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كندا Royal City Redshift - Gryph News - Vol 5 Issue 2: Gryphons Struggling to find Consistency in League Play

It has been a rollercoaster few weeks for the Gryphons. They sit 10th in the league at the halfway-mark but are only 2 wins out of relegation. They've slid from 6th to 15th in Canadian OTR rankings and at their current rate will not reach their OTR level they had at the end of last season.

"It's been a battle of a season. We came out hard out of the gate and have struggled to find consistency down the stretch. We've lots a few too many games we should have won and aren't really winning any that we shouldn't. We've tried youth and skill. We've tried veterans and grit. It may just be the case of composure. We seem to be comfortable just being okay. Playing okay. Finishing okay in the standings. Okay is not good enough. We keep this up, and we'll find ourselves back in the second division before we know it" said head coach Yves Mauge.

It is true, the Gryphons are struggling to make a top-8 spot let alone beat the teams below them as they sit in 10th. Should they finish 9th or lower with the skill of the second division teams these days they could be back where they were in season 3.

"I think the media are making more of this then needs to be said. All teams have slumps. We slump more times then now at the end of the season. This year it's in the middle. The important thing is to stick with it and find a way to win - as a team. Once the ball starts rolling, it makes things fun and everything gets easier. Today was a good day for us. We won in the NC in a game that was close until the end. We've worked some new prospects into games here and there which helps. The future is certainly bright here, no doubt about that. The development of these players just takes time" said Captain Guy Richard who is one of the seniors on the team.

Tim Newton has been a fixture in goal for Guelph. His consistent play has him 5th among starting goalies for save percentage. His 34 save shutout today impressed many critics who were beginning to think his role as number one was a little too comfortable.

"I've felt good. I've felt good for awhile. There have been some rough nights, and some good ones. It comes with the position. I just want to keep getting better. I haven't forgotten my exclusion from this year's National Team and am taking it upon myself to make a statement" said Newton as he signed autographs after the NC game win.

There are rumours of changes coming in Guelph. Front office is supposedly giving a few staff their release to seek employment elsewhere. As far as on-ice changes go, look for changes to the lineup in league play until a winning combination is found.

المشاهدات: 40
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز