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 Nota de Imprensa

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Canadá Dunnville Mudcats - Relocation

(AP) Not 24 hours after purchasing the Dunnville Mudcats, new owner Liu Ya Ya has reportedly approached PPM officials requesting the Ontario based club be relocated to the Peoples' Republic of China, immediately breaking the multi-millionaire's promise not to move the Canadian team. Tens of local fans held a noisy protest at the Briar Patch's parking lot earlier today, denouncing the new Chinese owner as, "a liar" and, "on the same level as Paul Roedb". Fans vowed to boycott local Chinese restaurants and signed a protest which would be sent to PPM brass demanding that they block the proposed deal. Former owner Mike D'Agostino issued a press release later in the day saying that he, "couldn't care less". Mudcat President and GM Roedb was unavailable for comment.

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