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  Zona PRO
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 Nota de Imprensa

946 946 194
País: Liga:

Canadá Calgary Chinooks† - Welcome to the new managers

Welcome to PPM, guys.

If you want to discuss with us, either in french or english, here is the link to our league forum:

Don't hesitate to come and ask questions. There's 8 (and counting) of you who have started at the same time. The first 10 days are a bit boring because you can't do any trades or buy players or coaches on the market but it gets a lot better after.

Welcome again and don't hesitate to ask us any questions you have.

Vistas únicas: 25
Avaliação da nota de imprensa: Fraco - Normal - Excelente
A equipa Canadá Oaktown Crusaders† respondeu a esta nota de imprensa: New Managers
A equipa Canadá Hellish Demons† respondeu a esta nota de imprensa: first game