Denne pressemeddelelse er et svar på en pressemeddelelse fra holdet
Eskilstuna Lions†:
Lite mer än halvtid del 2

Eskilstuna Lions† - Lite mer än halvtid del 3.

Jag drar mig ner till rinken, pratar med Yan Dorival. Jag blir insläppt i båset och frågar Ahlqvist om han fixat De Meuzers.
Ahlqvist nickar och ropar:
C'Mon Rob, ther interview is now!
Rob kommer, jag skakar hans hand, han verkar trevlig utanför båset.
- Hi Rob, how are you?
- Very fine thanks (Stort holländskt leende)
- Good, So, how are you as a trainer?
- Very strict, I want my players to always follow their tackles, be aggresive and have a hunger to win. I'm a teddybear at home but not here (skratt)
- What are your goals with the team?
- To win, I don't care if we play boring, I'm going to do whatever it takes. Wre'¨ve got competition from Malmo Bobcats, ASPLOVEN, Ginkgo Biloba but we are favourites, and we like it.
- Who is the key player?
- Hmm, Tough one, i'm gonna have to say the tough ones, Merta and those

- Thanks Rob, see you!
Det var allt för nu, vi återkommer.
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