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Nazione: Lega:

Canada Royal City Redshift - Royal City Spectra - V3E4: Redshift One Victory Away from Cup Winners' Cup Appearance with Momentous Victory in a Shootout

Royal City Redshift are making statements this year. The latest, a 4-3 victory in the shootout against the infamously strong Burnaby Cougars. The game sees the Redshift through to the final-4 of the National Cup, far exceeding their longest prior ventures in the tournament. While fans rejoice, we shall attempt to capture their excitement and joy.

The game was one dominated by goaltending. With each period came a stronger and stronger Cougar attack. Tim Newton was marvelous in the win, stopping 31 of 34 shots and denying any goals in the shootout. Braden Debeau lead the way as captain and on the scoreboard notching two assists before Maximilián Šoltys scored the lone goal in the shootout.

"What a story Šoltys is" exclaimed Newton. "Management acquired him at the age of 17 over 7 seasons ago. Purchased for $350,000 and a rating of 147, they nurtured him into the sniper he is today."

"Max is quite the player. Our scouting staff has a keen eye, they noticed his ability to shoot the puck right away. He came to us as a defenceman, but we had other plans. They may have taken awhile to take shape, but now that they have all are reaping the rewards" said canucks357.

"I was nervous I won't lie" said Maximilián Šoltys. "I knew I had to score. I knew it. Newts (Newton) would make the saves but we needed one. We needed one to alleviate the pressure from the team. I'm glad it went in. If there ever is a goal to score, that was the time. For all this franchise has done for me, I am happy to have returned to them even a little bit of that investment."

Šoltys was the lone scorer in the shootout as Antoine Slater missed the Redshift's second attempt which could have sealed the victory.

"I'm glad we got the win. The fans are clearly happy. We're heading back home for tomorrow's league game but very much looking forward to seeing our fans. We've seen videos of Veterans Memorial Arena which aired the game for fans who wanted to witness it. It really is remarkable to see that kind of support. Hard to believe a few seasons ago fans were down on management and upset at the team's performance. They are patient and passionate fans. They'll be rewarded in soccer soon enough as they are being rewarded now with their beloved Redshift" said Slater.

The Redshift are looking to wrap up season play. They sit firmly atop the standings with a dime cushion on second place.

"We've contemplated running a training camp. We can afford three potential consecutive losses however that wouldn't be fair to the rest of the league. We hand points to three teams that's not fair to the rest trying to fight for position. Whatever we do we will play to win each game" said canucks357.

It is anticipated that between now and next week's semi-final show down that many of the Redshift elite will be given days off. The players surely are getting fatigued but for now, they're surely riding the wave of victory.

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