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САД flyers dream team† - First Mississauga Majors game a major success

The Mississauga Majors, a new team in the USA III.16 division, has won their first match 8-3 against the Oakland Tigers. The team's owner, who was the owner of the successful Mississauga Ice Dogs in the USA second division until almost a year and a half ago (after they were folded), finally returned to professional hockey and gave Mississauga a pro hockey team once again.

They will have to work hard to become what they once were, but early signs are positive after yesterday's momentous debut game for the Majors after defeating the Tigers by 5 goals. All the former Ice Dog fans are coming back to the Hershey Centre to support the team in their effort of gaining promotion, despite the team's late entry into the division.

Појединачни прегледи: 13
Саопштење за јавност рејтинг: Лош - Нормалан - Одличан
Тим САД Charlotte Whale 79050 † одговорио је на саопштење за јавност: Red Shirts win at home.