'] = 22514160; stats_action[68]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[68]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[104] = new Array; stats_action[104]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[104]['team'] = 2; stats_action[104]['player_id'] = 22243723; stats_action[146] = new Array; stats_action[146]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[146]['team'] = 1; stats_action[146]['goal'] = 22617112; stats_action[146]['assist1'] = 22397785; stats_action[146]['assist2'] = 22114716; stats_action[146]['goalie'] = 22112912; stats_action[172] = new Array; stats_action[172]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[172]['team'] = 2; stats_action[172]['shot1'] = 21866963; stats_action[172]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[172]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[312] = new Array; stats_action[312]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[312]['team'] = 1; stats_action[312]['shot1'] = 21853302; stats_action[312]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[312]['goalie'] = 22112912; stats_action[399] = new Array; stats_action[399]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[399]['team'] = 1; stats_action[399]['shot1'] = 22319829; stats_action[399]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[399]['goalie'] = 22112912; stats_action[446] = new Array; stats_action[446]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[446]['team'] = 2; stats_action[446]['shot1'] = 21262625; stats_action[446]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[446]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[466] = new Array; stats_action[466]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[466]['team'] = 1; stats_action[466]['player_id'] = 23103809; stats_action[470] = new Array; stats_action[470]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[470]['team'] = 2; stats_action[470]['shot1'] = 22360116; stats_action[470]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[470]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[479] = new Array; stats_action[479]['type'] = 'SHOT2'; stats_action[479]['team'] = 2; stats_action[479]['shot1'] = 21973859; stats_action[479]['shot2'] = 22360116; stats_action[479]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[529] = new Array; stats_action[529]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[529]['team'] = 1; stats_action[529]['shot1'] = 22946269; stats_action[529]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[529]['goalie'] = 22112912; stats_action[649] = new Array; stats_action[649]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[649]['team'] = 2; stats_action[649]['shot1'] = 21973859; stats_action[649]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[649]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[699] = new Array; stats_action[699]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[699]['team'] = 1; stats_action[699]['shot1'] = 22285484; stats_action[699]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[699]['goalie'] = 22112912; stats_action[767] = new Array; stats_action[767]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[767]['team'] = 2; stats_action[767]['player_id'] = 22441812; stats_action[914] = new Array; stats_action[914]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[914]['team'] = 2; stats_action[914]['shot1'] = 23102388; stats_action[914]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[914]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1019] = new Array; stats_action[1019]['type'] = 'GOAL2'; stats_action[1019]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1019]['goal'] = 22393964; stats_action[1019]['assist1'] = 22360116; stats_action[1019]['assist2'] = 22553136; stats_action[1019]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1053] = new Array; stats_action[1053]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1053]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1053]['shot1'] = 21965193; stats_action[1053]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1053]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1078] = new Array; stats_action[1078]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1078]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1078]['shot1'] = 21235722; stats_action[1078]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1078]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1165] = new Array; stats_action[1165]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1165]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1165]['shot1'] = 22514160; stats_action[1165]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1165]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1190] = new Array; stats_action[1190]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1190]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1190]['shot1'] = 22393964; stats_action[1190]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1190]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1233] = new Array; stats_action[1233]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1233]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1233]['shot1'] = 22803199; stats_action[1233]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1233]['goalie'] = 22112912; stats_action[1257] = new Array; stats_action[1257]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[1257]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1257]['player_id'] = 22821404; stats_action[1270] = new Array; stats_action[1270]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1270]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1270]['shot1'] = 22360411; stats_action[1270]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1270]['goalie'] = 22112912; stats_action[1301] = new Array; stats_action[1301]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1301]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1301]['shot1'] = 22243723; stats_action[1301]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1301]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1314] = new Array; stats_action[1314]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1314]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1314]['goal'] = 21262625; stats_action[1314]['assist1'] = 22553136; stats_action[1314]['assist2'] = 22243723; stats_action[1314]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1332] = new Array; stats_action[1332]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1332]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1332]['shot1'] = 21693134; stats_action[1332]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1332]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1433] = new Array; stats_action[1433]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1433]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1433]['shot1'] = 22802799; stats_action[1433]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1433]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1473] = new Array; stats_action[1473]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1473]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1473]['shot1'] = 22961108; stats_action[1473]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1473]['goalie'] = 22112912; stats_action[1522] = new Array; stats_action[1522]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1522]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1522]['goal'] = 22393964; stats_action[1522]['assist1'] = 22360116; stats_action[1522]['assist2'] = 22553136; stats_action[1522]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1561] = new Array; stats_action[1561]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1561]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1561]['shot1'] = 21973859; stats_action[1561]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1561]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1615] = new Array; stats_action[1615]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1615]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1615]['shot1'] = 22802799; stats_action[1615]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1615]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1655] = new Array; stats_action[1655]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1655]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1655]['shot1'] = 21866963; stats_action[1655]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1655]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1701] = new Array; stats_action[1701]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[1701]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1701]['player_id'] = 21952563; stats_action[1711] = new Array; stats_action[1711]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1711]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1711]['shot1'] = 21866963; stats_action[1711]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1711]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1802] = new Array; stats_action[1802]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1802]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1802]['goal'] = 22393964; stats_action[1802]['assist1'] = 22802799; stats_action[1802]['assist2'] = 0; stats_action[1802]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1849] = new Array; stats_action[1849]['type'] = 'SHOT2'; stats_action[1849]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1849]['shot1'] = 22802799; stats_action[1849]['shot2'] = 21973859; stats_action[1849]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1880] = new Array; stats_action[1880]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1880]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1880]['shot1'] = 22802799; stats_action[1880]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1880]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1918] = new Array; stats_action[1918]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1918]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1918]['goal'] = 22360116; stats_action[1918]['assist1'] = 22393964; stats_action[1918]['assist2'] = 0; stats_action[1918]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[1972] = new Array; stats_action[1972]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1972]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1972]['shot1'] = 21235722; stats_action[1972]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1972]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[2006] = new Array; stats_action[2006]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2006]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2006]['shot1'] = 22393964; stats_action[2006]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2006]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[2023] = new Array; stats_action[2023]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2023]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2023]['shot1'] = 22393964; stats_action[2023]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2023]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[2063] = new Array; stats_action[2063]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[2063]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2063]['player_id'] = 22808952; stats_action[2119] = new Array; stats_action[2119]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[2119]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2119]['goal'] = 22441812; stats_action[2119]['assist1'] = 22802799; stats_action[2119]['assist2'] = 22393964; stats_action[2119]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[2143] = new Array; stats_action[2143]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2143]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2143]['shot1'] = 22802799; stats_action[2143]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2143]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[2283] = new Array; stats_action[2283]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2283]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2283]['shot1'] = 22803199; stats_action[2283]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2283]['goalie'] = 22112912; stats_action[2309] = new Array; stats_action[2309]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[2309]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2309]['goal'] = 22802799; stats_action[2309]['assist1'] = 21973859; stats_action[2309]['assist2'] = 23102388; stats_action[2309]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[2344] = new Array; stats_action[2344]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[2344]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2344]['goal'] = 21973859; stats_action[2344]['assist1'] = 0; stats_action[2344]['assist2'] = 0; stats_action[2344]['goalie'] = 22893788; stats_action[2477] = new Array; stats_action[2477]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2477]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2477]['shot1'] = 22803199; stats_action[2477]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2477]['goalie'] = 22112912; stats_action[2549] = new Array; stats_action[2549]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2549]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2549]['shot1'] = 22243723; stats_action[2549]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2549]['goalie'] = 23325120; stats_action[2593] = new Array; stats_action[2593]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2593]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2593]['shot1'] = 23105412; stats_action[2593]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2593]['goalie'] = 23325120; stats_action[2641] = new Array; stats_action[2641]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2641]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2641]['shot1'] = 22617307; stats_action[2641]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2641]['goalie'] = 22112912; stats_action[2667] = new Array; stats_action[2667]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[2667]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2667]['goal'] = 22802799; stats_action[2667]['assist1'] = 23102388; stats_action[2667]['assist2'] = 22243723; stats_action[2667]['goalie'] = 23325120; stats_action[2869] = new Array; stats_action[2869]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2869]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2869]['shot1'] = 22441812; stats_action[2869]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2869]['goalie'] = 23325120; stats_action[3039] = new Array; stats_action[3039]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[3039]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3039]['goal'] = 21973859; stats_action[3039]['assist1'] = 23102388; stats_action[3039]['assist2'] = 22802799; stats_action[3039]['goalie'] = 23325120; stats_action[3113] = new Array; stats_action[3113]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[3113]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3113]['goal'] = 22617307; stats_action[3113]['assist1'] = 22823894; stats_action[3113]['assist2'] = 23103809; stats_action[3113]['goalie'] = 