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Уједињено Краљевство The Assassins† - The Assasins are happy to be apart of this league.

A qiuck message from the Assasins G.M Stefan Watkins.
To all the fans of The Assasins. I know we are 11 games into this long season I am very pleased with the postion the team are in.
I would like to give are Fans a very Big thank of there surpport so far,I also hope they contiue this to the end of season.
I would also like to tell them that the arena will have a new cap of 800 and that they would give the new burger stand and club shop a visit in the near furture.

Појединачни прегледи: 12
Саопштење за јавност рејтинг: Лош - Нормалан - Одличан