Dunnville Mudcats - Carnival Club
(The following is the second part of the recent interview with Better Management.) "After we decided that a pretend-to-be-serious organization like the Washington Capitals was the best model for our on-ice approach to the game, we turned our attention to the best way to bilk money out of the local fans. Here we chose the typical, "summertime travelling carnival" as our example. You know, that cheap, ragtag bunch of hoodlums that shows up in your local Canadian town to try to vacuum up the spare change brought about by modest economic activity. Lure the kids in. They'll steal from their Dad's wallet and then come in and blow it on cheap thrill rides and crooked midway games for 50 cent teddy bears. Get the kid to go up in the Zipper, spin him around a few times and stand down below and gather up the coins when they fall. That's what we are all about down here in Dunnville."
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