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Уједињено Краљевство Dunwich Black Blades† - Dunwich Black Blades Enter III.16

After a lot of redevelopment over on the east coast of Suffolk there comes a new team to the league. The 'Dunwich Black Blades' have been the 'brainchild' of local Businessman, Meridith Moor for sometime.

'The whole community is behind us. We have a new site that will be refurbished into 'The Deep' over the next few weeks. We have some excellent youngsters on our books and the whole project is really something to behold', he said.

'Dunwich', of course was a town on the east coast that was consumed by the sea centuries ago. And many local legends talk of hauntings and other dark dealings in the area. We look forward to seeing this team in the forthcoming season.

Појединачни прегледи: 6
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