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 بيانات صحفية

الدولة: الدوري:

المملكة المتحدة Blackburn Buccaneers† - Has John Kitchen been given an ultimatum

Rumours are rife that the board of the Blackburn Buccaneers have issued GM John Kitchen a survive relegation or look for a new job ultimatum.

After 24 games the Buccaneers lie in the relegation play-off spots and the board have told John Kitchen that results must improve or else.

Buccaneers GM John Kitchen insists he knows nothing of this ultimatum and maintains he is striving to keep the Buccaneers in this league and to push for promotion next season.

He hasn't ruled out dipping into the transfer market and has urged the fans to keep the faith and carry on the loud and proud support of the Blackburn Buccaneers both Home and Away.

He went on to say that the players hear the support and tkae great pride in hearing the crowd and the whole locker room is strivng to give the loyal supporters more to cheer about

المشاهدات: 7
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز