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 Nota de Imprensa

2 455 326 436
País: Liga:

Canadá Dunnville Mudcats - Animal Shelter

"In terms of personnel, we kind of model our organization after the SPCA. We have a big heart down there in Dunnville. We try our best to bring in hard cases and make the best out of the situation. You know, leave them better than we found them. Take Olie (star forward Oldrich Olbrich) for example. He came in all thin and malnourished and now we feel he is on the road to a better than mediocre career. But it isn't always a happy ending. Some of the abuse inflicted on these guys in some of the teams around the game are just horrific and no matter how hard we try there is just no remedy for that kind of abuse. I just mist all up even thinking about it." (Excerpt from recent interview with business weekly, Better Management.)

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