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 بيانات صحفية

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ألمانيا Toronto Anarchians† - Toronto Anarchians aim for League 3

Game Day 1.

Anarchians are strong and looking forward for the new season. The aim is to get 1st place in the League and move to the higher level.

"After strong participation in first team season (finishing 14th in the league and 9th in playoff) and much needed improvement in the second (3rd place in both season and playoff) we are ready to go for the 1st place" - said General Manager Vadym Romanyuk.

Team had really hard playoff run due to tough injuries to top goaltender and top defense man. Low production from all-stars line didn't help too. However Anarchians were able to pass all opponents but one (League Champion) in 2-3 games. Lead goaltender was playing hard through injury to what become one of his best performance in carrier.

There was no many changes in the team through the break. All changes mainly touched staff members. Young players spend off-season in the camp which is still going on for another 3 days. This will force team to play 3 lines game for the first 2 games of the season but players and staff are full of optimism and hoping for the solid game.

First game is scheduled for today and it will be against Power65. Team that finish last season at 10th place but drop down in playoff to 15th.

Injuries: Toronto's Backup goalie Sigi Binder is day-to-day with dislocated left shoulder. He will resume training tomorrow. Power 65 is playing without new goaltender Bernhardt Nonnenmacher who is our with double rib fracture and is not expected to return back this week.

المشاهدات: 8
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز