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 Comunicati stampa

948 021 310
Nazione: Lega:

Canada Dunnville Mudcats - Injury Cause

(Response to reporter's question regarding the reason for the arm injury to Mudcat rookie Damien "Chirpy" Rogers.)

Rogers - "Yeah, well, you know, it's just one of things. Down there in practice yesterday Willie (tough guy defenceman Will Leach) and I were battling for it in the corner and, well, you know, I guess I was talking a bit too much so Willie turned around and hit me with his stick, swinging it you know? (makes a two-handed swinging motion). I instinctively put my arm up to protect my head and his stick hit my arm and I figured it was broken but luckily just a deep bruise. But I had it coming you know 'cause like I really should watch my mouth a bit there you know and that's just the kind of guy that Willie is. He was just trying to help me there by teaching me a valuable lesson and every time I try to raise my arm I'm gonna remember that lesson so I really appreciate what Willie did there!"

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