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كندا Royal City Redshift - Gryph News - Vol 3 Issue 11: Tim Newton and Marcel Fournier Combine to Secure 2-1 Win on the Road

The Guelph Gryphons were in tough on Monday with yet another road game. They entered the game in 7th place facing the 13th place placed Halifax Lazybones. The game would surely be a chippy affair.

"We got embarrassed the other game, just flat our grossly outplayed. We wanted to make sure we showed to everyone the intensity we have and our fortitude. We wanted to go in there and crash and bang. We wanted to strictly be the type of team that teams hate to play against" said Coach Stubbs who is $24,000 poorer this week due to a recent fine by the team.

The Gryphons would play the chippy game they promised, however the first six minutes of the game they would find themselves killing penalties, which would be the general trend of the game. However, the main trend of the game was the stellar play of Tim Newton. The Gryphons would take a total for 8min in penalties in the first period and would enter the dressing room tied at zero despite being outshot 15-6.

"I challenged them to be better. I looked at everyone in the eye and challenged them to bring the conviction that Newts was playing with" said Stubbs.

It seemed to spark Marcel Fournier. Fournier would not only score the opening goal off a smart offensive play. But seconds later he would dive to stop a breakaway and in turn draw a frustration penalty from his opponent allowing David Peake to score on the powerplay.

Tim Newton would be beaten early in the third period but would hold the fort after that en route to a 36 save performance.

"I think I did well tonight. Once again I felt spectacular and in the zone. They had lots of powerplay opportunities. I think after the first 40min they had 10 powerplay shots compared to our 13 total. It was one of those nights where I had to be the difference. I proud of my effort tonight, but not satisfied. They scored on a breakaway and when it comes to playoff time I'll need to be better in that regard. You get a two goal lead and an early goal starting the third will not only spark their team but also can deflate the confidence of your own. We are an experienced bunch and don't get flustered with a tiny bit of adversity, but when the stakes are highest I got to ensure that I give my team every opportunity to win" said Tim Newton who continues to steal the goaltending spotlight in I.1.

The Guelph Gryphons will now play Reflex de Montréal at home on Wednesday. Both teams have 19 points and a +6 goal differential and are tied for 3rd one point out of first. Reflex are sitting at +6 with a remarkable 42 goals for which is 1st in I.1. Their 36 goals against is worst among the top 14 teams however. The Gryphons on the other hand are +6 with 24:18. Their 24 goals for is worst among the top 10 but their 18 goals against is by far the best in I.1. Wednesday will surely come down to the defence and strong goaltending of the Gryphons against the run-and-gun offence of Reflex.

المشاهدات: 4
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز