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 Nota de Imprensa: III.3 (Canadá)

2 454 943 262
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Canadá Dunnville Mudcats - Disastrous Press Conference
(The following is a video clip from today's press conference hosted by the Dunnville HR Department at the team's arena, the Briar Patch. HR spokeswoman Miriam Estuary, after a brief, prepar...

Canadá Dunnville Mudcats - New Restaurant Pricing
Dear Fans, In order to celebrate the opening of the Mudcat's first triple-multi restaurant, the club is proud to announce a 20% hike in prices for both the new and the existing restaurants in ...

Canadá Dunnville Mudcats - "Chirpy"
"He should shut his ^#%$ing mouth! We pay Damien to score goals, NOT to go leaking team secrets to the media...". (Mudcat boss Paul Roedb explaining the team's decision to bench rooki...

Canadá Dunnville Mudcats - Team Analysis
"Yeah well you know we really think that we did some things right there last night, you know? We got some goals there and they got a couple early but Al (goaltender Alexander Veronihin) really s...

Canadá Dunnville Mudcats - Public Apology
(The following is an audiocast from this morning's press conference at the Briar Patch.) <Team attorney Ed Valentine is speaking.> "...a sincere apology from my client for the unfo...

Canadá Dunnville Mudcats - Mudcat GM Falls from Executive Box
(AP) (The following is a homemade video from tonight's home game between the Dunnville Mudcats and Habs27.) <A shaky camera shot shows a red faced, angry and clearly intoxicated Paul Roedb...

Canadá Dunnville Mudcats - Rough Reception
"%$#@ them. They should be good little fans and cheer when we win and shut up when we lose. Their collective hockey IQ is not high enough to be judging our team's performance." (Insu...

Canadá Dunnville Mudcats - Unique Blend
Dear Fans, The Dunnville Mudcats are proud to announce the introduction of our new, "Unique Blend" sausage mix for the Briar Patch hot dogs. After twice failing to meet Ontario Health...

Canadá Dunnville Mudcats - New Mascot
(AP) The Dunnville Mudcats unveiled their new team mascot before last night's home opener, introducing Rev, the club's official team cat. The feline was the unofficial winner of a competiti...

Canadá Gold Fish† - Thanks
Goldfish is thankful for all of the very tough competition that has forged this team into the team it's today. It's been a long tough swim, upstream. I expect to see everyone patient and...

Canadá Explosion† - Bull Shit
I cannot believe how much fun it is to move a league! You work your ass off to get killed. no thanks!

Canadá Vancouver Canucks 12792 † - Berners set for succesful season
The Aylmer Berners franchise is looking forward to this season after the new GM took over the team with a few games left in Season 3 and a few blowout losses to follow, they responded with 6 straight ...

Canadá Cougars de Montréal† - Cougars Champion!
Après un match à sens unique contre les Duke Blue Devils 8 à 1, les Cougars de Montréal sont sacrés Champions de la Div.III.3! Le staff de l'équipe et son comité directionnel félicite l'ensemble de l...

Canadá Calgary Flamez† - underdogs
Despite a late league entry the mooseheads organization is confident it will not only make the playoffs but do some damage. Watch out III.3

Canadá Cougars de Montréal† - Le Cougars de Montréal toujours au top!
Après s'être fait éliminé en Coupe du Canada contre les Montreal Sasqwach mardi dernier, le Cougar de Montréal ouvre cette nouvelle semaine de championnat en remportant un match à l'extérieurs contre ...