22112912; stats_action[3122] = new Array; stats_action[3122]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3122]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3122]['shot1'] = 23064692; stats_action[3122]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3122]['goalie'] = 23325120; stats_action[3144] = new Array; stats_action[3144]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3144]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3144]['shot1'] = 22243723; stats_action[3144]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3144]['goalie'] = 23325120; stats_action[3178] = new Array; stats_action[3178]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3178]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3178]['shot1'] = 21952563; stats_action[3178]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3178]['goalie'] = 22112912; stats_action[3216] = new Array; stats_action[3216]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[3216]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3216]['player_id'] = 21952563; stats_action[3237] = new Array; stats_action[3237]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3237]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3237]['shot1'] = 21866963; stats_action[3237]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3237]['goalie'] = 23325120; stats_action[3285] = new Array; stats_action[3285]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3285]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3285]['shot1'] = 22441812; stats_action[3285]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3285]['goalie'] = 23325120; stats_action[3295] = new Array; stats_action[3295]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3295]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3295]['shot1'] = 22604140; stats_action[3295]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3295]['goalie'] = 22112912; stats_action[3378] = new Array; stats_action[3378]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3378]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3378]['shot1'] = 22553136; stats_action[3378]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3378]['goalie'] = 23325120; stats_action[3395] = new Array; stats_action[3395]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3395]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3395]['shot1'] = 22617307; stats_action[3395]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3395]['goalie'] = 22112912; stats_action[3466] = new Array; stats_action[3466]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3466]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3466]['shot1'] = 23102388; stats_action[3466]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3466]['goalie'] = 23325120; var show_action = new Array; show_action[-100] = new Array; show_action[-100][0] = new Array; show_action[-100][0]['text'] = "歡迎收看 Red RastelMaromans 的比賽。"; show_action[-100][0]['show_all'] = 1; show_action[-80] = new Array; show_action[-80][0] = new Array; show_action[-80][0]['text'] = "Emīls Rags 出現在主隊的球網前。 Dāvids Vēzītis 站在了另一個球網中間。"; show_action[-80][0]['mask'] = 'show'; show_action[-80][0]['mask_g1'] = 22893788; show_action[-80][0]['mask_g2'] = 22112912; show_action[-80][0]['show_all'] = 1; show_action[0] = new Array; show_action[0][0] = new Array; show_action[0][0]['text'] = "裁判在中場把球扔下,比賽正式開始。"; show_action[0][0]['mask'] = 'hide'; show_action[0][0]['img_1'] = "13"; show_action[68] = new Array; show_action[68][0] = new Array; show_action[68][0]['text'] = "Maromans moving forward. Ivo Ērenpreiss with the puck, lead pass for Patrick Sonneville who breaks in. Nice move to get past Yannik Möllers. He is up against Emīls Rags, he holds, sets up Ints Sjomkāns, onetimer, *glove save by Emīls Rags! That\'s absolute robbery by the goalie!"; show_action[68][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[68][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[104] = new Array; show_action[104][0] = new Array; show_action[104][0]['text'] = "Reinhards Ģeķis breaks into the offensive zone along the boards. He makes a blind cross-ice pass to Rémy Leclerc who sends a centering feed picked up by the streaking Igor Mačkaj. Wrist shot goes wide. The puck comes back off the end boards on the tape of Rémy Leclerc but he can\'t get the shot away because he got distracted by a *stick in his face. Todd Archer was a little overzealous and he will serve two minutes for high sticking."; show_action[104][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[104][0]['img_2'] = "14"; show_action[146] = new Array; show_action[146][0] = new Array; show_action[146][0]['text'] = "Dāvids Vēzītis has to keep his head on a swivel here. Winston Mounteer takes the puck to the corner, he centers it and Eduárd Benke ties up the stick of Stafan Siarhušonak to prevent a point blank chance. The bouncing puck is found by Mattias Andersson who fires one to the stick side of Dāvids Vēzītis. Tipped in front by Olaf Dengg and *he SCORES! Dāvids Vēzītis had no chance to react to the change of