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Ово саопштење за јавност је одговор на саопштење тима САД Highland Kings†: Welcome to the Highland Kings!

САД Hyland Hills Jaguars† - Troubles With Jaguars Goaltending

As of the Game against the Greensboro Flames on November 21st, the Jaguars lost 3 to 1 in what should have been a close game. What's interesting is, all three of Greensboro's goals were when Hyland goalie Kerry Whitney was out of his net playing the puck! Yes, that's right, he was out of his own net. As a result, the Jaguars are playing their rookie Tate Brandt in the next game.

Појединачни прегледи: 10
Саопштење за јавност рејтинг: Лош - Нормалан - Одличан