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 بيانات صحفية

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كندا Royal City Redshift - Royal City Spectra - V3E3: Redshift Victorious in Bid for National Cup Final 8 Spot

The Royal City Redshift were in tough on the road in Montreal on Tuesday night. The boys in red were facing a familiar foe, the Montreal Strippers who have beaten the Redshift/Gryphon franchise on numerous occasions, including last year's round 7 of the National Cup.

"We knew it was not going to be an easy game. There are no more easy games at this stage. But we beat a strong club last week in Cheetarian and had all the confidence that we could repeat the task against the Strippers" said Tim Newton who was simply fantastic in the game, stopping 39 of 40 shots while his counterpart and Team Canada superstar was disappointing allowing 4 on 21 shots.

The Redshift scored midway through the first when a powerplay goal was reviewed and determined to stand for 21 year old Fred Champman. The Redshift took the game into their own hands scoring with moments left in the second and immediately into the third period. The Strippers would foil Newton's shutout bid just before the Redshift added their second powerplay maker to win the game with a score of 4-1.

"It's always great to win! Even better when you beat a stripper. [Awkward silence. Looks around to make sure nobody heard.] Even better when you beat THE Strippers. [Awkward chuckle.] I'm proud of our boys today. It was a hard fought game and excellent execution of a solid road game" said head coach Maximo Willson.

The Redshift will await their next opponent in the National Cup. Along with Bulldogs de Terrebonne, the Redshift are the only second division teams remaining. The Redshift will either face The Mighty Oil (2), Montreal Sasquatch (3), Les Sanguinaires (6) or Burnaby Cougars (11) in their quarterfinal matchup. In the meantime, the Reds are hoping to continue dominating play through their league and potentially pad their ten point cushion they currently have on the second placed Brutal Deluxe.

"We've had a good season so far this year. We hope to continue that and build on that with further National Cup success" said Captain Braden Debeau the lone Team Canada representative on the team. Debeau had a goal in today's match and currently leads the team along side Antoine Slater with nine goals and sixteen helpers for twenty-five points in the twenty-one games he's played. "It's been a fun year so far. We've gotten much better as a team. The guys are really clicking. We have some good youngsters getting some face time as well. Life is good. No complaints."

Tomorrow the Redshift face the 19th placed Gilles. It is anticipated that Newton will get a well-deserved break Brazilian youngster Adamastor Néri would see his second start of the season.

المشاهدات: 23
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز