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САД Marion Steamengines† - The Winding Down

Dropping another disappointing road performance today, we caught up to the Marion Steamengines owner/GM Himanoco to get his feedback.

"I'd really like to have a couple of those road games back. Taking nothing away from the Jones club or the Caroll teams but I really thought we could have pulled those games out.

"That being said, we'll most likely split the last two games of the season, finish near the bottom, and plan on season 10 like we've been doing since we moved in.

"I know that there is some disappointment. Heck, I'm disappointed so I'm sure several of you are too. But it's the holidays and we're going to spend it with the ones we love, doing what we love. From all of us here in Marion to all of you, Merry Christams, Happy New Year, and good luck in the playoffs. We'll see you there next season."

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