
Public account
  منطقة البرو
1330 رصيد
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أنت الآن في الحساب العام. إذا كنت تريد أن تلعب أو تناقش أفكارك في المنتدي ، فيجب عليك تسجيل الدخول. وإذا كنت مستخدم جديد ، فيجب عليك التسجيل أولا.

 بيانات صحفية

الدولة: الدوري:

كندا Dunnville Mudcats - Case Closed

"The Dunnville Police Department has completed its investigation and is satisfied with its conclusion. Due to a lack of physical evidence and an appeal from the Darrach family this morning, we are officially closing the case of the death of Archie Darrach and consider the death to be of an accidental nature. Sorry no questions today guys."

(Prepared statement read by Dunnville Chief of Police Bob Winslow this morning after reports surfaced that the widow of Archie Darrach had appealed to the Dunnville police department to cease all investigations into her husband's suspicious death.)

المشاهدات: 2
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز