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Шпанија Rockwall Rangers† - Western Conference South Champions of League III.11 - Rockwall Ranger’s Press Conference at the Blacklands Railroad Arena (24-4-2012)

Transcript from Rockwall Ranger’s Press Conference at the Blacklands Railroad Arena (24-4-2012).

(President & General Manager Nicholas Nix)

Good evening and thank you all for joining us here tonight; and we would like to congratulate the Western Conference South Champions, your Rockwall Rangers on their great win tonight! The Rangers have advanced to the final four and to the Western Conference Championship Series!

The Rangers will play the first game of the Conference Championship in Galicia, on Wednesday, and will come home for Game 2 on Friday here at Blacklands Railroad Arena. On Friday all fans in attendance will receive the official shirt of your Rockwall Rangers Western Conference South Champions!
This is exciting for all the fans that will get to see a Conference Championship game for the first time here in the Blacklands Railroad Arena.

Thank you all, and Go Rangers! (Pres. & G.M. Nix)
End of press conference

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