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 بيانات صحفية

الدولة: الدوري:

كندا Royal City Redshift - Royal City Spectra - V6E2: Management Issues Drastic Changes, Shake-up Coming

After three consecutive losses where they dominated and slid well down the standings, Royal City management issued the following statement to the press:

"We are going to make some drastic changes here at Veterans Memorial Arena. We have long been a winning franchise but have yet to claim any real glory in Canada's top league. To please the fans, we are going to do everything in our power to rebuild for a brighter future. It is apparent the team we have no cannot take us to that level and thus you will see a mass exodus of players in the coming weeks. We urge fans to be patient, we will return to winning ways in the seasons to come."

After canucks357 left a young press correspondent for the team remained to ask questions.

Q - What will this mean for some of our beloved veterans?
A - We have already started the transition. Yesterday we said goodbye to our long-time sniper Maximilián Šoltys. We are giving all veterans the option to move teams if they're not in our long-term plan.

Maximilián Šoltys had his debut today for his new club Mineurs, a 13-0 win. Fans were happy to see him go to a team that frequently plays the Redshift in friendlies. Mineurs management had this to say about his debut:
"Yeah, not a good start for him but it's only one game and we need to give him a chance. This guy will not only help our team offensively, he will also help whit his experience and will probably help the young guys on the ice."

Q - What are your plans to replace the skill of some guys leaving?
A - We are not replacing immediately, but down the road. What I mean by that is while the replacements will not be near the player the veterans were now, they will be better down the line, and that's the key. We have the infrastructure in place to be competitive, now we just need to develop players to meet the quality of facilities we have here.

Q - Anything else in store?
A - Lots on the go. We're going to improve our backroom staff as well; take full advantage of our elite facilities.

Q - How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A - Biznows Hockey.

Q - Will your team still be better than Biznows?
A - Does a bear shit in the woods?

Q - How will the recent snow storm sweeping across Ontario impact the Reds' travel plans?
A - It doesn't snow in the internet does it?

[End of Question Period]

المشاهدات: 45
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز