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Уједињено Краљевство Manchester Zombies† - Zombies beat top of the league

Manchester Zombies made their promotion intentions clear last night with a close fought 4-3 win over top of the league Allmighty.

The game, played in front of a full house for the first time in Zombies history, means that the title is not unrealistic and the Zombies are hoping that Allmighty slip up elsewhere as we go past the halfway mark in the season.

The Zombies have also released their new away jersey and are looking at different options for a new home jersey for the start of season 6

Појединачни прегледи: 7
Саопштење за јавност рејтинг: Лош - Нормалан - Одличан
Тим Уједињено Краљевство Manchester Zombies† одговорио је на саопштење за јавност: Into the Playoffs for Zombies