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2 453 404 989
Nazione: Lega:

Canada Dunnville Mudcats - Crazy Aunt Tid

(AP) The Dunnville Mudcats are back in the news today as a fellow Canadian general manager has made disparaging comments about the team's widely disliked boss Paul Roedb. A recent team marketing campaign, aiming to increase home ice attendance, was ridiculed both in the country it was initiated in as well as from the home front. An unidentified Canadian GM, speaking on condition of anonymity, stated - ";(The Canadian family's) Crazy Auntie Tid has opened the curtains and is doing one of her stripteases and the neighbours are looking very, very nervous. Someone let the loonies out of the bag...and this does nothing to help our relationship (with Canada's neighbours)."

The marketing campaign, named, Beat the _______ Team", is the brainchild to Mudcat President and GM Paul Roedb. The friendly tournament, scheduled for the middle of August, invites four teams from a random country to the Mudcat stadium for a weekly series. Invitations were sent to teams of weaker caliber than the Mudcats in the hopes of the home team winning the series and consequently increasing future home friendly dates by, as Roedb stated, "...conning the local farmers into thinking that this hockey team is actually not that bad."

The invitations were not received well by most of the Hungarian teams, with many GM's complaining of "insulting", "derogatory" or "blatant Canadian arrogance" in the HR-drafted emails from the Canadian hockey club. Despite the negative reaction from many of the European teams, four clubs were eventually found to fill the dates and the tournament will continue as scheduled. Another Canadian GM, also speaking anonymously, referred to the scheme as, "unrealistic", "based on faulty reasoning", "demeaning to clubs of other nations" and, "a non-sensical fantasy dreamed up by an individual ignorant of reality".

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Voto del comunicato stampa: Misero - Normale - Eccellente