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 بيانات صحفية

الدولة: الدوري:
هذا البيان الصحفي ردا علي البيان الخاص بفريق كندا Fedidit Rangers†: Fedidit Rangers - Round 2

كندا Fedidit Rangers† - Fedidit Rangers - DOWN !

The Rangers Update!!! November 16th 2009

Heads hang low after game 2 agaisnt the Washington Capitals. The Capitals took game two and the series on Friday the 13th with a score of 6-2. Expectations where high and the fans wanted a 3rd game at home that never came.

The game was full of Kitchener Rangers penalties yet again as they recieved 5 to the Capitals 1. Shots on goal and faceoffs were also dominated by the Capitals.

Goalie Theo De Sweemer decided not to comment on his debute performance and headed right to the change room after the game. How this will effect the opinion of the fans on him is yet to be determined.

The Rangers have also failed to win a couple of friendly games over the last couple of days. The HC Teplice defeated the Rangers 2-4 and the Fricassed Frogs also narrowly defeated the Rangers 3-2.

With these latest upsets by the club, can the Rangers pull out of it and win the final series to decide the 11th and 12th placement games? The Last thing the Rangers want to do is finish the playoffs a position down from where they started it.

Watch the next game on Tuesday the 17th agaisnt Idiņu banda of Latvia. Good Luck Rangers!

المشاهدات: 8
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز