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 بيانات صحفية

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كندا Royal City Redshift - Royal City Spectra - V1E6: Major Changes at Veterans Memorial Arena

There has been much to talk about lately in Guelph regarding the status of their beloved Royal City Redshift. Management declared earlier in the season their intention to relegate and rebuild next season. Keeping to their word, management sold star RW Craig Bowry following an emotional Hall of Fame induction ceremony and secured their spot in Canada's second division, in league II.4.

"It was something that had to be done. We've been battling in I.1 for five seasons now and it's time for a fresh start. Keeping up our current trend we would not be able to catch the big clubs in Canada. This is why we plan on injecting some youth into our club and having a solid year or two in the second division to come back stronger than ever" said canucks357.

The Redshift had always intended to play in II.4, a league favourable to relegating top division teams, a league where The Mighty Oil cruised all season. This was in jeopardy when the Brantford Nytes won game one of the second round.

"We needed to win two straight games to avoid the very tough II.1. We knew we could win at home, but winning in Brantford would be no easy task. We went with experience, and added Guy Richard back into the lineup and gave him the captaincy for the remaining run in the playoffs. It paid off" said canucks357.

With Guy at the helm, the Redshift won the next four straight games and cruised to a promotion/relegation round date with Hamilton Reapers. The games were a mere formality and fans applauded at the end of the series as their team held their sticks at center ice, thanking the fans for their support this season and seasons past.

"We have a great group of supporters here" said Braden Debeau, the lone Team Canada participant this season. "It really makes all the difference. It was nice to see management upgrade our arena too, give the fans the first-class viewing facility they deserve."

Debeau was recently named the captain of the Redshift while Martin O'Brien and Antoine Slater will be assistants to start the season.

"We have a very talented two-way player in Braden. We've watched him develop quickly. He's easily our most skilled skater and given time will be a stand-out in terms of best player on the team" said Martin O'Brien who has worn the "C" from time to time. "He's not the type of guy to put up points night in and night out. But he does all the little things right. He takes care of his own end, he is unselfish. He just is everything you want in a hockey player. He is likely the best defensive centerman in the game. At age 18 that says a lot."

Debeau put up 10 points in 32 games this past season. Next season there will be fierce competition down the center slot. While Debeau is a clear-and-away number one center, long-time number one center Teodor Vaverka will have his work cut out for him to hold his roster spot with Steve Magditish and Whitney Barwell playing well. Add the outstanding ability of Jivko Golemanov and Rod McVeigh and management has a real choice on their hands.

"We certainly have a good problem at center ice: a wealth of talent. Strictly speaking offensively, our top 5 offensive guys are all centers with McVeigh rounding out the top-9. We haven't decided on moving anyone. Teodor had expressed some thought of moving back to Europe however he later said that it was his girlfriend who wanted to return back to Europe and has done so" said canucks357.

With season 9 around the corner, Redshift management eagerly await the new challenges. Which prompts a few questions. Will they have the success they expect in the second division? Who will give way to allow more youth into the lineup? And most importantly, who is Chem. Valley Contaminated and why are they coming to Guelph so much!?!?!

المشاهدات: 47
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز