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 بيانات صحفية

الدولة: الدوري:

كندا Vancouver Jokers HC† - It rest week leads to Manager needing new software

As many of the Vancouver Joker fans might have noticed that Team Manager Robert Bouchard has been absent from the team for the past few days but it was due to other unrelated off ice issues that forced him to miss the time.

"It was very disappointing that my lap top decided to lose it's LED Screen this week and will cost at least $300.00 to have it fixed. So in the mean time I decided to upgrade to a new Mac so this is way I have been away from the team for the last seven days or so!!" commented Bouchard

"In other news I will also be away from the team as I will be taking a vacation to Ontario & Quebec for seven days starting Feb 13th until the 20th. We will start in Kingston as I visit the parents before heading to Montreal on the 15th for a few days with the Winter Festivial in Montreal. We will then head to Quebec City for a night and then to Ottawa for two days before heading back to the Rockies!!" added Bouchard.

"I haven't decided if I will bring my lap top or my new MAC on the trip as that might be a last minute decision." finished Bouchard.

المشاهدات: 8
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز