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Maa: Sarja:

Kanada Dunnville Mudcats - &$%#ing Idiot

"The guy's a &$%#ing idiot! You put him in against a dead team, he basically has the goaltending race sewn up and what does he do? He gives up two goals against a midget hockey club. I mean, they have a guy named Jay Wray! Who's he? Faye's brother?! He gave up two goals against a club with a guy named Jay Wray..." (Harsh words directed at team back-up goalie Joshua Vendel after surrending two goals against 19th ranked Coyotes de Phoenix in the Mudcat's 24-2 route last night. Vendel is the surprise leader in the leagues Best Goalie race but lost ground after his mediocre performance.)

Yksittäiset katsojat: 3
Lehdistötiedotteen arvosana: Huono - Normaali - Loistava