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 بيانات صحفية

الدولة: الدوري:
هذا البيان الصحفي ردا علي البيان الخاص بفريق المملكة المتحدة Manchester Phoenix†: Three...

المملكة المتحدة Manchester Phoenix† - Champions?

Manchester Phoenix today gained three points to make sure that only they or Dragon ball will be crowned victorious at the end of the season. As it stands, Dragon ball can only draw level with the Phoenix by winning all their remaining four games in regulation, but Phoenix's huge goal difference is in reality enough to make being overtaken only the merest of possibilities even if they lose all four of their final games.

Phoenix only need one single additional point to put the result beyond doubt.

المشاهدات: 18
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز