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 بيانات صحفية

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كندا Royal City Redshift - Gryph News - Vol 4 Issue 1: Season 5 Introduction

-To the Tune of a Night Before Christmas-

It was opening night of season 5 for each and every player, not a peep to be heard, even from Captain Slater.

It is Canada's top league, division one.one, the collapse of last season, about to be undone.

Old familiar faces replaced by those of youth, some vets still remain, including Tim Newton... Mr. Bulletproof.

Rookies lace them up looking ever so calm, the dressing room is quiet except for a Miley Cirus song.

T'was one year ago when the Gryphons won on opening night, their defeat of Les Nicol Bolas made I.1 a fright.

Starting on the road, against a new opponent, the Gryphons were focused, each and every component.

After nearly sixty five minutes a hero was born, Dan Bruce got the goal just before the overtime horn.

Dan Bruce the hero, but Tim Newton the star... he stopped 29 of 30 shots, from near and from far.

T'was the first game of the season and was one of the best, thankfully for the fans, there are 37 left.

المشاهدات: 48
تقييم البيان: ضعيف - عادي - ممتاز