var jersey_home_old = ''; var jersey_road_old = ''; var stats_action = new Array; stats_action[89] = new Array; stats_action[89]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[89]['team'] = 2; stats_action[89]['shot1'] = 19256855; stats_action[89]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[89]['goalie'] = 19418667; stats_action[131] = new Array; stats_action[131]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[131]['team'] = 2; stats_action[131]['shot1'] = 19256861; stats_action[131]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[131]['goalie'] = 19418667; stats_action[177] = new Array; stats_action[177]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[177]['team'] = 2; stats_action[177]['shot1'] = 19256861; stats_action[177]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[177]['goalie'] = 19418667; stats_action[311] = new Array; stats_action[311]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[311]['team'] = 1; stats_action[311]['goal'] = 19418664; stats_action[311]['assist1'] = 19418666; stats_action[311]['assist2'] = 19418650; stats_action[311]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[332] = new Array; stats_action[332]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[332]['team'] = 1; stats_action[332]['shot1'] = 19418657; stats_action[332]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[332]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[489] = new Array; stats_action[489]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[489]['team'] = 1; stats_action[489]['goal'] = 19418675; stats_action[489]['assist1'] = 19418649; stats_action[489]['assist2'] = 19418668; stats_action[489]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[508] = new Array; stats_action[508]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[508]['team'] = 1; stats_action[508]['goal'] = 19418649; stats_action[508]['assist1'] = 19418675; stats_action[508]['assist2'] = 19418656; stats_action[508]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[776] = new Array; stats_action[776]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[776]['team'] = 2; stats_action[776]['shot1'] = 19256861; stats_action[776]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[776]['goalie'] = 19418667; stats_action[842] = new Array; stats_action[842]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[842]['team'] = 2; stats_action[842]['shot1'] = 19256878; stats_action[842]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[842]['goalie'] = 19418667; stats_action[867] = new Array; stats_action[867]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[867]['team'] = 1; stats_action[867]['shot1'] = 19418668; stats_action[867]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[867]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[1108] = new Array; stats_action[1108]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1108]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1108]['goal'] = 19418649; stats_action[1108]['assist1'] = 19418675; stats_action[1108]['assist2'] = 19418656; stats_action[1108]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[1141] = new Array; stats_action[1141]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1141]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1141]['shot1'] = 19256862; stats_action[1141]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1141]['goalie'] = 19418667; stats_action[1182] = new Array; stats_action[1182]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1182]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1182]['goal'] = 19418669; stats_action[1182]['assist1'] = 19418657; stats_action[1182]['assist2'] = 19418654; stats_action[1182]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[1236] = new Array; stats_action[1236]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1236]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1236]['shot1'] = 19256880; stats_action[1236]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1236]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[1254] = new Array; stats_action[1254]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1254]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1254]['goal'] = 19256880; stats_action[1254]['assist1'] = 19256853; stats_action[1254]['assist2'] = 19256861; stats_action[1254]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[1267] = new Array; stats_action[1267]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1267]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1267]['shot1'] = 19418653; stats_action[1267]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1267]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[1295] = new Array; stats_action[1295]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1295]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1295]['shot1'] = 19418656; stats_action[1295]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1295]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[1455] = new Array; stats_action[1455]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1455]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1455]['goal'] = 19418649; stats_action[1455]['assist1'] = 19418675; stats_action[1455]['assist2'] = 19418656; stats_action[1455]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[1485] = new Array; stats_action[1485]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1485]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1485]['goal'] = 19256871; stats_action[1485]['assist1'] = 19256855; stats_action[1485]['assist2'] = 19256870; stats_action[1485]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[1525] = new Array; stats_action[1525]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1525]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1525]['shot1'] = 19418669; stats_action[1525]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1525]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[1540] = new Array; stats_action[1540]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1540]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1540]['shot1'] = 19256857; stats_action[1540]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1540]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[1595] = new Array; stats_action[1595]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1595]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1595]['shot1'] = 19418675; stats_action[1595]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1595]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[1612] = new Array; stats_action[1612]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1612]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1612]['goal'] = 19256870; stats_action[1612]['assist1'] = 19256871; stats_action[1612]['assist2'] = 19256857; stats_action[1612]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[1654] = new Array; stats_action[1654]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1654]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1654]['shot1'] = 19418656; stats_action[1654]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1654]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[1758] = new Array; stats_action[1758]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1758]['team'] = 1; stats_action[1758]['shot1'] = 19418657; stats_action[1758]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1758]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[1874] = new Array; stats_action[1874]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1874]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1874]['shot1'] = 19256862; stats_action[1874]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1874]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[1966] = new Array; stats_action[1966]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[1966]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1966]['shot1'] = 19256853; stats_action[1966]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[1966]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[1979] = new Array; stats_action[1979]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[1979]['team'] = 2; stats_action[1979]['goal'] = 19256871; stats_action[1979]['assist1'] = 19256870; stats_action[1979]['assist2'] = 19256855; stats_action[1979]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[2096] = new Array; stats_action[2096]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2096]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2096]['shot1'] = 19256862; stats_action[2096]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2096]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[2112] = new Array; stats_action[2112]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2112]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2112]['shot1'] = 19256871; stats_action[2112]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2112]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[2170] = new Array; stats_action[2170]['type'] = 'SHOT2'; stats_action[2170]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2170]['shot1'] = 19418675; stats_action[2170]['shot2'] = 19418656; stats_action[2170]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[2259] = new Array; stats_action[2259]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2259]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2259]['shot1'] = 19256880; stats_action[2259]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2259]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[2440] = new Array; stats_action[2440]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2440]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2440]['shot1'] = 19418673; stats_action[2440]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2440]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[2488] = new Array; stats_action[2488]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2488]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2488]['shot1'] = 19256870; stats_action[2488]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2488]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[2543] = new Array; stats_action[2543]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[2543]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2543]['goal'] = 19418657; stats_action[2543]['assist1'] = 19418669; stats_action[2543]['assist2'] = 0; stats_action[2543]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[2595] = new Array; stats_action[2595]['type'] = 'GOAL2'; stats_action[2595]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2595]['goal'] = 19418656; stats_action[2595]['assist1'] = 19418675; stats_action[2595]['assist2'] = 19418649; stats_action[2595]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[2605] = new Array; stats_action[2605]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[2605]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2605]['goal'] = 19256878; stats_action[2605]['assist1'] = 19256859; stats_action[2605]['assist2'] = 19256862; stats_action[2605]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[2637] = new Array; stats_action[2637]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[2637]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2637]['player_id'] = 19256880; stats_action[2713] = new Array; stats_action[2713]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[2713]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2713]['player_id'] = 19256855; stats_action[2739] = new Array; stats_action[2739]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[2739]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2739]['goal'] = 19418650; stats_action[2739]['assist1'] = 19418666; stats_action[2739]['assist2'] = 0; stats_action[2739]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[2828] = new Array; stats_action[2828]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2828]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2828]['shot1'] = 19418664; stats_action[2828]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2828]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[2853] = new Array; stats_action[2853]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2853]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2853]['shot1'] = 19256861; stats_action[2853]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2853]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[2952] = new Array; stats_action[2952]['type'] = 'PENALTY'; stats_action[2952]['team'] = 2; stats_action[2952]['player_id'] = 19256878; stats_action[2962] = new Array; stats_action[2962]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2962]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2962]['shot1'] = 19418668; stats_action[2962]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2962]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[2987] = new Array; stats_action[2987]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[2987]['team'] = 1; stats_action[2987]['shot1'] = 19418675; stats_action[2987]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[2987]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[3085] = new Array; stats_action[3085]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3085]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3085]['shot1'] = 19256862; stats_action[3085]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3085]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[3116] = new Array; stats_action[3116]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[3116]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3116]['goal'] = 19256880; stats_action[3116]['assist1'] = 19256861; stats_action[3116]['assist2'] = 19256853; stats_action[3116]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[3275] = new Array; stats_action[3275]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[3275]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3275]['goal'] = 19418675; stats_action[3275]['assist1'] = 19418656; stats_action[3275]['assist2'] = 19418653; stats_action[3275]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[3315] = new Array; stats_action[3315]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3315]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3315]['shot1'] = 19418668; stats_action[3315]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3315]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[3494] = new Array; stats_action[3494]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3494]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3494]['shot1'] = 19418669; stats_action[3494]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3494]['goalie'] = 19256872; stats_action[3508] = new Array; stats_action[3508]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3508]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3508]['shot1'] = 19256869; stats_action[3508]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3508]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[3545] = new Array; stats_action[3545]['type'] = 'GOAL1'; stats_action[3545]['team'] = 2; stats_action[3545]['goal'] = 19256853; stats_action[3545]['assist1'] = 19256861; stats_action[3545]['assist2'] = 0; stats_action[3545]['goalie'] = 19418648; stats_action[3566] = new Array; stats_action[3566]['type'] = 'SHOT1'; stats_action[3566]['team'] = 1; stats_action[3566]['shot1'] = 19418675; stats_action[3566]['shot2'] = 0; stats_action[3566]['goalie'] = 19256872; var show_action = new Array; show_action[-100] = new Array; show_action[-100][0] = new Array; show_action[-100][0]['text'] = "Tomurs FC† ile esteghlal shemroon† arasındaki maça hoşgeldiniz."; show_action[-100][0]['show_all'] = 1; show_action[-80] = new Array; show_action[-80][0] = new Array; show_action[-80][0]['text'] = "Gu Ziqing ev sahibi takımın kalesinde başlıyor. Diğer tarafta Jalil Maleki direklerin arasında yerini alıyor."; show_action[-80][0]['mask'] = 'show'; show_action[-80][0]['mask_g1'] = 19418667; show_action[-80][0]['mask_g2'] = 19256872; show_action[-80][0]['show_all'] = 1; show_action[0] = new Array; show_action[0][0] = new Array; show_action[0][0]['text'] = "Disk atıldı ve maç başladı."; show_action[0][0]['mask'] = 'hide'; show_action[0][0]['img_1'] = "13"; show_action[89] = new Array; show_action[89][0] = new Array; show_action[89][0]['text'] = "[1A1] ve Taher Entekhabi mavi çizgiden zayıf bir şut denediler. Parham Jokar filenin önündeki boştaki diske ulaşıyor ve diski Gu Ziqing ye doğru vuruyor. Ancak kaleci takla atar ve büyük sopasını kullanarak diskin kale çizgisini *geçmesini engeller. İnanılmaz bir kurtarış!!! Gu Ziqing orada ekibine gerçekten yardımcı oldu."; show_action[89][0]['img_1'] = "10"; show_action[89][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[177] = new Array; show_action[177][0] = new Array; show_action[177][0]['text'] = "esteghlal shemroon† start a rush from their defensive zone. Long lead from Rashid Bigdeli is perfect for Soheil Hemmati at the offensive blue line. He is forced to the half boards and he evades a hit by Qin Bodong. Soheil Hemmati cuts to the middle and lets a shot go with Armin Sameti providing the screen. It goes off his stick and *Gu Ziqing makes the save! He couldn\'t see much, so he had to rely on his positioning."; show_action[177][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[177][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[311] = new Array; show_action[311][0] = new Array; show_action[311][0]['text'] = "Pan Pengfei controls the puck behind the opponents\' net. He looks for a passing lane. Finally he dishes it to Cai Xiaohong, who sends a weak shot deflected off the skate of a defender. Sun Zhuochao finds the loose puck and *he scores! That was a lucky bounce."; show_action[311][0]['img_1'] = "9"; show_action[311][0]['img_2'] = "3"; show_action[411] = new Array; /* SPE 1 */ show_action[411][0] = new Array; show_action[411][0]['text'] = "Tomurs FC† savunma bölgelerinde bir atak başlatıyorlar ama işleri berbat ediyorlar. Soheil Hemmati bir kerede vuruyor. *Demir gibi hem de!!! Pak Pan Zhongsheng ye sekiyor ve o da pakı diğer uca kadar temizleyerek takımına yeniden toparlanmaları için biraz zaman tanıyor."; show_action[411][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[411][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[489] = new Array; show_action[489][0] = new Array; show_action[489][0]['text'] = "Zhou Dafu wins the battle for the puck down low and circles around the opponent\'s goal. He goes all the way to the faceoff dot… fakes a shot and dishes the puck right into the wheelhouse of Pan Zhongsheng. That shot is tipped in front of Jalil Maleki by Cai Chao and *they SCORE! That was a great deflection by Cai Chao against the grain and he skoru 2:0\'e getiriyor."; show_action[489][0]['img_1'] = "9"; show_action[489][0]['img_2'] = "1"; show_action[508] = new