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Канада HADES HOUNDS† - Nagoya is back with new Name

After a year away from managing a hockey team, Robert Bouchard has been re-hired by his former team in Nagoya but the team has changed name to Nagoya Sea Dogs.

"It will be very interesting to run a team again since it been a while. It will take time to build up into a contender and find our feet." commented Bouchard.

"We start our first real game against a Boucher team so with a nick name rights on the line we expect a real battle. I want the right to be know as Bouch and we need this game to allow this nick to happen." added Bouchard.

"We have a young team to start with but with time we will look to add players via transfers or simple develop the players we have. Time will tell on how fast we can improve this team." finished Bouchard as he head towards the training rink.

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