direction."; show_action[146][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[146][0]['img_2'] = "1"; show_action[242] = new Array; /* SPE 2 */ show_action[242][0] = new Array; show_action[242][0]['text'] = "Teodor Behenský has the puck at the boards. Stafan Siarhušonak is closing him down and hits him hard into the boards. That was a crushing blow that almost broke the glass!!! Teodor Behenský goes down in pain. He is helped off the ice by his teammates. *And we have an avenger. Anšlavs Krežkalns is all over the perpetrator. He is throwing his fists around like Rocky Balboa! He is winning easily on points. Stafan Siarhušonak also gets his fair share of verbal abuse from the other opponents. The crowd is excited."; show_action[242][0]['img_1'] = "12"; show_action[242][0]['img_2'] = "16"; show_action[446] = new Array; show_action[446][0] = new Array; show_action[446][0]['text'] = "Maromans get a 3-on-1 situation after a turnover by Ondřej Pál. Igor Stanić is the only player back trying to take away the passing lane between Andrej Dzúr and László Kertes. Andrej Dzúr feeds Anšlavs Krežkalns who is trailing on the play a little bit, fake shot forces Emīls Rags to make a move, now a one-touch pass from Anšlavs Krežkalns to László Kertes. Emīls Rags is quick to react to that, but László Kertes sets up Andrej Dzúr on the other side, *glove save, Emīls Rags! You\'ve got to be kidding me! That was a pure desperation save by the goalie!"; show_action[446][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[446][0]['img_2'] = "8"; show_action[466] = new Array; show_action[466][0] = new Array; show_action[466][0]['text'] = "Mata Juričević dumps the puck deep into the Maromans zone and skates off to the bench. Juraj Pacay gobbles up the puck and headmans the puck all the way to the attacking blue line to take advantage of a Red Rastel line change. The pass is too hot to handle for Patrick Thommen, but at least he tips it into the offensive zone. Patrick Thommen and Igor Stanić are in a race for the loose puck. Maromans player gets there first… OUCH, Patrick Thommen gets nailed to the boards after playing the puck to Ints Sjomkāns. That\'s a delayed penalty. Ints Sjomkāns fires a wrist shot *that misses the target. Igor Stanić touches the puck and the play is stopped. He will have time to think about that cheap shot in the penalty box. Boarding is the call."; show_action[466][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[466][0]['img_2'] = "12"; show_action[529] = new Array; show_action[529][0] = new Array; show_action[529][0]['text'] = "Red Rastel start an attack in their defensive zone but they mess up. Teodor Behenský takes a onetimer. Hits the iron!!! The puck bounces to Servác Paulech, who sends Hienadź Barecki into a breakaway. He gets into the offensive zone, into the slot and takes a wrist shot... *but Dāvids Vēzītis gets a piece of it with his arm."; show_action[529][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[529][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[767] = new Array; show_action[767][0] = new Array; show_action[767][0]['text'] = "Mata Juričević wins the battle for the puck down low and circles around the opponent\'s goal. He goes all the way to the faceoff dot… and he gets upended by Ján Smieska who clears the puck all the way down the ice. *He\'s going to get called for kneeing on that play. Those kind of plays often cause season-ending injuries."; show_action[767][0]['img_1'] = "9"; show_action[767][0]['img_2'] = "14"; show_action[841] = new Array; /* SPE PP 1 */ show_action[841][0] = new Array; show_action[841][0]['text'] = "An odd-man rush for Red Rastel, with a 3-on-2 developing. Michael Mikrut carries the puck into the zone at full-speed, Andrej Dzúr stays with him. *And the play is whistled down for the offside. Hienadź Barecki crossed the blue line just before the puck."; show_action[841][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[841][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[1019] = new Array; show_action[1019][0] = new Array; show_action[1019][0]['text'] = "Maromans busting into the zone. Alex Náray is leading the rush. He gets support from Eduárd Benke and János Szollár. Alex Náray feeds Eduárd Benke, onetimer, stopped by Emīls Rags! Rebound in front, János Szollár *buries it! The shot by János Szollár was too good for the goalie and he 追平比分到 1:1."; show_action[1019][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[1019][0]['img_2'] = "3"; show_action[1053] = new Array; show_action[1053][0] = new Array; show_action[1053][0]['text'] = "Patrick Sonneville gets into a great chance right in front of the net. He hits the crossbar but the puck deflects back to Patrick Sonneville who has another go at it and *he can\'t bury it. He couldn\'t do much more while lying down on the ice."; show_action[1053][0]['img_1'] = "10"; show_action[1053][0]['img_2'] = "6"; show_action[1190] = new Array; show_action[1190][0] = new Array; show_action[1190][0]['text'] = "Alex Náray jumps off the bench and receives a pass. He gains entry into the zone, plays it to János Szollár on the point. He cuts to the middle and blasts one from 60 feet away. It\'s deflected off a skate of someone *and into the chest of Emīls Rags."; show_action[1190][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[1190][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[1200] = new Array; show_action[1200][0] = new Array; show_action[1200][0]['text'] = "哨聲響起,第一節結束。"