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Estados Unidos Hanover Hellions† - The Dark Days #1: Battered but not Brok- Okay, Slightly Broken...

Tis only my 3rd game since joining and already I dread to see the yonder score. Already the games ahead look bleak. Morale is low among myself and the other knights.

The foes that have been placed before me have been fierce. The first striking me down with nimble hand and speedy skate in a 16:1 devastation. The second was like the hydras of legend, every time we hit one, two would take his place. They overwhelmed me on way to a 24:1 embarrassing defeat. Ahead we face our Smaug the mightiest of foes in the league, the undefeated; HC Dallas Stars.

Words of comfort and motivation elude me as I move to speak to the lads. The crush of defeat is heavier than any anvil. Larger than any mountain. I pray that the Gods show us mercy and we find a ray of light to guide our way through these treacherous times. For hope is quickly fading.

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