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 بيانات صحفية

الدولة: الدوري:

كندا Royal City Redshift - Royal City Spectra - V4E3: Radosta Responds after 8-2 Loss with Long Shutout Streak

In what was perhaps the longest 60 minutes of hockey Vlastimil Radosta has ever played, he surrendered 8 goals on 30 shots in this season's debut versus Ninjas Killers. However, since that time he's been the hardest working Redshift player and he has regained his form of old.

Radosta didn't surrender a goal for 185 minutes and 2 seconds since he was last scored on in that game. He posted back-to-back shutouts before surrendering a goal with 20 seconds left in today's 5-1 victory at home in front of the year's first sellout crowd of 14,000.

"It certainly wasn't the best start to the year" said the top II.4 goalie from two years ago. "Everyone has their off nights. As a goalie they're just all the more evident. I take pride in my consistency. I think you'll see that as the year progresses."

After opening day Radosta had atrocious stats and fans were calling for him to be transferred. However, management stayed cool and the understudy of Tim Newton from the Czech Republic has rebounded admirably.

"He's a great goaltender. It's really something to have such amazing mentors to learn from" said Adamastor Néri the 18 year old Brazilian goaltender currently third on the depth chart. "Newton is a legend without a doubt. But Radosta is no slouch either. The way he's progressed since he was purchased many years ago gives me hope for a career similar to his. I must keep working hard. That's the bottom line."

The Redshift fans will have their first taste of international action in Guelph when the Redshift host Ooops, a Danish club, in the Cup Winners' Cup. The Redshift will be hoping to secure their first victory in the competition. Once again, it is anticipated that Tim Newton will get the call in goal and the club will ice their most veteran lineup.

المشاهدات: 14
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز