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Ово саопштење за јавност је одговор на саопштење тима Канада BlackWings Legion†: Season 6 Playoff!!

Канада BlackWings Legion† - Major Arena Investments

In order to remain competitive on the quality of the show provided to their supporter, Black Wings Legion team direction invested 20M in their infrastructure.

DG Mathieu Vallée said "This new arena will have 2000 seats, a cooling system that will give better ice and faster gameplay, and press boxes. Goal for next year is to make the series and be competitive, our budget will include massive investement in highly skilled palyers"

We will see what next season brings to this team!

Појединачни прегледи: 12
Саопштење за јавност рејтинг: Лош - Нормалан - Одличан
Тим Канада BlackWings Legion† одговорио је на саопштење за јавност: Season 7 Starting!