Array; show_action[508][0] = new Array; show_action[508][0]['text'] = "Tomurs FC† hücum bölgesine yerleşiyor. Cai Chao iki oyuncuyu geçerek Jalil Maleki ile karşı karşıya kalıyor. Pan Zhongsheng ve Yahya Maniei de orada. Cai Chao, Pan Zhongsheng yi pozisyona sokuyor, tek zamanlı şut üst köşeye gidiyor, *gol! Jalil Maleki hazırlıksız yakalanıyor. He Zhe ye de ikinci asist yazılacak"; show_action[508][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[508][0]['img_2'] = "3"; show_action[776] = new Array; show_action[776][0] = new Array; show_action[776][0]['text'] = "esteghlal shemroon† player intercepts a pass at his own blue line. Pan Zhongsheng tries to regain possession but Teymour Mozafari makes a fool out of him with a perfect deke. Now he comes down the wing, enters the offensive zone, sends a rink-wide pass to Armin Sameti, who kneels down for the onetimer *and it hits the chest of Gu Ziqing. Anyway, well played by Teymour Mozafari."; show_action[776][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[776][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[867] = new Array; show_action[867][0] = new Array; show_action[867][0]['text'] = "A bad turnover by esteghlal shemroon† at their own blue line. Taher Entekhabi has his pocket picked by He Zhe. He Zhe moves towards the esteghlal shemroon† net. The defenseman can\'t stop him. He Zhe sets up Zhou Dafu in front, Jalil Maleki tries to poke it away, no success, Zhou Dafu moves around him and *it\'s stopped by Jalil Maleki! How did he keep that out? He rolled over and he was able to get his arm in the way of that shot. It can\'t get better than this."; show_action[867][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[867][0]['img_2'] = "6"; show_action[988] = new Array; /* SPE 2 */ show_action[988][0] = new Array; show_action[988][0]['text'] = "esteghlal shemroon† bu zamanlarda oyunu kontrol ediyor. Ramin Nasiriha, Gu Ziqing nin kalesinin arkasında pakı kaptı. Ön tarafa doğru kayıyor. Ancak, Xiong Xishang tarafından pakından uzaklaştırılıyor. Boş pakı Farzad Nejat alıyor ve *kale direğini kıl payı kaçırıyor!"; show_action[988][0]['img_1'] = "9"; show_action[988][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[1108] = new Array; show_action[1108][0] = new Array; show_action[1108][0]['text'] = "Cai Chao receives a pass at the offensive blue line. He walks in but he is outnumbered. Drop pass for Pan Zhongsheng, quick shot through the legs of the defenseman and he *skoru 4:0\'e getiriyor! That got through Jalil Maleki on the short side. The secondary assist goes to He Zhe."; show_action[1108][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[1108][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[1141] = new Array; show_action[1141][0] = new Array; show_action[1141][0]['text'] = "esteghlal shemroon† have possession behind their goal. Yahya Maniei takes the puck and carries it out with speed. He makes a great move through the legs of Pan Zhongsheng at center ice and keeps going. He gains entry into the offensive zone and dishes a pass to Pouya Soltani, who takes it behind the goal and feeds it to the slot. Ramin Nasiriha takes the pass on his backhand, changes to his forehand, pulls the trigger and *the goalie makes a pad save. Zhou Dafu was used as a screen there by the shooter. Zhou Dafu is relieved that his goalie was able to make the save."; show_action[1141][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[1141][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[1182] = new Array; show_action[1182][0] = new Array; show_action[1182][0]['text'] = "Cheng Long has the puck behind the net and waits for his linemates to complete the change. He carries the puck all the way to center and passes it to Zhong Chunlong who gains entry into the offensive zone despite a check from an opponent. He puts the brakes on and goes between the legs of Ali Nafisi, pass right into Ma Hongxing\'s wheelhouse *and he scores! Top shelf! That\'s hockey at its best. That between-the-legs move by Zhong Chunlong was just sick! Ma Hongxing is high-fiving everyone on the bench."; show_action[1182][0]['img_1'] = "2"; show_action[1182][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[1200] = new Array; show_action[1200][0] = new Array; show_action[1200][0]['text'] = "İlk periyodun bittiğini bildiren siren duyuldu."; show_action[1200][0]['img_1'] = "15"; show_action[1200][1] = new Array; show_action[1200][1]['text'] = "İkinci periyod başlıyor. Tomurs FC† takımı kalecileri değiştiriyor. Qiu Yiduo görevi devralıyor. Maç sahadaki 400 adet seyirci tarafından seyrediliyor."; show_action[1200][1]['img_1'] = "13"; show_action[1254] = new Array; show_action[1254][0] = new Array; show_action[1254][0]['text'] = "esteghlal