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 Nota de Imprensa

945 369 272
País: Liga:

Hungria Dunaújvárosi Szentek - Double Debute Day for Dunaujvarosi Szentek

One of the debutantes is Tonis Noormets, who will play in the U20 national team for Estonia on the World Championships. He made 7+8 points on 14 games on the U18 World Championships overall, which is the most points for Estonia U18 national team on Worlds.

The another debutante is me, because it’s gonna be the first time to act like a head coach of a national team on the World Championships. Me and my assistant coach ferus90 are going to try to make the most of the current Estonia U20 national team.

Thanks for ferus90 who accepted to help me during whole season long.

The real expectation from my side is to win 1-2 games.

Good luck for Tonis and for the whole team for the next week. It won’t be an easy walk.

Vistas únicas: 5
Avaliação da nota de imprensa: Fraco - Normal - Excelente