; show_action[1200][0]['img_1'] = "15"; show_action[1200][1] = new Array; show_action[1200][1]['text'] = "第二節開始。 一共有 20000 個球迷在球場觀看比賽。"; show_action[1200][1]['img_1'] = "13"; show_action[1257] = new Array; show_action[1257][0] = new Array; show_action[1257][0]['text'] = "Rémy Leclerc dumps the puck to the back boards. Dāvids Vēzītis plays the puck and feeds it to his teammate Alex Náray. He hesitates and he gets hammered by Reinhards Ģeķis. Alex Náray goes down and can\'t get up. What a knockout. *But the whistle blows and a penalty will be called. Elbowing, says the referee."; show_action[1257][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[1257][0]['img_2'] = "13"; show_action[1314] = new Array; show_action[1314][0] = new Array; show_action[1314][0]['text'] = "Maromans player intercepts a pass at his own blue line. Olaf Dengg tries to regain possession but Alex Náray makes a fool out of him with a perfect deke. Now he comes down the wing, enters the offensive zone, sends a rink-wide pass to Andrej Dzúr, who kneels down for the onetimer *and he scores! Emīls Rags didn\'t even see that puck. Todd Archer was the man who was at the beginning of this play and he will get the secondary assist."; show_action[1314][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[1314][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[1383] = new Array; /* SPE 1 */ show_action[1383][0] = new Array; show_action[1383][0]['text'] = "Mata Juričević controls the puck in the offensive zone. The puck just crosses the blue line and it\'s *offside. The linesmen were very watchful there, although Mata Juričević doesn\'t like it at all and he shows it. He should be careful not to get called for unsportsmanlike conduct."; show_action[1383][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[1383][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[1522] = new Array; show_action[1522][0] = new Array; show_action[1522][0]['text'] = "Alex Náray jumps off the bench and receives a pass. He gains entry into the zone, plays it to Eduárd Benke on the point. He cuts to the middle and blasts one from 60 feet away. It\'s deflected off a skate of someone *and into the net! It was János Szollár\'s skate as the replay shows, so he will get credit for this goal."; show_action[1522][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[1522][0]['img_2'] = "1"; show_action[1701] = new Array; show_action[1701][0] = new Array; show_action[1701][0]['text'] = "János Szollár wins the puck at the boards in the defensive zone. He makes a blind pass across the zone. Right on the stick of Eduárd Benke. A risky pass, but it worked. Eduárd Benke finds a way to the offensive zone along the boards but he gets wallpapered by Jaroslav Delinga. The official doesn\'t like it *and he indicates a boarding penalty."; show_action[1701][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[1701][0]['img_2'] = "13"; show_action[1802] = new Array; show_action[1802][0] = new Array; show_action[1802][0]['text'] = "László Kertes skates into the attacking zone. He makes a cross-ice pass to János Szollár, who mishits a onetimer, *but the Red Rastel goalie makes only a platonic attempt at the save with his glove. János Szollár 將領先優勢擴大到 1:4, and converts a power play."; show_action[1802][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[1802][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[1918] = new Array; show_action[1918][0] = new Array; show_action[1918][0]['text'] = "Servác Paulech gathers the loose puck in his zone and passes it. But it is a dreadful pass. He sends it right on the stick of the opponent János Szollár, who passes it quickly to Eduárd Benke. He shoots... and *lights the red lamp. Servác Paulech skates off to the bench and breaks his stick in anger."; show_action[1918][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[1918][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[2063] = new Array; show_action[2063][0] = new Array; show_action[2063][0]['text'] = "Emīls Rags tries to play the puck. But there is a misunderstanding with the D-men. Teodor Behenský takes advantage of the confusion, passes on to Anšlavs Krežkalns, who shoots into the open net, but *it goes off target. His only excuse is that he was hooked by Rémy Leclerc, who gets to sit for two minutes. The referee saw that one."; show_action[2063][0]['img_1'] = "1"; show_action[2063][0]['img_2'] = "11"; show_action[2119] = new Array; show_action[2119][0] = new Array; show_action[2119][0]['text'] = "A pair of Maromans players come streaking down the wing. János Szollár carries the puck, drops it for László Kertes, who has a lot of room to operate. He cuts across into the slot, dishes a pass to Ján Smieska, who comes in with speed. He dekes and *scores! Ján Smieska 將領先優勢擴大到 1:6. Red Rastel PK unit left too much room for the opposition."; show_action[2119][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[2119][0]['img_2'] = "5"; show_action[2213] = new Array; /* SPE 1 */ show_action[2213][0] = new Array; show_action[2213][0]['text'] = "Patrick Häsli has the puck at the boards. Anšlavs Krežkalns is closing him down and hits him hard into the boards. That was a crushing blow that almost broke the glass!!! Patrick Häsli goes down in pain. He is helped off the ice by his teammates. *And we have an avenger. Winston Mounteer is all over the perpetrator. He is throwing his fists around like Rocky Balboa! He is winning easily on points. Anšlavs Krežkalns also gets his fair share of verbal abuse from the other opponents. The crowd is excited."; show_action[2213][0]['img_1'] = "12"; show_action[2213][0]['img_2'] = "16"; show_action[2309] = new Array; show_action[2309][0] = new Array; show_action[2309][0]['text'] = "Teodor Behenský controls the puck behind the opponents\' net. He looks for a passing lane. Finally he dishes it to Anšlavs Krežkalns, who directs the pass to László Kertes, the shot goes upstairs and *finds the back of the net! Great play by the whole line. They connect for a beautiful goal."; show_action[2309][0]['img_1'] = "9"; show_action[2309][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[2344] = new Array; show_action[2344][0] = new Array; show_action[2344][0]['text'] = "Todd Archer dumps the puck to the back boards. Emīls Rags plays the puck and feeds it to his teammate Igor Mačkaj. He hesitates and he gets hammered by an opponent. Anšlavs Krežkalns picks up the loose puck, snaps it and *scores. The puck hit one of the defensemen and changed direction. Brana Đurković is the unlucky defenseman who deflected the puck and the goalie couldn\'t react."; show_action[2344][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[2344][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[2400] = new Array; show_action[2400][0] = new Array; show_action[2400][0]['text'] = "第二節結束。"; show_action[2400][0]['img_1'] = "15"; show_action[2400][1] = new Array; show_action[2400][1]['text'] = "第三節開始。在幾分鐘後我們將知道比賽如何結束。 球隊 Red Rastel 替換了守門員。 Mārtiņš Mizis 將做為替補守門員上場。"; show_action[2400][1]['img_1'] = "13"; show_action[2549] = new Array; show_action[2549][0] = new Array; show_action[2549][0]['text'] = "Maromans on the offensive. Anšlavs Krežkalns feeds Todd Archer who breaks in with speed, tries to beat Mārtiņš Mizis with a backhand deke *but he gets robbed! What a save, Mārtiņš Mizis was able to get his pad in the way of the shot."; show_action[2549][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[2549][0]['img_2'] = "10"; show_action[2641] = new Array; show_action[2641][0] = new Array; show_action[2641][0]['text'] = "Maromans cycle the puck in the offensive zone and they are putting their opponents under a lot of pressure. A backhander by László Kertes goes upstairs and over the net. Lan Soršak gobbles up the loose puck and finds Ondřej Pál who breaks out and hits the afterburners. He comes in all alone, shoots *and a save is made by the Maromans goalie. That was a big save."; show_action[2641][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[2641][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[2667] = new Array; show_action[2667][0] = new Array; show_action[2667][0]['text'] = "A quick offensive by Maromans. Todd Archer won the battle at the boards and found the streaking Teodor Behenský. It\'s Teodor Behenský versus Mārtiņš Mizis. Big slap shot misses the net. Teodor Behenský gets to the loose puck, centers it, finds László Kertes, onetimer, *gets past Mārtiņš Mizis and into the net. He 將領先優勢擴大到 1:9."; show_action[2667][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[2667][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[2768] = new Array; /* SPE 2 */ show_action[2768][0] = new Array; show_action[2768][0]['text'] = "Krišus Zakreševskis gathers the puck and carries it to the neutral zone. He dishes a perfect cross-ice pass to the fast moving Gustavs Roštoks who flies through the neutral zone, gets by two defensemen and finds himself in front of Mārtiņš Mizis. *Rings one off the iron!!! The goalie covers up the rebound with his glove."; show_action[2768][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[2768][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[3039] = new Array; show_action[3039][0] = new Array; show_action[3039][0]['text'] = "There is a battle for the puck at the boards in the neutral zone. Maromans emerge with the puck. László Kertes makes a return pass for Teodor Behenský. He chips it forward and finds Anšlavs Krežkalns. He is one on one with Jaroslav Delinga. Anšlavs Krežkalns dangles around him, Mārtiņš Mizis skates out of the net. Anšlavs Krežkalns walks around him and *scores!"; show_action[3039][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[3039][0]['img_2'] = "5"; show_action[3113] = new Array; show_action[3113][0] = new Array; show_action[3113][0]['text'] = "Lan Soršak dumps the puck into the offensive zone. Rūdolfs Biķernieks gathers it behind the goal. Long lead to Helvis Impēriņš who was cherry-picking at the blue line. That was a great tape-to-tape pass by Rūdolfs Biķernieks. Mārtiņš Mizis is the last line of defense. Helvis Impēriņš hesitates and Igor Stanić comes back and dives to poke it away from his twig. That was an all-star defensive play right there. Now the attack goes the other way. Mata Juričević has room and time to shoot, but he dishes it to Ondřej Pál *who buries it! Great end-to-end action."; show_action[3113][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[3113][0]['img_2'] = "3"; show_action[3144] = new Array; show_action[3144][0] = new Array; show_action[3144][0]['text'] = "László Kertes dumps the puck into the offensive zone. Mattias Andersson gathers it behind the goal. Long lead to Patrick Häsli who was cherry-picking at the blue line. That was a great tape-to-tape pass by Mattias Andersson. Dāvids Vēzītis is the last line of defense. Patrick Häsli hesitates and Andrej Dzúr comes back and dives to poke it away from his twig. That was an all-star defensive play right there. Now the attack goes the other way. László Kertes has room and time to shoot, but he dishes it to Todd Archer *who is robbed by Mārtiņš Mizis! Oh, larceny! Red Rastel fans chant the name of their masked hero!"; show_action[3144][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[3144][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[3216] = new Array; show_action[3216][0] = new Array; show_action[3216][0]['text'] = "The faceoff is to the left of Mārtiņš Mizis. Rūdolfs Biķernieks wins the draw, shot through traffic by Žoržs Blīgzna goes wide and hits the end boards. Gustavs Roštoks picks up the loose puck in the corner, he gets drilled by Jaroslav Delinga! *The referee calls a penalty against Red Rastel. Boarding is the call."; show_action[3216][0]['img_1'] = "4"; show_action[3216][0]['img_2'] = "14"; show_action[3237] = new Array; show_action[3237][0] = new Array; show_action[3237][0]['text'] = "Red Rastel are under pressure in their defensive zone. Nils Besençon exchanges the puck with Ján Smieska who sends it into the corner where it is received by Teodor Behenský. He tries to create something but he is marked by Yannik Möllers. Teodor Behenský sends it back to Ján Smieska who feeds Nils Besençon for a onetimer *and Mārtiņš Mizis makes the glove save but he can\'t hold on to the puck. Yannik Möllers takes the loose puck and clears it out of the zone to relieve his team Red Rastel."; show_action[3237][0]['img_1'] = "12"; show_action[3237][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[3337] = new Array; /* SPE 1 */ show_action[3337][0] = new Array; show_action[3337][0]['text'] = "Todd Archer breaks into the offensive zone along the boards. He makes a blind cross-ice pass to László Kertes who sends a centering feed picked up by the streaking Andrej Dzúr. Wrist shot goes wide. The puck comes back off the end boards. It\'s loose in front of the crease and Servác Paulech clears it out for *icing."; show_action[3337][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[3337][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[3378] = new Array; show_action[3378][0] = new Array; show_action[3378][0]['text'] = "Eduárd Benke gains the line and stops at the half boards. Brana Đurković tries to pin him to the boards, but Eduárd Benke avoids the check and plays it to the point where Ján Smieska winds up for a one-timer, his shot is tipped in front by Alex Náray *into the chest of Mārtiņš Mizis, no rebound."; show_action[3378][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[3378][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[3466] = new Array; show_action[3466][0] = new Array; show_action[3466][0]['text'] = "Maromans having a good spell in the offensive zone. László Kertes cycles the puck with Anšlavs Krežkalns, centering feed to Teodor Behenský who fires a onetimer *and he is stopped point blank by Mārtiņš Mizis! That was a very good set play and an even better save."; show_action[3466][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[3466][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[3600] = new Array; show_action[3600][0] = new Array; show_action[3600][0]['text'] = "比賽結束。"; show_action[3600][0]['img_1'] = "16"; var match_end = 3600; var hash = '21212121221212121221'; SetRoadDir(''); SetRoadDirControl(''); SetRoadDirSound(''); PreloadImages(); MatchLive = 0; MatchTime = -120; MatchSpeed = 100; document.getElementById('live_panel').style.display='none'; control_panel_status = ''; var Shootouts = 0; var instantChallenge = 0; //if (document.getElementById('control_panel') != null){ // control_panel_status = document.getElementById('control_panel').style.display; //} if (video_length[1] != ''){ var t=setTimeout('run_match()', (parseInt(video_length[1]) + 4000)); // 31500 } else { DoMatch(); } function run_match() { if (document.getElementById('control_panel') != null && control_panel_status == ''){ document.getElementById('control_panel').style.display = ''; } DoMatch(); }