shemroon† gain possession and three of their players are rushing forward. Soheil Hemmati carries it into the attacking zone, drop pass for the trailing Armin Sameti. He delays for a bit and sends it rink-wide to Teymour Mozafari. He avoids contact with He Zhe, walks in, but drops it back to Soheil Hemmati on the point who blasts it *and scores! That was a howitzer and it has beaten Qiu Yiduo cleanly even though he wasn\'t screened. Soheil Hemmati bangs the glass in celebration as he farkı 5:1\'e indiriyor."; show_action[1254][0]['img_1'] = "7"; show_action[1254][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[1267] = new Array; show_action[1267][0] = new Array; show_action[1267][0]['text'] = "Zhou Dafu buz hokeyi diskini tarafsız bölgeye taşıyor, tamamen unutulan Zeng Li tarafından alındı, topu uzaklaştırdı, bilek atışı yaptı ve Jalil Maleki\'nın parlamasına *izin verdi. Harika eldiven kurtarışı."; show_action[1267][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[1267][0]['img_2'] = "9"; show_action[1375] = new Array; /* SPE 1 */ show_action[1375][0] = new Array; show_action[1375][0]['text'] = "Ramin Nasiriha savunma bölgesindeki panoların orada diski kazanıyor. Bölgenin üzerinden kör bir pas yapıyor. Hemen şutunu çeken Zhong Chunlong nin sopasının üzerinde. Şut savunma oyuncularından biri tarafından bloke ediliyor, ancak pak Liao Zhimo nin sopasına doğru sekiyor ve o da bir defasında... *Birini kaleye gönderiyor!!! Disk, Ramin Nasiriha kadar donduğu köşeye doğru sapar."; show_action[1375][0]['img_1'] = "12"; show_action[1375][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[1455] = new Array; show_action[1455][0] = new Array; show_action[1455][0]['text'] = "He Zhe controls the puck behind the opponents\' net. He looks for a passing lane. Finally he dishes it to Cai Chao, who directs the pass to Pan Zhongsheng, the shot goes upstairs and *finds the back of the net! Great play by the whole line. They connect for a beautiful goal."; show_action[1455][0]['img_1'] = "9"; show_action[1455][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[1485] = new Array; show_action[1485][0] = new Array; show_action[1485][0]['text'] = "Ardeshir Teymoori avoids a check and slithers into the zone along the boards. He dumps it into the corner where it\'s picked up by Parham Jokar. He takes it around the net, backhands it across to Reza Ardebili on the doorstep, a shot... *and he scores! How good was that by Parham Jokar? Everyone focused on him and he found an open teammate for an easy tap-in into the open net."; show_action[1485][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[1485][0]['img_2'] = "3"; show_action[1540] = new Array; show_action[1540][0] = new Array; show_action[1540][0]['text'] = "There is a lot of traffic in front of the Tomurs FC† net. Taher Entekhabi takes a shot from the point. Qiu Yiduo turns it away, there is a juicy rebound, they battle for it. Zeng Li finds it and *clears it out of danger."; show_action[1540][0]['img_1'] = "10"; show_action[1540][0]['img_2'] = "6"; show_action[1612] = new Array; show_action[1612][0] = new Array; show_action[1612][0]['text'] = "Tomurs FC† dump the puck into the corner where it\'s being fought for by several players. It\'s taking a long time and finally Taher Entekhabi emerges with the puck and sends a lead pass for Reza Ardebili who breaks out and finds Ardeshir Teymoori streaking down the wing. He cuts to the middle, quick wrist shot *and he scores! Just like that, they go from defense to offense in a matter of seconds."; show_action[1612][0]['img_1'] = "12"; show_action[1612][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[1758] = new Array; show_action[1758][0] = new Array; show_action[1758][0]['text'] = "*Faraz Fazli pasıyla pakı hücum alanının karşı tarafına gönderiyor. Fakat bekle! Yanlış vuruş yapıyor ve pas çok zayıf. Zhong Chunlong avantajdan yararlanıyor ve rakip oyuncunun ona meydan okumasına gerek kalmadan kaçışa devam ediyor. Bitirme yolunu seçmek için dünya kadar zamanı var. *Tekme kurtarışı yapan Jalil Maleki nin blok tarafına şutunu çekiyor. Belki bir deke almaya gidebilirdi. Her iki durumda da Jalil Maleki ekibine çok yardımcı oldu."; show_action[1758][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[1758][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[1979] = new Array; show_action[1979][0] = new Array; show_action[1979][0]['text'] = "Başlama atışı tarafsız bölgede esteghlal shemroon† mavi çizgisinde oluyor. Parham Jokar atışı kazanıyor ve pak Ardeshir Teymoori tarafından alınıyor. Reza Ardebili yi panolarınların arasında gizlenirken buluyor ve onu hızlı bir atağa gönderir. Slottadır, anlık atış yapar *Qiu Yiduo uyurken yakalıyor. Bu Reza Ardebili nin gerçekten hızlı bir çıkışıydı, ne güzel bir oyundu."; show_action[1979][0]['img_1'] = "6"; show_action[1979][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[2096] = new Array; show_action[2096][0] = new Array; show_action[2096][0]['text'] = "A breakout pass from Yahya Maniei is received by Pouya Soltani. He stickhandles through two players in the neutral zone and gains entry into the attacking zone. He is forced to the outside so he carries it down low and behind the net. He dishes a pass to the front of Qiu Yiduo\'s net as he gets leveled by Xu Jianxia. A shot by Ramin Nasiriha *is snared by Qiu Yiduo! He gets the applause of the crowd for that save."; show_action[2096][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[2096][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[2259] = new Array; show_action[2259][0] = new Array; show_action[2259][0]['text'] = "esteghlal shemroon† break into the zone as they try to put the pressure on. Armin Sameti carries the puck down low and stops behind Qiu Yiduo\'s goal. He waits, dishes a sweet pass to Soheil Hemmati in the high slot *and Qiu Yiduo comes up big as he stones the shooter! Great set-up by Armin Sameti, you gotta give him credit for that."; show_action[2259][0]['img_1'] = "9"; show_action[2259][0]['img_2'] = "7"; show_action[2350] = new Array; /* SPE 2 */ show_action[2350][0] = new Array; show_action[2350][0]['text'] = "Qiu Yiduo ve takım arkadaşları arasında bir yanlış anlaşılma var. Ramin Nasiriha, Farzad Nejat den pası alıyor ve açık fileye şut atıyor...*ve direğe çarpıyor!!! Disk tribünlere doğru sekiyor. Tomurs FC† için ne kadar şanslı bir fırsat."; show_action[2350][0]['img_1'] = "1"; show_action[2350][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[2400] = new Array; show_action[2400][0] = new Array; show_action[2400][0]['text'] = "İkinci periyodun sonu."; show_action[2400][0]['img_1'] = "15"; show_action[2400][1] = new Array; show_action[2400][1]['text'] = "Üçüncü periyod başlıyor. Birkaç dakika sonra bu maçın nasıl biteceğini öğreneceğiz. "; show_action[2400][1]['img_1'] = "13"; show_action[2543] = new Array; show_action[2543][0] = new Array; show_action[2543][0]['text'] = "*Zhong Chunlong ve *Liao Zhimo ikilisi ile *Ma Hongxing ve *Zhong Chunlong iki lisi de şutlarını yanlış kullanıyorlar. Ancak ilkinden sonra ikinci bir şans yakalıyor ve bu sefer bunu mahvetmiyor. Hücum bölgesine geçiyor ve *sol kale direğine gol atıyor."; show_action[2543][0]['img_1'] = "10"; show_action[2543][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[2595] = new Array; show_action[2595][0] = new Array; show_action[2595][0]['text'] = "Tomurs FC† savunma bölgelerinde baskı altında. Rashid Bigdeli diski, Ali Nafisi ye veriyor ve o da diski, Teymour Mozafari tarafından alındığı köşeye gönderiyor. Bir şeyler yaratmaya çalışıyor ancak Pan Zhongsheng tarafından savunuluyor. Pakı kendisinden alıyor ve tarafsız bölgeye doğru uzaklaştırıyor ve orada He Zhe tarafından alınıyor. İleriye doğru koşuyor ve diski Cai Chao al ver yapıyor. He Zhe vuruyor ve Jalil Maleki çıkarıyor ancak He Zhe başka bi şansa sahip ve *skoru 8:4\'e getiriyor."; show_action[2595][0]['img_1'] = "12"; show_action[2595][0]['img_2'] = "3"; show_action[2605] = new Array; show_action[2605][0] = new Array; show_action[2605][0]['text'] = "Qiu Yiduo has to keep his head on a swivel here. Ramin Nasiriha takes the puck to the corner, he centers it for Parham Sarfi who dishes it to Farzad Nejat. Farzad Nejat whiffs on the shot, but he recovers and pitchforks it to the glove-side of Qiu Yiduo *and SCORES! A lucky bounce for Farzad Nejat who farkı 8:5\'e indiriyor! Qiu Yiduo is annoyed with himself, he knows that he can\'t let these in."; show_action[2605][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[2605][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[2637] = new Array; show_action[2637][0] = new Array; show_action[2637][0]['text'] = "Here come Tomurs FC† on the rush. esteghlal shemroon† get caught in the neutral zone. Zhou Dafu breaks in with Pan Zhongsheng, it\'s a 2-on-1. They do a little give-and-go, now a pass finds the trailer Cai Chao *and a penalty is called. It will go against Soheil Hemmati who was backchecking on the play and there was a hook on Cai Chao who couldn\'t get the shot away. That\'s a good penalty to take in that situation."; show_action[2637][0]['img_1'] = "8"; show_action[2637][0]['img_2'] = "11"; show_action[2713] = new Array; show_action[2713][0] = new Array; show_action[2713][0]['text'] = "*[1S]*Xu Jianxia pakı defans bölgesinden aldı. Harika bir bireysel çabayla sol kanattan ilerliyor, hücum bölgesine giriyor ancak Parham Jokar tarafından panolara sıkıştırılıyor, ancak vuruşu temiz değil ve çağrılıyor. Xu Jianxia tekrar ayağa kalkmak için çabalıyor. Parham Jokar *esteghlal shemroon† yi 2 kişilik dezavantaja sokuyor."; show_action[2713][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[2713][0]['img_2'] = "14"; show_action[2739] = new Array; show_action[2739][0] = new Array; show_action[2739][0]['text'] = "Taher Entekhabi savunma bölgesindeki panoların orada diski kazanıyor. Bölgenin üzerinden kör bir pas yapıyor. Hemen şutunu çeken Cai Xiaohong in sopasının üzerinde. Şut savunma oyuncularından biri tarafından bloke ediliyor, ancak disk Pan Pengfei nin sopasına doğru sekiyor, o da bir kez vuruyor... *ve gol!!! Bugün yataktan bile kalkmamayı tercih eden Taher Entekhabi nin büyük bir hatasından yararlanıyorlar."; show_action[2739][0]['img_1'] = "12"; show_action[2739][0]['img_2'] = "2"; show_action[2903] = new Array; /* SPE 1 */ show_action[2903][0] = new Array; show_action[2903][0]['text'] = "Faraz Fazli diski tarafsız bölgede ters çeviriyor. Cai Xiaohong duruyor ve pakı Jalil Maleki nın yanından şut atıyor. *Fakat şutu dışarı doğru gidiyor, bu yüzden rakibin hatasından yararlanamıyor. esteghlal shemroon† bu oyunda çok şanslıydı."; show_action[2903][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[2903][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[2952] = new Array; show_action[2952][0] = new Array; show_action[2952][0]['text'] = "Tarafsız bölgedeki panolarda disk için mücadele var. esteghlal shemroon† diskle ortaya çıkıyor. Ramin Nasiriha, Yahya Maniei ye geri pas veriyor. O da, topu ileri doğru havalandırıyor ve Farzad Nejat i buluyor. Zeng Li ile bire bir kalıyor ancak onu geçemiyor ve topu kaybediyor.* Hakem, sert müdahaleden dolayı Farzad Nejat i oyundan atıyor"; show_action[2952][0]['img_1'] = "5"; show_action[2952][0]['img_2'] = "13"; show_action[3116] = new Array; show_action[3116][0] = new Array; show_action[3116][0]['text'] = "Teymour Mozafari köşede diski kazanıyor. Pakı sahanın tepesinde çok agresif olan Armin Sameti e gönderiyor. Qiu Yiduo gibi bir savunmacıyı da geride bırakıyor. Soheil Hemmati ribauntta şutunu çekiyor ve *kırmızı lambayı yakıyor. Qiu Yiduo öfkeli ve hücumcunun cezalandırılmasını talep ediyor ama başarılı olamıyor."; show_action[3116][0]['img_1'] = "12"; show_action[3116][0]['img_2'] = "1"; show_action[3196] = new Array; /* SPE 2 */ show_action[3196][0] = new Array; show_action[3196][0]['text'] = "esteghlal shemroon† player intercepts a pass at his own blue line. Liao Zhimo tries to regain possession but Farzad Nejat makes a fool out of him with a perfect deke. Liao Zhimo, however, comes back and grabs him with his free hand and *the play continues. Farzad Nejat is furious about the lack of call."; show_action[3196][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[3196][0]['img_2'] = "17"; show_action[3275] = new Array; show_action[3275][0] = new Array; show_action[3275][0]['text'] = "Tomurs FC† start a rush from their defensive zone. Long lead from Zeng Li is perfect for He Zhe at the offensive blue line. He is forced to the half boards and he evades a hit by Ramin Nasiriha. He Zhe cuts to the middle and lets a shot go with Cai Chao providing the screen. It goes off his stick and *they SCORE! That was a great deflection by Cai Chao, it went upstairs and Jalil Maleki really couldn\'t see much through the screen."; show_action[3275][0]['img_1'] = "3"; show_action[3275][0]['img_2'] = "3"; show_action[3545] = new Array; show_action[3545][0] = new Array; show_action[3545][0]['text'] = "*Armin Sameti ve *Rashid Bigdeli mavi çizgiden bir şut ile kaleyi yokluyor. Ancak pak filelere ulaşmıyor. Defanslardan biri tarafından şans veriliyor, ancak Teymour Mozafari nin çubuğunda. Yalnızca hızlı bir bilek vuruşu yapıyor ve *farkı 10:7\'e indiriyor."; show_action[3545][0]['img_1'] = "10"; show_action[3545][0]['img_2'] = "3"; show_action[3600] = new Array; show_action[3600][0] = new Array; show_action[3600][0]['text'] = "Maçın sonu."; show_action[3600][0]['img_1'] = "16"; var match_end = 3600; var hash = '21121212121211212121'; SetRoadDir(''); SetRoadDirControl(''); SetRoadDirSound(''); PreloadImages(); MatchLive = 0; MatchTime = -120; MatchSpeed = 100; document.getElementById('live_panel').style.display='none'; control_panel_status = ''; var Shootouts = 0; var instantChallenge = 0; //if (document.getElementById('control_panel') != null){ // control_panel_status = document.getElementById('control_panel').style.display; //} if (video_length[1] != ''){ var t=setTimeout('run_match()', (parseInt(video_length[1]) + 4000)); // 31500 } else { DoMatch(); } function run_match() { if (document.getElementById('control_panel') != null && control_panel_status == ''){ document.getElementById('control_panel').style.display = ''; } DoMatch(); }