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Canada Fricasseed Frogs† - The Frogs Are Not Completely Frickaseed... Yet

The FF News: October 30th, 2009

The FF have been making a push for the playoffs for the past month, and 2 weeks ago it actually looked to be paying off. The Frogs had just come off a win against Nats10 where they were the clear underdogs, just as they had been doing for weeks. Now with the next 3 games against lower seeded teams the road ahead looked like all sunshine and roses! They had made it this far against much harder teams already, expecting to lengthen their 2 game winning streak to 5 was not out of the question.

Then - Disaster struck - or maybe they let their egos go to their heads. Unfortunately the calendar came out more red than green over the next week. Losing 2 out of 3 of the games it looked like the Frogs were out of the playoffs, having moved from a cushy 7th place to 9th. With only 2 more games left is it even possible to catch the other teams who are barely less than 6 points in front?

Lets take a closer look to see if the Frog's gooses are cooked (Do Frogs have gooses?).

Sitting in 9th place is the FF with 60 pts
With 2 games ahead, they are playing 2 tough teams. The Frogs think they can pull it off, so lets say they can reach 66 pts, but this will require a lot of gusto.

At first glance there best chance is against the just relocated Zaidres, tied with 60 pts, the Zaidres are only leading in 8th with a bit better +/-. However, when we look at their schedule, we see that they are facing 19th and 20th seeded (No Name) teams.
The Frogs are 1 big step closer to being Frickaseed.

In 6th place we have the Canadiens with 65 pts.
They would have to lose both their games. One against the second place Ouananich, but the other against the 13th place Stratovolcanoes, this won't happen.
2 down 1 to go, the Frogs are in boiling water now.

In 7th place is Saskatoon Stars with 64 pts. This will require 2 straight losses from the Saskatoon Stars as well.

But keep faith and fear not Frickaseed Frogs fans! The Saskatoon Stars must face off against the 3rd place Windsor Spartans monday, and assuming all goes well for the Frogs, on Wednesday the Saksatoon Stars face off against our very own Frickaseed Frogs, in the battle for the playoffs. How poetic that the Frogs one and only playoff chance will be left up to them.

They have lots to do between now and Wednesday, and the Frogs are certainly in hot water, but our hearts go out with you.

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