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Canada Edmonton Frozen Blizzards† - Season Review

One can say that first season has been disappointing for Vancouver Wild Jokers but that wouldn't be true. The team didn't really start until half way through the first season and they were no where close to the top 8 teams so considering that they missed the play-offs by a single point by almost winning out the second half of the season say a lot about the future of this team. One would expect the team to continue to improve heading into their second season but is that going to be the case?

We know the team used the Markets to quickly improve their teams this season but did it cost them in the long term future of their roster?

"Yes, I would like to fix our roster a bit more" commented Owner & President when asked about the team roster. "But I don't think most would understand what I mean by that if I stated that I would like to see us get weaker" he added with a chuckle.

"We need to find the right type of players to bring into our club that will match our longer term goals and improve with our team. That isn't easy since we need to improve our team in many different places but if we don't do it correctly then we are going to be on the back foot a lot longer then we want to be." stated Bouchard.

"Let me get into details so that most and hopefully our fan base will understand this the most what we are going to do moving forward:

Firstly We need to increase overall profit of the club so that we can spend more on improving the team in the future this means the following needs to happen as fast as possible: Increased stadium size without cutting into profits. This means balancing the profit ($400 tickets) with stadium upgrades that make profit during the builds. Small sections with seats as the off set will be about $6 million after that the focus will be placed on Triple tier stadium that will see loses until they are built.

Second aspect of creating more profit will be increase sponsorship via General Sponsor & Marketing Sponsor but this means we need to increase our Human Resources & Economical facilities while hunting for an cost effective Manager that is focused on Marketing. Two would be great but we may not be able to afford two at this early stage(May not be able to afford one at the current market price of $15 million at the moment)

Thirdly we need to keep cost as low as possible so highly ranked players will be sold in the transfer market as we look at a Canadian youth movement but this will also mean we need to off set this with growth of our Training, regeneration and Academy to maximize the abilities of your up and coming youths. This will be a long term project and most likely on going for the rest of our teams history.

Finally, we will be in a position to improve our National teams and local prospects add no longer need to look at other countries players." The long winded Bouchard stated the teams future plans.

"So to sum up the future plan is to increase stadium size to Small with seats, then to triple stadium increase overall profit. Increase sponsorship income; which should happen every season going forward and finally increase our players ability to train and placing focus back on local and National players." Summarized Bouchard.

The future looks bright for the team since the Owner & President has the teams longer term interest and plans planned. Now the question remains how long with the overall plan take before we see an championship team and a return to Canadian development.

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