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كندا Royal City Redshift - Gryph News - Vol 3 Issue 12: Gryphons Ride Stellar Play of Newton and Get Timely Scoring from 2nd and 4th Lines to Secure 7th Win of the Season

Tim Newton has been nothing short of magical. Since he was pulled in the 5-2 loss to Barracudas, Newton has not only played well, but he has stole win after win for the Gryphons. Since being pulled he has stopped 177 of the 121 shot's he's faced. That puts him at 1.00 GAA and a 0.970 save percentage since that game when you include tonight's win where he stopped 29 of 30 shots.

"I continue to say it and slowly people are believing me. Tim Newton is the best there is. Let's face it. Newts has been amazing all season. He had one bad game, I pulled him not to punish him, but to give him a break. What does he do after getting yanked? Comes back and plays even better! I can tell you one thing. Our scoring has been atrocious this season. We are 16th in both goals/game and shooting percentage. The only way we are keeping our head above water, let alone sitting in second place despite a month of numerous road games, is due to our goaltender and defensive play. I've simply never been more proud of a single player before in my career" said Head Coach Stubbs.

It would appear Newton continues to make his case to play to Team Canada. While canucks357 would not give any clues as to how his performances would impact his ice time with the national team, there are some rumours among players that he will see serious action in the coming weeks.

"I'm not worried about Team Canada. If I get a chance I will run with it but as of now I am strictly doing what I can for the Gryphons. I felt great once again tonight. They beat me in the first period on a nice play and I felt I kept my composure when we were finding it hard to find the back of the net. I know we have an experienced group here and we'd get the job done. Stubbs shuffled the lines a bit, trying to get some more offence. I think it took awhile for the lines to gel. Ebbs (Maurice Ebbrell) and Kens (Matthew Kennedy) haven't played apart since they were paired up on the top line seasons ago. We were starting to joke that they were lovers. Tonight Ebbs was skating on the Neil line while Kens stayed on the Ingelthorpe line which notched two of the goals" said Newton professionally deflecting all compliments away from him.

With his efforts, Tim Newton was finally named to the day's all-star team. In other news, immediately after the game construction took place to further increase the seating capacity of Veterans Memorial Arena. VMA will be reduce to 1,500 capacity while another section is upgraded to 600 seats. The current upgrade will take VMA to 2,700 capacity with more construction planned for the coming weeks.

المشاهدات: 18
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز