Rockland Rage - Rockland Rage Skate to Playoffs in 1st Full Season

“We’re heading in the right direction,” said manager Ace Marino. “I’m pleased with our progress, but we still have a long way to go."
The Rage had a rocky start as a franchise, 4 years in the league, 13 different owners, 3 different team names, never finishing higher than 12th place. Things began to change mid-way through last season (20) when they were purchased by the M.A. Group, renamed the Rage, and relocated to Rockland County New York. The scrappy youngsters managed to rally and win both placement playoff games, fighting their way to a 17th place finish and garnering a highly sought after sponsorship deal that gave ownership the freedom to open up the coffers and let Marino, as manager, spend on the club as he saw fit. First order of business for season 21; goaltending.
"In order to compete we needed a goalie and we got one in Mattias Henriksson,” said Marino. “He has been fantastic. We expect great things from him in the years to come."
In addition to Henriksson the Rage acquired high scoring winger Bruno Mantessso and top notch defensemen Nikolay Ohapkin and Efram Alahaev.
"We have a solid nucleus of players now, a good coach in Davey Boon, and next year we’ll be looking to build on our success and keep on improving. This is a tough league with a bunch of great teams. We have our work cut out for us."
The Rage play their home games at 'The Rage Cage’ in Suffern NY, and you can catch them in action again this Monday during game 2 of the opening round playoff series vs SAM12223. The Rage won game 1 of the playoffs by a score of 14-0.
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